Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1046 The situation is not good

How to let Prince Vladimir evade capture in the third part is a key question. If there is no way to solve this problem, what if we find the Duke? In the end, Pobedonostsev was not in vain.

Vishnyak and Alexey were silent because they couldn't think of anything for the time being.

After a while, Vishnyak said with some frustration: "Then just don't look for the Duke. I think he is quite safe now. Let Pobedonostsev have a headache about this matter!"

But Alexey shook his head and said: "No, Duke Vladimir is only temporarily safe. Once the third part is still unable to find anyone, the efforts will definitely be increased, and it is not without smart people among them. Sooner or later, you will think that someone is protecting Duke Vladimir, and it is only a matter of time before you find him!"

Alexey is right. For the third party or the state apparatus, once they decide to accomplish something, they will definitely devote all their investment.

At that time, there was no way to compete with personal power, and it was really only a matter of time before Duke Vladimir was found out.

"It won't take them long," Li Xiao also sighed, "I think it will take a day or two at most for them to react. By then..."

The heavy pressure made Vishnyak and Alexey frown. There was not much time left for them. They had only two days to find Duke Vladimir and try to send him out. , how difficult it is!

Of course, the most anxious person is not the two brothers, but Victoria. When Li Xiao told everything about the cause and effect of the incident as well as his analysis and judgment, the princess was stunned.

She never imagined that her father would be so reckless. Yes, she knew that Prince Vladimir was a lower-body animal, and his mind was not only about reproduction but also about reproduction, but she felt that no matter how smart he was, he wouldn't be able to compete with the Tsar for women.

Have you never thought about the nature of this?

But that old fool just did it, and he did it more than once. Vishniak was able to find only three of them, and God knows how many more he didn't find!

It can even be further inferred that he could not only attack Alexander II's women, right? Could Nicholas I escape?

When I think about the fact that my father may have given countless colored hats to the two or even three previous czars, Victoria feels like she is going to burst into conflict.

If Duke Vladimir were in front of his daughter at this time, Victoria would be able to send him to heaven without Alexander II's intervention!

Of course, these are all angry words. Victoria knows very well that there is a big mess in front of her. It is too late to complain and complain now. The most important thing now is how to remedy the situation!

"Do you think His Majesty will let my father go?" Victoria asked suddenly.

Li Xiao wanted to comfort her, but the reality at this moment was so cruel that any understatement of comfort was useless.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Based on what I know about His Majesty, there is a high probability that the Duke will not be spared!"

Victoria was silent. She knew that Li Xiao would not deceive him, but she could not do it while she watched Duke Vladimir being tortured to death!

After a moment of silence, she asked: "Is it useful for me to plead with His Majesty?"

Li Xiao looked at her and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid you can't even go to the Winter Palace, how can you plead for mercy? Even if you take a step back and say that you can enter the Winter Palace and see His Majesty, I ask you, how do you plan to serve His Excellency the Duke? Where's the plea?"

In fact, Li Xiao hasn't said anything even worse yet. In his opinion, even if Victoria meets Alexander II, it's meaningless. Let's not talk about whether people know you or not. Even if they know that you are a princess, so what? Why should he give you face? Is it because your father gave him a green prairie? .

Li Xiao felt that Victoria was completely humiliating herself by going to see Alexander II. Maybe she originally just wanted to deal with you, but after seeing you being so clueless, she might deal with both of you!

Your family was really neat and tidy at that time!

Fortunately, Victoria didn't completely lose her bearings. She still understood such a simple truth. In fact, she understood it too well. Since their family has been in trouble, what is the attitude of those relatives who are in a mess?

To put it mildly, it means that dogs look down upon others.

Think about it, even your own family members are like this, let alone the czar who was cheated?

After thinking about it, Victoria showed a tangled and embarrassed expression. She seemed to have thought of some way, but this method made her very resistant. But in the end, she gritted her teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I know this request is presumptuous, even almost rude...I...can you put in a good word for my father and ask His Majesty to let him go?"

Li Xiao seemed to have expected Victoria to say this, because he didn't show any surprise at all.

He sighed and said: "You may not understand my relationship with His Majesty... Although I have the title of Grand Duke, I am not close to Your Majesty. I can even tell you that Your Majesty hates me... I will not help the Duke. It may not be a big deal for you to plead for mercy, but as long as I do this, Your Majesty may punish Your Excellency the Duke even more severely..."

Victoria was dumbfounded, although she could vaguely feel that Li Xiao, the Grand Duke, was a bit unworthy of his name and was not as noble as she imagined. But at that time, I thought it might be that Li Xiao and his son were too prodigal. She was very clear about the consequences of a noble prodigal. You can understand it all just by looking at her careless father.

Just now, Li Xiao told her the real reason very straightforwardly, which made her both surprised and disappointed. Her vision went dark and she almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Li Xiao quickly caught her with his quick eyes and hands, and ordered the servant to bring a sniffing bottle and tossed her around. Victoria just barely missed being pinched and she woke up slowly.

But Li Xiao could tell that this girl was like a lightning strike, and she was stunned. After being silent for a long time, her tears kept rolling like broken pearls.

Even though Li Xiao was not a sympathetic person in the traditional sense, he felt a little distressed. He wanted to comfort Victoria, but the words came to his lips but he couldn't say them. Because he knew that what Victoria needed most now was not comfort, and that would be useless.

Li Xiao sighed again and said slowly: "Actually, I think it would be meaningless to directly beg His Majesty. The latter would rely on connections to plead for mercy... Not to mention that Your Majesty is very angry, and it is impossible to be arrogant. Just rely on connections, you Who do you think would dare to intercede for His Excellency the Duke in this situation?"

Victoria's expression became more and more ugly, and she had obviously realized that most of the nobles in the world were married to men with red hats and white caps. It was possible to be the icing on the cake, but it was really rare to find help in times of need...

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