Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1217 Attack and Defense (continued)

In the dark and cold night, the battlefield that had been fiercely fought all day finally fell silent. There was not even a sound of chirping. It seemed that they were too frightened by the fighting during the day to make a sound.

According to Li Xiao's suggestion, Dmitri invested a large number of troops in the counterattack, and the time was chosen at 2:30 in the morning.

This time is when people are most sleepy. Even the sentry feels like his eyelids are shaking, let alone the rebels who have exhausted their energy.

They were so sleepy that they almost closed their eyes. Naturally, they were unable to detect the approaching large groups of enemy troops. Even these enemies who had little experience in night fighting were panicked.

Yes, the Russian soldiers were indeed a little panicked, because the battle during the day was so cruel. The continuous hand-to-hand fighting resulted in corpses strewn across the fields. They were also frightened by the rebels' fierce fighting power. They felt that these people were worse than the demons in hell. It's even more terrifying. Where can I still have the confidence to win?

This is also the key reason why Li Xiao suggested that Dmitry must launch a sneak attack to regain the position tonight, because it is very likely that his troops will collapse when faced with the aggressive offensive of the rebels at dawn.

The best way to curb the trend of collapse is a victory. Only victory can allow soldiers to overcome the fear in their hearts and let them know that the rebels are not invincible.

Dmitry listened to the advice and organized the night attack seriously. More importantly, the rebels were too tired and never thought that the Russian army would attack in the middle of the night.

So it was too late when those dozing sentries finally realized that something was wrong and started to warn. The hordes of Russian troops quickly crossed the last obstacle and swarmed over, catching the sleepy rebels off guard in an instant before they could figure out what was going on.

By the time Odonli in the rear reacted and organized a counterattack, it was already too late, because the number of Russian troops was too great, and Dmitry, the chicken thief, also ordered artillery to suppress the rebel reinforcements in the rear, which was Odonli. Even with three heads and six arms, they couldn't defeat the huge Russian army.

In just twenty minutes, the second line of defense lost during the day was recaptured. This greatly enhanced the morale of the Russian army, and more importantly, caused heavy losses to the rebels again.

Of course, regaining the position does not mean that everything will be fine. On the one hand, Dmitri ordered the troops to strengthen their vigilance to prevent the rebels from sneak attacks. On the other hand, the soldiers quickly repaired their positions to prepare for the fierce battle the next day.

He believed that Odonrich would never give up and would definitely copy today's tactics during the day tomorrow, which would inevitably lead to another bloody battle.

"There are still too few barbed wires and too few mines," Dmitri sighed sincerely as he looked at the devastated position: "If I had known better, I should have brought more!"

In fact, even if Dmitri wanted to bring more, it would be impossible, because a backward agricultural country like Russia cannot produce wire at all, and the output of landmines is also quite limited. The ones currently used are all Crimean War stocks. According to the plan of the Ministry of War, the Russian army will not think about large-scale replacement of new equipment in the next two or three years, and will still have to make do with old equipment.

Li Xiao also feels that although equipment is very important in a war, equipment still cannot completely determine the outcome of a war, especially in land battles. The party with backward equipment can use factors such as terrain and weather to weaken the advantage of the party with better equipment. As long as it is organized properly The same can be won.

For example, Dmitri's biggest problem now is not insufficient equipment, but low people's morale and morale.

However, these can only be adjusted slowly. At least this night attack has achieved the intended goal. It seems that the energy of the Russian soldiers has finally recovered, and they are no longer as confused and panicked as before.

On the other side, Odonrich was about to vomit blood. He gave away the results of a day of bloody battle in just twenty minutes. Especially when he saw the Russian soldiers rushing to repair the fortifications like crazy, he was full of anger and anger. Bitter.

He couldn't blame his soldiers for not working hard. After all, they had been fighting fiercely for a whole day. It was normal for them to slack off. Moreover, the main reason was that he, the commander, did not expect the Russian army to sneak attack. In the final analysis, it was still his problem.

Anyway, he firmly remembered this moment. No matter what the situation, he must be more cautious, otherwise no matter how hard he puts in, it will be in vain.

"General, how about we also make a sneak attack and kill them to give them a taste of our power?"

Odonrich also had this idea, but after seeing the high alertness of the Russian army, he felt that there was little hope. What's more, the soldiers were too tired. If they didn't take the time to rest, how would they have the energy to continue fighting during the day tomorrow?

After thinking about it, he ordered: "The black dog is heavily guarded and it's hard to find an advantage. Just send a few people to harass it."

According to his idea, it is impossible to make a sneak attack to regain the position, but even if it cannot be done, it cannot make things easier for the enemy. A side attack to disturb you, at least making you sleepless is still a victory.

It can only be said that Odonrich's idea was good, but the actual effect was not good, because Dmitry had much more troops than he did. At five o'clock in the morning, he ordered the troops to change defenses, which made the front-line troops who had been nervous all night They retreated to rest and sent new troops to replace them.

These troops were naturally full of energy after eating well and sleeping soundly. On the other hand, it was different for Odonrich's side. They had worked hard all day, and then they were tortured miserably by the night attack. In the middle of the night, they had to harass the Russian army and had to strengthen their security. The most important thing to prevent the Russian army from stealing the house again is that the troops are limited and there is not enough reserve team. Naturally, everyone is as depressed as eggplants beaten by frost.

This also made Odonrich directly give up his intention to launch an attack immediately, and could only order the troops to continue to rest and recuperate, hoping for a showdown in the afternoon.

But how could Dmitri let his troops have a good rest? They will make sneak attacks at every turn, or else they will order artillery fire to harass you. Anyway, they will not let you have a good rest.

This continued until noon, which made Odonrich so furious that he wanted to rush over and bite him to death.

"General, the troops need to slow down for a while, otherwise they will continue to rest today!"

Odonrich rejected this suggestion without hesitation. He knew very well that the Russian army on the opposite side could not give him a chance to breathe, and would definitely continue to harass them. If not, they might even launch a night attack today.

He had already suffered a loss yesterday, how could he continue to be fooled?

What's more, in his opinion, although the troops are very tired, they are not without the strength to fight. As long as they can retake the position in one go, and then be careful at night, they can penetrate the enemy's defense line in one fell swoop the day after tomorrow, and won't victory be achieved by then? ?

On the other hand, if something goes wrong again tonight, it will be like having spent these two days in vain, so we must attack no matter what, and we must take the initiative!

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