Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1147 Persuasion

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Li Xiao didn't mean to be angry at all, not only because he could understand the thoughts of people like Vishniak, but more importantly because he had self-awareness. As an ordinary passerby who had accomplished nothing before time travel, he knew very well that he His ability is average and his willpower is average. Even if he is familiar with history books and knows the direction of history, this does not mean that he will be able to fight against all kinds of dissatisfaction after time travel. If he is so awesome, why bother to time travel? Wouldn't it be great if the original time and space could show off its talents and become a blockbuster?

Anyway, he doesn't have the idea that he is awesome. What this world lacks most is all kinds of geniuses. These geniuses have amazing performances even in backward time and space. Why is he, a nobody, looking down on others? People are smarter than you, harder working than you, and have more perseverance than you. How can you be proud of the world just because you came from time travel? You really think Lady Luck is your mother!

Li Xiao's positioning of himself is very accurate. He can eat as much as he has an appetite. He leaves professional matters to professionals. He has to do everything personally. He is a domineering and domineering horse who looks down on the world. Then forget it. He is neither Zhuge Liang nor does he want to be Zhuge Liang. , unite all the talents who can be united, and use the historical perspective of the time travellers to be a leader.

So Li Xiao naturally doesn't expect Vishnyak to bow down to you with just a few words. He's not a big-eared thief with all the charm attributes. What's more, everyone is an adult and none of them are simple-minded. Why can't he just listen to a few words from you? Are you willing to go all out and follow you? Not only do you have some glorious achievements, you have to be able to see the future of the blueprint, right?

Naturally, Li Xiao can't produce high-quality results now. After all, his status as a grand duke is so embarrassing that it would be a failure, so he can only talk about long-term planning:

"If you want to do something, you must first have people. No one is just talking! So the first thing we do now is to unite a group of people who are willing to work with us. This is the most important thing at the moment, and there is no one!"

Boris listened vaguely and felt it made sense, but with his IQ, he just felt it made sense, but he couldn't tell why it made sense. But Vishniak was different. His IQ was still online. He interrupted lazily: "I said, it is impossible for the centrists of the 748th Regiment to help you for the time being. Your Excellency, can you say something useful?" Yes, this is nonsense, okay!”

"This is not nonsense!" Li Xiao corrected him seriously, "And what I just said about uniting people doesn't just refer to frustrated parties like you. I know that you have no confidence in me for the time being, and there is no way you can give me anything. I would like any help.”

Vishniak finally became interested and asked, "Who are the people you are talking about?"

Li Xiao gave it up and asked: "Who has the most people in the 748th group?"

Vishniak said in astonishment: "My God, you are not talking about those scum, are you?"

Li Xiao snapped his fingers and imitated his previous tone: "bingo! Those are the guys!"

Vishniak burst out laughing and said with a sneer: "Your Excellency, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Didn't anyone tell you what those scum look like? Unite them? What's the use of uniting a bunch of rubbish? It's a waste. Food?”

Boris thought for a while and agreed: "Those guys are really terrible. They don't stand or sit together. They look more like beggars than soldiers. They are useless!"

Li Xiao sighed in his heart. This is the pain of time travellers. People with vision beyond the times can easily be regarded as madmen and fools. Even the elites of the era like Vishniak are still limited by the times and cannot see the power of the masses. They always feel that the people at the bottom are uneducated, have low quality, do not understand various advanced doctrines, and have no revolutionary beliefs and pursuits. They can only be passively driven and have little effect.

And Li Xiao has seen the greatness of the power of the masses. Take the Russian Revolution as an example. The Decembrists, the Popular People's Party, and the Socialist Revolutionaries struggled for decades and failed to do anything well. Why did the Bolsheviks rise to the occasion? Has the world changed? The key reason is to fully mobilize the masses and unite the broadest forces in Russian society around them. What else can't be done in this way?

If we can mobilize widespread unity and educate the masses well, the power will be inexhaustible. The so-called elites like Vishnyak are not aware of this at all. They only think that there is a problem in Russian society, and they know that it needs to change, but they are at a loss as to how to change it. It was so naive that it placed all its hopes on the Tsar, thinking that it could rely on the Tsar to carry out a top-down reform.

But previous history has proven that this road will not work. During the period of Alexander I, Russia's progressive aristocrats were already aware of the problems in the country and knew that reforms were needed. Even Alexander I himself had this awareness.

So reform was put on the agenda, and the famous Count Speransky became the leader of the reform and introduced a series of reform measures, such as the establishment of the Serfdom Reform Committee, such as the promulgation of the "Introduction to National Law of 1809" and the "National Code of 1809" Draft", preparing to follow the Western path of constitutional monarchy and separation of powers.

The results of it? Under various obstructions from the anti-conservatives, this reform basically came to nothing. Even the powerful Count Speransky himself rushed to Siberia to repair the earth.

Later, Alexander II also had to reform, which was also a top-down reform. What was the result? give up halfway! In the later period, His Majesty turned around and turned back, completely destroying the results of a reform that was not considered thorough in the first place.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to carry out top-down reforms in Russia and rely solely on a few progressive elites to get things done. Because the power of those few elites is too weak. Compared with the huge conservative forces, they are not worth mentioning. They can do one or two things with the endorsement of the tsar. Once the tsar slacks off and regrets, everything will be lost. stop.

The only way to truly change Russia is to fully mobilize and activate the broad masses, use the power of the masses to destroy those decadent and backward opposition parties, and completely drive them off the stage of history. Only in this way can we achieve success!

Li Xiao was very clear-headed. He would not follow the failed path of those "predecessors". He did not want to do useless work and waste time and energy on Alexander II. Therefore, he attaches great importance to the power of the masses, and also believes that the historical experience of those "predecessors" who later succeeded can be absorbed and used. Therefore, mobilizing the masses is the only feasible way to break the situation in which he is so poor and useless. He must do this, and he can only Do it!

Of course, the problem now is that he has to convince people like Vishnyak. After all, he alone cannot mobilize a few people.

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