Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1211 Let them be happy for a while

Odonrich didn't know that he actually aroused Dmitri's exclamation. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't feel anything. To him, Dmitri's appreciation and regret were not worth a dime.

Indeed, given his current status, unless he voluntarily surrenders like Sergey the Long-Legged, he will definitely be dead.

What's the point of the enemy's admiration when everything is doomed?

What's more, Odonrich has no intention of surrendering at all. The reason for his rebellion is very simple: revenge on the nobles and landlords. It is obvious that their family is diligent and hardworking, but they are tortured by the landlords until they are naked. She didn't have enough food to eat, and even because of her sister's beauty, the master took notice of her, so a bully came to attack her. She didn't say anything afterwards, but she was even beaten to death by the master's wife who was jealous of her. died.

What are you waiting for if you don't rebel against this kind of world?

Anyway, it felt so good when he followed Boss Pridong into the master's house and slaughtered all the children in his family.

Odonrich was a little obsessed with this feeling, so he took the initiative to do it later, and even rushed to do it.

More importantly, he succeeded every time, which gave him an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and boosted his self-confidence.

In his opinion, the so-called aristocratic lords are just a bunch of noobs who are just relying on their ancestral power to scare people. As long as you are not afraid of fighting them with real swords and guns, they will pee in minutes and are even more cowards than the worst cowards. .

In other words, in his eyes, Liebnoye's enemy is just a slightly more powerful rookie. As long as he is a little more serious, the opponent will collapse, so surrender? Totally impossible!

Odonrich is indeed very tough. After the first wave of attacking troops was frustrated, he personally led the second wave of attacking troops and rushed forward.

I saw him holding a carbine in his left hand and a saber in his right hand, rushing to the front with murderous intent. This was no joke, because the dense rain of bullets came like a pouring rain. You can see him charging at the rebels on both sides. A large area of ​​the army was defeated in a matter of minutes.

A few bullets even flew past his scalp. If he was just a little bit off, it goes without saying that he would definitely hit his head.

But this son who is worthy of the goddess of luck, similar situations happened one after another, but every time it was just a hair's breadth, he just rushed to the front unscrupulously and rushed into the Russian trenches with the saber in his hand. One swing cut down a defender.

Before the other defenders could react, he slashed and killed like a tiger out of its cage, clearing a trench in minutes.

"It's really tough!"

Dmitri sighed again. Judging from his expression, he probably felt more and more that Odonrich's situation was such a pity.

However, Li Xiao didn't feel much about it. It is true that Odongliqi was indeed very powerful. In ancient times, he would have been a fierce general at the level of Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. Not to mention that in modern warfare, when faced with hot weapons, even ancient cold weapons interacted with each other. In the era of fighting, the value of personal bravery is not particularly high.

It is absolutely impossible to have a situation like Mo Cao Wushuang where one person kills an area. In a large group battle, even if you have ten thousand enemies on the battlefield, you will be exhausted to death.

If you want to rely on the power of one person to change the situation of the war, it will be difficult even for the chosen one!

Not to mention that in the era of hot weapons, a bullet or a shell can wipe out your life, and personal bravery is so low that it can be ignored.

In Li Xiao's view, if we want to improve the combat effectiveness of the Russian army, we can never rely on one or two strong men. Instead, we must greatly improve the quality of ordinary serf soldiers, so that they can know a few more words so that they can have enough food every time. They are equipped with some useful weapons and equipment, which is much more effective than trying to find macho men.

Of course, he also admitted that Odonrich was indeed quite fierce. You see, after clearing one trench, he led his men and horses to rush to another trench. If Dmitri hadn't ordered mortar support in time, he would have used fierce artillery fire. If you repel it, it is really possible for this guy to break through three lines of defense in a row.

"What kind of cannon is this?"

Odonrich, who was squatting in the trench, carefully raised his head to observe the situation on the battlefield. The violent explosion stimulated his nerves. This was the first time he encountered an exploding shell since the rebellion.

The solid shells and shotgun shells fired by the Russian artillery in the past did not have such destructive power. He saw with his own eyes that a shell landed in a trench not far away, and then the five or six soldiers in the trench who were hiding with their heads covered were instantly restored. It has become a part state.

In the past, he had only heard of being shattered into pieces, but today he had finally seen what it means to be shattered into pieces.

"I don't know, General, this ghost cannon is too... too scary!"

It was more than scary, it was like a scythe that harvested lives. Odonrich thought that the charge just now was stable, but a hail of bullets fell and immediately wiped out a group of the bravest soldiers under his command.

If all his enemies had such firepower, it would be a one-sided defeat for those of them who were charging. It is almost impossible for anyone to survive such a barrage.

Although Odonrich is very fierce, he is not only fierce. A literary point of view is that he is thick but also thin. He is thick when he should be thick but he can also be thin when he should be thin!

He immediately stopped the meaningless charging and fighting, and began to carefully observe the Russian army's position. After watching it for a long time, he came to a conclusion: the enemy's position was very well built, with almost no loopholes to exploit. If you fight hard, you will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Where are our cannons?" Odonrich asked.

"According to your instructions, they are setting up positions and setting up artillery. It will take about ten minutes before they can enter the battle."

Odonrich nodded and ordered: "Let them hurry up, I will only give them ten minutes! In ten minutes I will see them hit the enemy's head with a cannonball!"

I don’t know whether his order had an effect or the quality of his artillery was good. Ten minutes later, the first round of artillery shells did come out of the chamber, but the accuracy was a bit poor. Most of the shells fell in front of the Russian position.

Apart from stirring up some dust, I just heard a noise.

However, Odonrich didn't particularly care. After all, most of the artillerymen of the rebel army had become monks on the way, and it was normal for their hands to become wet. Anyway, his artillery shell reserve was sufficient, so it would be better if he adjusted it a few more times.

Li Xiao also observed this and immediately asked: "Should we order the artillery to counterattack and knock out the opponent's artillery?"

Dmitri shook his head and said with a smile: "There's no need. Our position is very strong, and I think most of their artillery are 6-pound and 12-pound cannons, with limited lethality. Just in case we scare them away. Sorry, let them be happy for a while first!"

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