Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1033 Unexpected

Li Xiao was shocked because he never expected that Kornilov would tell him such breaking news. Are the restless guys in Moldavia and Wallachia about to cause trouble?

Thinking of the recent international situation, Li Xiao felt that things might not be that simple, because he couldn't say what happened to Moldavia, but his military police in Wallachia were still very powerful, except for some that were not suitable for eradication for the time being and those that were deliberately left behind. Except for the conspirators who came down, there was almost no way out for other guys trying to make a name for themselves.

But recently, he has not heard from Anton that other gangs are active, but Kornilov obviously will not lie to him. Since these guys have obtained so many explosives, they must have been active for a long time. .

Clearly something is wrong here!

Li Xiao pondered for a moment and asked, "Have you ever found out the whereabouts of your comrades?"

Kornilov nodded and replied: "Yes, after being sentenced, this guy confessed many accomplices and involved many people..."

Li Xiao looked at Kornilov suspiciously, because normally he should tell him who his comrades were, but when it came to this, Kornilov hesitated, which showed that there was a big problem!

Li Xiao asked: "Is there anything wrong with these people?"

Kornilov smiled bitterly and said: "Well, that's quite wrong. Let's put it this way, there are some Bulgarians. The rest are Wallachia and Moldavia, but these people..."

"What happened to these people?"

Kornilov sighed and said: "These people are not rebels in the traditional sense. On the contrary, they actually have a good relationship with us. The reason why they smuggled weapons and explosives is not to subvert Moldavia and Vara." Jiya..."

Okay, Li Xiao understood everything at once, understood why Kornilov was hesitant to speak, and why these people were not rebels in the traditional sense.

Li Xiao asked coldly: "Are they planning to disguise themselves as Turks and carry out an attack?"

Now it was Kornilov's turn to be surprised, because he had already spoken very cryptically. He thought that Li Xiao would not understand the twists and turns without further explanation. Who knew that he had just begun? People just told the results.

He was so surprised that he blurted out: "How do you know?"

Li Xiao curled his lips and said: "What's so hard to guess? You said they are not a rebel party in the traditional sense, and their attitude is so ambiguous. It is obvious that the identity of this group of people is very sensitive. Contact the current The international situation, so their identities are not clear at a glance!"

Li Xiao's analysis amazed Kornilov, because the military police of the Black Sea Fleet analyzed and verified these situations for a month. But with someone, it's just a matter of a few sentences. I have to say that someone is really awesome.

Kornilov replied leisurely: "These guys are preparing to disguise themselves as Turks and attack key targets in Moldavia and Wallachia, including you!"

Li Xiao was stunned by these words, because he still knew himself. He was just a commander of the military police. Although he had a lot of power with Alexei's support, his apparent influence was just that. . ....But Kornilov told him clearly that he was a key target, which was very strange. Because according to common sense, the key targets of Wallachia and Moldavia, in addition to the grand dukes of the two countries, are the Russian governors stationed in the two countries. When assassins want to assassinate or attack, these four people should be their first choice. No matter what, it's not his turn...

Thinking of this, Li Xiao suddenly frowned, because he suddenly realized another possibility, could it be said?

Kornilov saw the change in Li Xiao's expression and knew that the other party had figured out the inside story of the matter again. He smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that you have thought of it again."

Li Xiao curled his lips and said: "What's unexpected? It seems that some guys in the country are eyeing me and can't wait to please some people..."

can't read? The thing is actually very simple. These Bulgarians, Wallachians and Moldavia who are preparing to attack by pretending to be Turks are actually easy to analyze. They are just a bunch of conspirators who are ready to help Russia find excuses to repair Turkey.

In their view, as long as they pretend to be Turkey and attack Russian targets, Russia will have sufficient excuses and reasons to teach Turkey a lesson, which is naturally good for them.

Of course, there must be some behind-the-scenes driving forces behind these people. Without the support of certain forces in Russia, these people would not dare to do this. So which side does the Russian force supporting them belong to?

If you look at who is particularly interested in Pan-Slavism and who is most supportive of Nicholas I in repairing Turkey, you will know who is behind the scenes.

To put it simply, he is a conservative. There are many orthodox fanatics among the conservatives. Like Nicholas I, they are driven by religious intolerance and religious obsessiveness, and they only want to engage in crusade or jihad in the new era. This is the group of people who are clamoring for maximum pressure on Turkey and even war.

And there are not only a few conservatives who don't like Turkey, but also Alexey. There are also a lot of people who don't like Li Xiao, the most loyal henchman of Nicholas I.

So this group of people was ready to take advantage of this opportunity. On the one hand, they could find a reasonable excuse for Nicholas I to start a war, and on the other hand, they could also eradicate some dissatisfied elements.

Think about it, if Li Xiao was killed, Nicholas I would not be overjoyed. And Li Xiao is a grand duke no matter what, and an important member of the Romanov family. Such a person died in a Turkish assassination in Wallachia. Doesn't Turkey need to be responsible?

And Alexey, the Grand Duke Li Xiao died in an assassination. Doesn’t he, the Governor, need to be held responsible?

It can be said that assassinating Li Xiao killed three birds with one stone. It could frame Turkey, hold Alexey to account, and please Nicholas I. What is there to hesitate about? ..

This move is really too poisonous. If these people can really do it, they might be able to achieve satisfactory results. It's just that this group of guys suffered heavy losses from the beginning. They couldn't even pass the test of the military police of the Black Sea Fleet. Their quality was really not that good.

However, Li Xiao also knew not to be careless, because this is really a loophole. The focus of his military police is on Bulgaria, Turkey, Britain and France, and to a lesser extent, anti-Russian elements in Wallachia and Moldavia. It's really Not particularly the domestic guys.

Li Xiao only guarded against this group of people coming from abroad to cause trouble. He didn't expect that there would be people in the country colluding with them. Otherwise, how could the military police not have any information? Looks like he has to make adjustments….

Tinplate reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

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