Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1070 It is not recommended to do this

Alexander II became more and more obsessed with power. He began to look more and more like his father, starting to act like a real emperor instead of a sniveling crown prince.

He increasingly understands the importance of power, and any behavior that undermines his power will not be tolerated. Even if the situation forces him to endure it, he will remember this debt and must repay it twice as much in the future.

Count Shuvanov made such a mistake. He thought he gave Alexander II a good solution to the problem. But I didn't expect that Alexander II actually didn't like this so-called good idea.

Think about it, the emperor can't even deal with a crappy duke who steals a woman from him, and he still has to tolerate people jumping up and down to disturb him. This is something that even an ordinary man, not to mention the emperor, can't stand, okay?

But Count Rostovtsev was different. He basically grasped the psychology of Alexander II, said the right words at the right time, and then gained the emperor's love and trust.

Look at him, did he really do something? Did you really come up with something?

No, he has no ideas and no suggestions. Look at what he said. It is really the same as what Pobedonozsev, Duke Dolgoruky and Count Shuvanov said before. What's the difference?

nothing! The only thing he did was to seize the opportunity to cater to Alexander II's wishes.

But he was the only one among these people who gained the trust of Alexander II. What do you mean this is?

Alexander II took out a breath and felt refreshed, his head no longer hurt and his heart was no longer aggrieved. He asked happily: "Do you mean to continue the current strategy and continue to apply pressure until that bastard collapses?" ?”

Count Rostovtsev replied: "This is the most upright strategy, which is to crush them openly and completely grind those scum into powder!"

Alexander II nodded and asked, "Is there any way to speed up this process?"

Count Rostovtsev replied calmly: "Then more manpower and material resources must be invested! For example, let the army join the search, but this will also attract widespread attention."

Alexander II weighed it for a moment and gave up the idea: "This is still too ostentatious and can easily cause chaos. The last thing we need now is turmoil!"

Count Rostovtsev didn't say anything, he just stood there calmly, as if waiting for Alexander II's order, but he seemed to be just dozing off.

Alexander II would definitely not have liked such a state before he ascended the throne. He felt that such ministers were too old and lethargic, with most of their bodies buried in the earth.

But after being the emperor for a while, he realized that this kind of courtier who usually doesn't hum or look like a sleepyhead is the cutest. He's not too busy and doesn't even talk much. He doesn't need to worry too much at ordinary times. When something happens, he can just tell others to keep their heads down and do it. What a lovely person!

"Can you put pressure on Countess Maria Murapova?" Alexander II asked cautiously. "Count Shuvanov thinks that Duke Vladimir must be hidden by her. If you can let her Just ask and you will find Prince Vladimir..."

"Yes!" Count Rostovtsev replied seriously, "but I don't recommend it!"

Alexander II wondered: "Why?"

"Because Countess Maria Murapova is your Majesty's friend after all," Count Rostovtsev replied calmly, "You should not be too harsh on your friends, even those who have made mistakes. If If you do that, how will others view you, and who will dare to be friends with you in the future?"

After a short pause, he continued: "What's more, doing this will make the scene ugly!"

Alexander II understood. It is not impossible to put pressure on Countess Maria Murapova, but pressure will inevitably lead to some unsightly actions. These actions will have a chain reaction, and people outside will gossip about it. , and when he hooks up with other confidantes in the future, they will also remember this incident. These people have to consider whether they will end up like Countess Maria Murapova if they make you, the emperor, unhappy in the future. As a result, maybe it won’t be so easy for you to hook up with your confidante again in the future!

This is no joke. European aristocrats, especially high-ranking aristocrats, have many strange hidden rules when it comes to "affairs." One of the most important ones is that you are willing to give in. As long as the woman doesn't nod, even if you are the emperor, you can't overpower the king.

People have the right to refuse, so even if Alexander II wanted to seduce a girl, he still needed technical means to coax him, and he couldn't just go through with it.

Once these women think that flirting with Alexander II is too risky, they can really let him hang out there.

Therefore, Alexander II really shouldn't treat Countess Maria Murapova too harshly. As Count Shuvanov said before, torture would be like killing oneself in love, and he definitely couldn't do that.

Therefore, how to scare Countess Maria Murapova without making outsiders think Alexander II was too much? This kind of right pressure is particularly difficult to master.

Count Rostovtsev then bluntly told Alexander II that this was simply impossible and it was best to be cautious.

Alexander II understood, he smiled awkwardly, and asked calmly: "Can't you do it too?"

Count Rostovtsev shook his head and said: "What I can do is probably similar to Count Shuvanov, which is to have a good chat with the countess, try to explain the interests clearly, and let Duke Vladimir Take the initiative to stand up and admit your mistakes!”

Alexander II was stunned. If his ears were fine, he remembered that Count Shuvanov had said that Duke Vladimir should come forward to clarify the facts, while Count Rostovtsev had said that he should admit his mistakes.

This is a huge difference. If he admits his mistake, then Alexander II can really accept it. After all, has his face been saved?

Suddenly he said anxiously: "Then I will take care of you at this time..."

But Count Rostovtsev interrupted him: "Your Majesty, I haven't finished what I said just now. Although you can do it, I still don't recommend it!"

Alexander II said in astonishment: "Why is this?"

Count Rostovtsev replied calmly: "First, this is still not an upright approach. Second, I think the countess may not be as easy to deal with as Count Shuvanov imagined!"

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