Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1015 Resentment

The question of who would supervise Pobedonostsev and Prince Dolgoruky was settled, but the troubles these two brought to Alexander II did not end.

The failure of the mission not only failed to keep Li Xiao in St. Petersburg, but also forced Alexander II to reward someone for meritorious service against his will.

What's worse is that there is not enough time. The coronation ceremony is approaching, so you can't really pretend to be stupid and not send invitations, right?

In short, Alexander II was angry and annoyed. After breaking several precious Chinese porcelain in anger, he reluctantly sent out the invitation.

Of course, even if he sent it, he did not forget to disgust Li Xiao, because the invitation letter was sent, but he did not reserve a special train ticket for someone to watch the ceremony, which meant that Li Xiao had to find his own way to Moscow.

"What a petty person!" Li Xiao said to Alexei contemptuously, "Does he think I can't go to Moscow without giving him a ticket?"

Alexei shook his head and said: "I'm afraid not. Your Majesty is treating you differently on purpose, just to tell everyone that he doesn't like you."

This analysis is spot on. This is what Alexander II meant. He believed that as long as the aristocratic circle understood this information, he believed that Li Xiao would be ruthlessly marginalized in the future. He believed that no one would be stupid enough to know that he, the tsar, did not like a certain person. People still insist on getting close to someone.

This move is also damaging enough, and it can indeed create some trouble for Li Xiao, at least it can create a lot of trouble for him to open up a situation in the aristocratic circle of St. Petersburg.

"Let him go, he is the tsar, no one can stop him," Li Xiao curled his lips and said, "But he is too naive to think that he can seal me off like this!"

Why does Li Xiao have the confidence to speak like this? The reason is very simple. In politics and official circles, everything else can be faked. Only one thing is eternal, and that is eternal interests.

As long as you can create enough benefits, even if you are a heinous bastard, there will be a lot of people rushing to like you and befriend you.

On the contrary, even if you are a good person or the reincarnation of a saint for ten generations, but you cannot bring enough benefits or simply hinder the benefits, then it is not a dream to be disliked by everyone.

In short, everything in this circle is profit-oriented, and whoever can create enough profits will be the heartthrob.

Although Li Xiao is not yet a millionaire, it is not particularly difficult to be appreciated by some discerning bosses. For example, the two Dukes Gorchakov, such as Duke Vorontsov, such as Nikolai Milyutin, such as Duke Ordorf.

After these big guys heard that Li Xiao was disliked by Alexander II, instead of distancing themselves from him, they all stepped forward to offer warmth.

Duke Gorchakov and his brother sent him directly to his family's luxury carriage. Duke Ordorf also told him to live in his villa in Moscow. Even Nikolai Milyutin sent him comfort. The most annoying thing It was Duke Vorontsov who pulled Li Xiao onto the special train specially prepared for him by Alexander II without saying a word.

"Aren't you worried that His Majesty will be unhappy?" Li Xiao asked with some curiosity.

Duke Vorontsov curled his lips nonchalantly and said: "What's there to worry about? Old man, I have finished my official position and title. No matter how much I try to flatter others, they won't even look at me. In that case, there is nothing to worry about." of?"

This statement is very true. Duke Vorontsov was at odds with Alexander II in terms of political leanings and handling style. So although Alexander II politely arranged a special train to pick him up, it was just a show. Who made Duke Vorontsov's reputation too high?

Prince Vorontsov joked with a smile: "You have offended His Majesty at such a young age. How do you plan to live in the next few decades?"

Li Xiao shrugged: "I can live my life as I should. Soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. I can't kill myself just because some people don't like me, right?"

Duke Vorontsov burst out laughing. Speaking of his life, he was really important in the era of Alexander I. By the time of Nicholas I, he was basically sidelined because of his disagreement with the Tsar.

So when it comes to how to deal with wrong bosses, he has a lot of experience, and to be honest, he really doesn’t like Nicholas I’s tactics. As for Alexander II, he doesn’t have much contact, but considering this Since taking over the throne, the new tsar has basically followed the path of his father. He even felt that he lacked courage because of the procrastination and hesitation on reforms.

Naturally, he didn't have a good impression of Alexander II, especially the assassination case against him that Li Xiao solved this time. When he figured out the twists and turns, his view of Alexander II became even worse.

No matter how you say it, he is a dignified duke and has made numerous meritorious deeds, yet to have trouble with him for such a trivial matter is that you don't take him seriously at all.

As he said himself, at his age and status, there is nothing to worry about. Since you, Alexander II, don’t take me seriously, then I naturally won’t take you seriously either. Don't you hate it when someone deliberately refuses to give you a ticket?

Then I'll just use the special train you sent to drag someone along, and let's see what you can do! M..

This is a bit of a challenge, but only a veteran of his status and position has the qualifications to challenge him. Others either don't have enough status or don't have the courage.

Li Xiao also understood why Duke Vorontsov treated him so much, and joked: "Aren't you afraid that if His Majesty is unhappy, the rank of marshal will not be given to you?"

Vorontsov felt angry when he mentioned this. If you look at his resume, he had an expedition to Persia and participated in all the wars against Napoleon. In 1812, during the Great Patriotic War, he was already a division commander and participated in the brutal Boluo. He was seriously wounded in the Battle of Zino. After recovering from his injuries, he was promoted to lieutenant general and participated in the Battle of Leipzig. After that, he invaded Paris and became the commander of the Russian occupying forces. In 1823, he became the governor of Crimea.

Ordinarily, with his resume and achievements, he should have been qualified for promotion to field marshal. But who would have thought that after Alexander I passed away in 1825, Nicholas I would no longer like to see him, so that Paskovich, who was junior and less meritorious than him, was promoted to marshal in 1829, but he was still just a marshal in 1855. Army General.

A veteran general of more than 20 years!

He survived Nicholas I to death and retired. After the great defeat in Crimea, Alexander II had to promote him to marshal in order to win over people's hearts.

Can you tell me whether Vorontsov can have no resentment about this?

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