Struggle in Russia

Chapter 998 Guaranteed Reliability

Li Xiao's face looked very ugly, because the news Muravyov brought was so bad. He initially thought it was just a few over-energetic students venting their joy, but who would have thought that they were actually preparing to carry out a terrorist attack? Yes, these are completely two properties.

Of course, he didn't feel particularly strange about this, because this was the tradition of Tsarist Russia. For the violent fighting nation, oral sex and other things were really too low-level. If you want to get high, you have to do it with live ammunition, which is an attack. A powerful person?

This is called a few things. Real Russian men always like to make big things. Killing the Tsar would be fun!

Li Xiaoxin said: Fortunately, these bastards did not target Alexander II and the coronation ceremony. If they really wanted to cause trouble on that occasion, it would be really fun.

But he still had some doubts. Obviously, the coronation ceremony was the most important event in Russia at the moment. If something happened there, it would definitely attract the attention of the whole country, no, it would probably attract the attention of the world.

For those irritable students who always like to cause trouble, wouldn't it be more in line with their taste to cause trouble during the enthronement ceremony?

"Maybe the investigation in Moscow is stricter and they have no loopholes to exploit, right?" Muravyov thought for a while and replied.

Li Xiao pondered for a moment, not particularly agreeing with this conclusion. The security level for the coronation ceremony was indeed strict, but the security level in St. Petersburg was not much worse. After all, Alexander II and his family had not left yet.

But after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out. After all, sometimes the brain circuits of progressive Russian youths were impossible to predict. Maybe they made a decision in a flash of their brains?

"Are all targets locked?"

Li Xiao decided to arrest first and ask questions later, to nip the danger at its inception. However, Muravyov shook his head and said: "It's not that simple. My informant only got vague information. He only knew that there was a The forces are making preparations, but the specific people in this force are not clear.”

Li Xiao felt more and more strange. Since the informant told Muravyov that it was indeed true, he should have definite evidence. Not to mention knowing all about the people of that organization, at least he should know a few things. The name of a key person? .

But Muravyov said that he knew nothing, only vague information. So how could he determine the reliability of this vague information? What if it's a rumor?

"Perhaps the news is too shocking, and he would rather believe it than not?" Muravyov thought for a while and replied.

Li Xiao thought for a moment and then asked: "Isn't there more specific information?"

Muravyov nodded: "Yes, it is reported that these guys usually operate in the library of the Academy of Sciences."


Li Xiao's mind was full of questions. What kind of secret activity organization would choose a place like the library as its activity location?

According to his knowledge and experience, a place like a library with complex flow of people and difficult communication is not suitable for secret activities. On the contrary, various clubs or private salons, as well as newspaper editorial offices and other places are the favorites of clandestine activists.

At worst, you can conduct secret activities in your own home or apartment. How can you go to a public place?

Li Xiao felt more and more that this report was unreliable. Could it be that he had encountered a group of rookies who were boasting?

But no matter whether you meet a rookie or not, don’t let go if you make a mistake, because sometimes rookies can also get lucky. For example, Alexander II, if you look at how he was assassinated, you will find that luck is really bad. Hard to say. When he was unscathed by the first assassination, if he didn't run out to check the situation with overconfidence, he would probably not have died.

So even though the news Muravyov brought was a bit unreliable, he decided to check it out to avoid making mistakes.

"How are your people arranged?" Pobedonostsev looked at Prince Dolgoruky angrily.

To be honest, he would not want to hand over the task entrusted to him by Alexander II to this person if he could do anything about it.

Not only was it a matter of appearance, it seemed that Pobedonostsev was incompetent. What's more important is that there is no way to hide this situation from Alexander II.

Once Alexander II knows that Duke Dolgoruky has this ability, Pobedonostsev will most likely have nothing to do with such tasks in the future!

Don't underestimate this kind of dirty work, because the third part is originally for the Tsar's liver. If you can't even do your job well, what's the use of you?

Pobedonostsev was very worried that Duke Dolgoruky would threaten his position if he was too capable, so even if he had no choice but to rely on this guy, he did not give him a good look.

As for Duke Dolgoruky, he naturally saw Pobedonostsev's displeasure, but this made him feel a little secretly happy. Isn’t what the enemy hates the most and makes him happiest?

So he replied happily: "The arrangements have been made, and the news has been sent to Grand Duke Andrei through reliable channels. As long as he is not deaf or blind, he will notice it soon."

The smile on Duke Dolgoruky's face made Pobedonostsev even more disgusted, and he immediately struck darkly: "It's best this way, but are your people reliable? If the news leaks out, it will be screwed up." Errand, you know the consequences!"

Come scare me again! You think I'm scared!

Duke Dolgoruky felt a little dissatisfied, but he knew that his strength was far different from that of Pobedonostsev. There was no benefit in going toe-to-toe with him at this time. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. He has time to wait!

"They are all reliable veterans who are most familiar with the habits of those chaotic parties. It is not a problem to confuse the fake with the real!"

Pobedonostsev glanced at him again. The more confident Duke Dolgoruky became, the more unhappy he became. But for the time being, he had an excuse to deal with this nuisance, so he could only endure it.

"Okay, then you should hurry up and do it. Your Majesty is waiting to see the results! Don't let me and Your Majesty down!"

Disappointed in your sister!

Prince Dolgoruky spat in his heart again, feeling more and more that Pobedonotsev was a bastard, but he did not dare to be careless, because Pobedonotsev was right about one thing, Alexander The second generation is waiting to do things beautifully for the sake of the future.

After he had made a calculation in his mind, he immediately returned to his office, found a reliable confidant and carefully warned: "This mission is no small matter, you must not be careless in the slightest, please be careful... By the way, how is the progress? What was the reaction to Part 3 of St. Petersburg?”

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