Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1131 Old and cunning

A blizzard turned Kiev into a city covered in snow, but no one appreciated this beautiful snow scene. For the hungry Kiev people, this unexpected blizzard made their situation even worse .

You don't have enough to eat, but now you have to freeze to death. Who can bear this?

In such a time of hunger and cold, people's hearts are even more restless. Many things that they dare not think about have become dare to think about, and many things that they dare not do are no longer so scary.

The rationality that locks down desires inevitably becomes looser and looser, and people become bolder and bolder.

This is not a good thing, at least for Ulanov, it is very bad!

"Are those mud-legged people becoming more and more dishonest?" he asked angrily.

Nikolai Ivanovich cautiously replied: "He keeps shouting that he is hungry and wants this and that."

Ulanov nodded and said: "This is normal. It seems that the porridge is not thin enough. If you are really hungry, then you have the energy to shout. The oatmeal can be reduced by another 20%. Then they will be honest!"

Nikolai Ivanovich hesitated to speak. Obviously he did not agree with this approach, but he did not dare to disobey Ulanov's order.

Ulanov glanced at him sideways and sneered: "What? You don't agree?"

Nikolai Ivanovich quickly explained: "No, I don't dare. I just think that these clay legs are still needed for the time being. If they are so hungry that they can't stand firmly, they will be of no use."

Ulanov said contemptuously: "They are just a group of cannon fodder and consumables. They will be finished sooner or later. Spending any more money on them is a waste!"

He changed the subject and suddenly asked: "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

Nikolai Ivanovich quickly replied: "Get it done, those guys are really planning to do harm to you. I gave them a little hint and they took the bait!"

Ulanov snorted coldly: "These idiots, I know they are dishonest. Tell me, what do they want to do?"

Nikolai Ivanovich replied: "They want military advice..."

He was interrupted by Ulanov before he finished speaking: "What military advice! They just want to rebel! They just want my money. I know their thoughts very well. I'm afraid they still want to kill two birds with one stone and solve it." You and I still want to eat my money!”

At this point, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. When a city as big as Kiev fell, someone must be responsible for the fall... They are just the right ones. Killing them will be an explanation to His Majesty." Got it!"

He chuckled sinisterly: "Are people from outside the city coming?"

After Nikolai Ivanovich hesitated for a moment, he cautiously replied: "Not yet, but it will probably be soon. There is no reason why they should not agree to the conditions you proposed last time!"

Ulanov nodded, pondered for a moment and then said: "Then you should pay more attention and notify me as soon as you have any news! By the way, you should also keep an eye on those restless guys. , I guess they will take action soon!"

Nikolai Ivanovich immediately replied: "Yes, I will pay careful attention to their every move."

At this point, he hesitated again, but this time he had the courage to ask: "Do you really believe those rebels? Do you believe they will keep their promise and let us leave?"

Ulanov smiled contemptuously and said: "Of course, I gave them Kiev for free. I can get such a big city for free without a single shot. What else can I be dissatisfied about? Besides, there are so many nobles of all sizes in Kiev. Rich businessmen, who is not a fat sheep? Who am I compared to them? As long as they let us leave safely, these will all belong to them. Is there any better deal in the world than this? "

Without waiting for Nikolai Ivanovich, he added: "Besides, with you here, as well as your city guards and more than 20,000 regular troops, it's not like we don't have the ability to protect ourselves!"

Nikolai Ivanovich stopped talking. Although he still didn't agree with this plan, there was nothing wrong with Ulanov's explanation. Besides, it seems that this is the best way out now. This is all we can do.

After bowing respectfully, he carefully exited Ulanov's study. Looking at the magnificent Governor's Palace, all kinds of feelings came to his heart.

Who would have thought that this place would fall into the hands of the rebels soon? Who could have known that it was the Governor who caused all this?

When he thought of Ulanov, he felt a thousand emotions in his heart. He was afraid of this person but couldn't live without him. Without Ulanov's promotion, there is no way he, a small soldier born as a serf, would have become a general commanding tens of thousands of people.

But as he got closer to this person and got to know him better, Ulanov made him feel deeply afraid. Think about it, he actually gave up on a city like Kiev. What else could he not dare to do?

Nikolai Ivanovich's fear was very correct. Ulanov was definitely more terrifying than his apparent greed. He was too sinister, shameless and cruel. After Nikolai Ivanovich left, he immediately called his confidant butler:

"Is the ship ready?" he asked.

The steward immediately replied: "We are all ready. There are three steamboats in total. They can set off within an hour as long as you give the order!"

Ulanov nodded and ordered: "Load the things in the warehouse onto the ship and be ready to sail at any time!"

The housekeeper was surprised and asked, "Are you leaving now?"

Ulanov closed his eyes and nodded: "It's a bit fast. Who would have thought that the snow would come at such a bad time?"

Yes, according to his original plan, he was prepared to hold on for a while longer, but this heavy snowfall became the last straw that broke the camel's back. In this situation, if he didn't leave quickly, he might be attacked by the angry nobles. And the citizens of Kiev were torn to pieces.

Assessing the situation is also one of his strengths. Although Kiev still has a lot of oil and water to squeeze out, what's the use of having more oil and water if his life is gone?

"If you send someone to keep an eye on Nikolai Ivanovich, you can't completely believe this guy!" After thinking about it, he warned again.

The housekeeper was surprised and said: "He has second thoughts?"

Ulanov chuckled and said: "That's not true, but you have to be careful. Besides, he knows too much, and we can't let him leave Kiev alive! Do you understand?"

Poor Nikolai Ivanovich, I'm afraid he never thought that he was also on Ulanov's death blacklist. He also foolishly thought that Ulanov would really go overland with his troops. Leaving Kiev!

After telling the housekeeper to pay close attention to Nikolai Ivanovich, Ulanov suddenly asked: "By the way, how did the people in the house conduct the inspection? How many people with second thoughts were found?"

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