Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1136 The Governor invites you

Gendarmerie Headquarters?

Ulanov was silent. Since he took office as governor, there are only two departments in Kiev that are impenetrable. One is the Third Department of Ukraine, and the other is the Kiev Gendarmerie Headquarters.

Especially the latter once made him worried. The reason is very simple. If the governor wants to firmly hold his position and control Kiev, he must have a violent agency on hand that is completely obedient to his orders.

For example, the police and military police are the forces he needs to control most. But what made Ulanov very depressed was that the Kiev Gendarmerie Command did not buy his account at all. At one point, he was ready to dismiss or transfer Anton, but as soon as he made a move, the pressure from above came on, so he had better be careful not to provoke Anton.

From that time on, he knew that Anton had a deep background, and he had always been very afraid of him. Of course, he was always on guard, for fear that Anton would do something to him.

At this moment, when he heard Anton's military police making a move, he immediately became nervous and asked: "There is a move? What move?"

The housekeeper replied with a grimace: "Staff are transferred frequently, but I don't know exactly what to do..."

This answer naturally did not satisfy Ulanov. He asked unhappily: "Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on him? Is this what you do?"

The housekeeper quickly explained: "Of course I followed your instructions and kept an eye on their every move. But as you know, the military police headquarters is heavily guarded and cannot be approached at all. And you also told us to be careful. Qian You must not be noticed by him, let alone have a direct conflict, so..."

Of course Ulanov knew that what the butler said was true, but he didn't want to listen to these excuses. What he wanted was the result.

Suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he reprimanded unhappily: "So you just stayed passive and did nothing, right?"

The butler was startled and quickly explained: "Sir, I'm really not slacking off, but the military police headquarters is really heavily guarded and difficult to approach!"

Ulanov waved his hand to stop the butler from continuing to argue. He was not interested in listening!

"If you can't do even the smallest thing well, what's the use of you! If it weren't for your hard work over the years, I definitely wouldn't be able to spare you this time! Pass my order and ask Colonel Anton to come over!"

The housekeeper was stunned and reminded carefully: "Isn't this too eye-catching? What if he refuses to come over?"

Ulanov snorted and said contemptuously: "Won't come over? Why wouldn't he come over? I'm the governor, and he dares to disobey me when I ask him to come over!"

This sounds domineering, but only Ulanov himself knows that he is actually not that confident. If he has already defeated those who tried to fight against him, he really does not dare to show off the governor in front of Anton. shelf!

As he said that, he snorted again: "It's better not to come. It just means that there is something wrong with him, and it saves me the time of testing!"

I have to say that this guy Ulanov is really cunning, and his wishful thinking came crashing down. If Anton doesn't come, there's something wrong. He's either trying to make a name for himself or he's got something up his sleeve. No matter which possibility it is, we have to guard against it. Just use the excuse that he didn't obey the governor's order to deal with him!

What if Anton comes? That's simple, at least it shows that he has no problem, not to mention that the Governor's Mansion is easy to get in and out of!

In the end, Ulanov didn't feel that he would suffer a loss. He would be invincible whether Anton came or not!

So did Anton go or not?

Of course Anton went. After all, Ulanov was the governor. As a subordinate, not going would be disobedient and disrespectful. This was a very serious mistake. What's more, what Ulanov did today can be hidden from ordinary people, but not from him. He knows very well that no one in Kiev can confront him head-on. Regardless of his righteousness or hard power, Ulanov has an absolute advantage.

As the saying goes, if the arm can't twist the thigh, a head-on confrontation is simply a matter of hitting a stone with an egg, so Anton wouldn't be so reckless.

After receiving the order, he went there openly and stood in front of Ulanov single-handedly.

To be honest, Anton's calmness made Ulanov a little scrupulous. He originally could not see through the connections and power behind Anton, and now he feels that the power behind this person is unfathomable. Otherwise, how could he be so calm?

But he felt it was a pity that you asked Ulanov to give up this opportunity. After pondering for a while, he decided to test it out first.

"Colonel, do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Anton glanced at him and replied calmly: "I'm not sure. What happened?"

While Ulanov studied Anton's expression, he muttered to himself: "Damn it, do you really know nothing or are you just pretending to be crazy? Don't think you can get away with it!"

Ulanov snorted heavily and reprimanded: "Colonel, you disappoint me so much! As the commander of the Kiev Gendarmerie, you shoulder the power of inspection, but today some people openly mutinied in an attempt to respond to the rebels outside the city, and You, the commander of the military police, are completely unaware and have no reaction at all. Is this how you serve the country?!"

Anton felt like Ming Jing, wondering why he didn't know what Ulanov's big idea was. If he continued to say something without knowing anything, he would be charged with dereliction of duty first. Next, Ulanov took the absolute initiative, and the rest of the matter was naturally left to his mouth.

What? Do you think Anton can take the initiative by admitting that he is aware of it?

You're stupid, this answer will make you fall into a trap, because Ulanov will immediately ask: Since you discovered it, why didn't you take countermeasures? Why not report to him as the governor in time?

How did Anton respond at that time? That’s when it was said that nothing was wrong!

Anton was naturally not that stupid. He asked calmly: "Your Majesty the Governor, do you mean that someone is engaging in conspiracy?"

Ulanov said with a straight face: "Yes, a group of unreasonable clowns tried to challenge the authority of the empire, and I have captured them!"

Anton immediately asked: "Really? Who were involved?"

Ulanov snorted: "There are quite a few of them, and they are all officials of the empire. There are dozens of people up and down. I ask you, why are you unaware and inactive about such a big thing? I see you They are their accomplices!”

Ulanov felt that Anton would be a little panicked if he put so much pressure on him, but what made him completely confused was that Anton was not nervous at all and could not see any sign of fear. That was called a Calm down, what's going on? Does this guy really have anything to rely on?

For a moment Ulanov himself hesitated...

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