Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1001: Grievance (Part 2)

Alexander II really had a problem with Duke Vorontsov because the Duke asked him to surrender. You must know that Alexander II did not want to surrender at all at that time, but in the end he had to surrender under pressure.

He thought this was a great shame and humiliation, and he not only hated Britain, France and Turkey for causing him great loss of face, but also hated the people who persuaded him to surrender, including Duke Vorontsov.

Not only that, Duke Vorontsov also has another poisonous point that makes him hate him, that is, he is a die-hard pro-British faction. If you think about it, this is not just adding crime to crime, so why not make Alexander II hate him.

This time, although the suggestions put forward by Duke Dolgoruky and Pobedonostsev were a bit unremarkable, it just made the petty Alexander II angry, so he naturally agreed without thinking.

"According to the Duke's schedule, he will go to the Ministry of War the day after tomorrow. We can definitely ambush him halfway!"

Pobedonostsev frowned. Although he was the one who proposed the attack on Duke Vorontsov, he actually did not agree with the attack. It was just that he had no choice but to do it.

Duke Dolgoruky now said that he would attack Duke Vorontsov on the way, and he disagreed very much: "No! Open assassination on the street, the impact is too bad!"

Duke Dolgoruky disagreed and said: "What we want is this kind of influence, otherwise how can we mistake the fake for the real?"

Pobedonostsev insisted: "That's too much. There are so many people watching on the street. What is the nature of this? What if something bad happens, how will you explain it?"

Duke Dolgoruky replied nonchalantly: "What's the point? If we don't do this, how can we attract the attention of the Third Department of St. Petersburg and put pressure on them?"

Pobedonostsev frowned again and said displeasedly: "Then you can't mess around like this, otherwise we won't be able to explain it when the time comes!"

Prince Dolgoruky curled his lips and thought that Pobedonostsev was just too timid. He didn't dare to do this or that. He had tied up his hands and feet for the third part. What else could he do? work?

"Your Majesty has agreed. There is nothing that cannot be done." He simply brought up Alexander II to talk about the matter. "It would be dereliction of duty if we fail to complete the tasks assigned by His Majesty!"

Pobedonostsev stopped talking, which must have really frightened him. He wanted to fulfill Alexander II's orders but didn't want to make too much noise, which was inherently contradictory.

In other words, he still has a traditional civil servant style and is not very adaptable to the rules of conduct in the third part. This is also the fundamental reason why he has been passive since taking charge of the third film.

But as a bureaucrat, he also has two skills, and he immediately began to blame the blame: "Since you insist, then you will be solely responsible for this matter. If there are any mistakes or troubles, you will be the only one to blame!"

Prince Dolgoruky was very angry. He knew very well that Pobedonostsev neither wanted to take responsibility nor miss the credit. Shifting all the responsibilities to him, taking him for the blame if something goes wrong, and getting ahead of him when he has made a contribution, this is so shrewd! .

But he was not stupid, and immediately replied: "It's okay to let me take charge of everything. Please inform Your Majesty. As long as Your Majesty agrees, I am willing to shoulder all the responsibilities!"

Duke Dolgoruky calculated that Pobedonostsev would not agree to this condition. If he really informed Alexander II like this, the latter would immediately know what Pobedonostsev was up to. How can his contribution be remembered? Maybe he will be kicked out of the third part as soon as this matter is over.

Naturally, Pobedonostsev could not agree: "Why do you have to ask again and again about something that your Majesty has already agreed to? Isn't this wasting your Majesty's time! If you are timid, just say it straight away, don't waste your time by beating around the bush! "

Duke Dolgoruky immediately retorted with a sneer: "How can you call me timid? Aren't you the one who is timid? It's you who don't agree to act in the street. What does this have to do with me! Anyway, I have to ask His Majesty for instructions, or Don't say anything about making me take full responsibility, there is no such reason!"

Pobedonostsev was choked, and it took him a long time to reply: "Okay, if you want to do it, just do it. Anyway, I don't agree with this!"

To put it bluntly, he still didn't want to take responsibility. Duke Dolgoruky immediately sneered: "After that, don't be so shameless as to say that it's all your fault! I will note your opinions on the memo day!"

Pobedonostsev was also annoyed at this time and snorted with him: "You can make any remarks as you wish. Anyway, if something goes wrong in the end, I only ask you!"

Needless to say, the two fell out. One simply went his own way, while the other made a mental note to prepare for the final reckoning.

However, the operation continued, except that Pobedonostsev did not participate and Prince Dolgoruky was fully responsible. Of course, Pobedonostsev also forgot to help add to the trouble. Duke Dolgoruky couldn’t move anyone except for his own department. If he really wanted money, he wouldn’t give it to anyone who didn’t ask for it. Give it to him. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Naturally, nothing big can be accomplished in this state of cooperation, but this is also the daily routine within conservatives. Everyone is busy targeting each other and dislikes each other, and there is no synergy at all.

Naturally, their actions couldn't be hidden from Li Xiao's eyes: "Are they really planning something?"

"Yes, Peter Nikolayevich has been moving around Duke Vorontsov's estate, constantly inquiring about the Duke's daily schedule, and seems to be paying close attention to the Duke."

Li Xiao was surprised. Duke Vorontsov had long since passed away. Although he had considerable influence, he was not a die-hard reformist. Even if he didn't like him in the third film, it was unlikely that he would do anything against him. Because the gain outweighs the loss!

"you sure?!"

"I am very sure that there are already more than a dozen spies from the headquarters operating around the Duke's estate, each with a gun. It looks like there is a big operation. And the so-called radical liberals Maxim mentioned are also among them. , Their conspiracy seems to be against His Excellency the Duke."

Li Xiao touched his chin. What benefits could be gained from the conspiracy against Duke Vorontsov?

Could it be that these bastards want to do something big?

If Count Rostovtsev guessed correctly, their fundamental purpose is to try to keep him in St. Petersburg. A case as big as the assassination of Duke Vorontsov must be seriously investigated. Looking at it this way, it is really a good excuse to keep him. .

Thinking of this, he made a decision and ordered decisively: "Act immediately and closely monitor every move of these guys to prevent them from being detrimental to His Excellency the Duke!"

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