Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1221 Self-knowledge

Kuludong picked his teeth carefully and said casually to his subordinates who came to report the news: "Is the information true? This guy Odonrich is indeed surrounded by black dogs?"

"It's absolutely true, and we also encountered the black dogs. They are building fortifications in the north, like they are building a fortress."

Kurudon nodded. This news made him feel a little relieved. Although he belonged to the rebel army Odonrich in Poltava and belonged to Sumy, the two cities were not far apart. The most important thing was that the two had fought before. Communicate.

Yes, Kuludong and Odonrich had an intersection, but it was not particularly pleasant. The reason was that he was ordered to go north to grab territory, but he bumped into Odonrich, and the two sides squared off and fought.

The result was that Kuludong, who was outnumbered, was beaten away in embarrassment. Kuludong suffered heavy losses that time, but the most important thing was that he felt that he had lost face.

Yes, when talking about the most capable rebel generals in the Sumy and Poltava areas, I would definitely say that there is Odonlich in the north and Kuludong in the south. But after that battle, no one mentioned this again. Well, everyone always thinks that the only strong player is Odonrich, and as for him, Kuludong is just a clown.

To be honest, this made Kuludong very hurt. He has been holding his breath to earn back this face!

But this time, he felt it was a good opportunity.

Look at Odonrich being surrounded by black dogs and being tortured like a dead dog, while he, Kuludong, traveled thousands of miles to save the friendly troops in danger. If word of this spread, wouldn't he be able to outdo the other party?

Thinking of this, he immediately issued an order: "Order the entire army to turn north and capture Srebnoye!"

Upon hearing this, the subordinates immediately became anxious and immediately reminded: "But our target is Piliatin!"

Kuludong waved his hand carelessly and said: "Piliatin can't escape there. It won't be too late to go after we capture Srebnoye!"


Kuludong waved his hands forcefully and said: "Nothing but, capture Srebnoye first!"

Dmitri and Li Xiao never dreamed that Kuludong would target them because of a personal grudge. As his 30,000-strong army turned to Srebnoye, the battle to siege Odonrich might be over again. It’s a pot of raw rice!


Dmitri was also baffled when he heard the news, because he didn't take the initiative to provoke this Kuludong. Why was he so excited and came here? Could it be that each of these rebel bastards has superb military literacy and understands the truth behind the scenes?

"It's confirmed that our advance troops have exchanged fire with the rebels in Kuludong. According to their reports, there are many enemies!"

This is another piece of bad news. The large number of enemies means that the main force of Kuludong is here. According to intelligence, there are more than 30,000 people in Kuludong. Not to mention that all of these people are here, just one or two. Everything could be bad!

"None of these damn rebels play their cards according to common sense. One Odonrich will be very difficult to deal with, and then there's Kuludong..."

Dmitri didn't finish speaking, but Li Xiao knew what he was worried about. Now their main force was encircling Odonrich. There were only four to five thousand people blocking Kuludong in the south. It would be difficult for this small force to rely on simple fortifications. Withstand the impact of Kuludong.

Li Xiao also felt that it was difficult. The battle had reached this point, and Odonrich was about to be destroyed, but suddenly a troublemaker came out. If he spit out the fat in his mouth, his work would not be in vain. ?

Thinking of this, he replied firmly: "We can only resolutely block Kuludong, and then eliminate Odonrich as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us!"

Dmitri nodded slowly. He had thought about retreating at first, but the failure to defeat Piliatin had hurt his morale. Now he gave up halfway in Srebnoye, which would be a huge blow to him. reputation and morale.

It would be fine if his troops were only Russian troops. The problem is that they are also supported by a large number of surrendering rebels. These people are unreliable. Once they think that the Russian troops are incapable of quelling the rebellion, they may turn around and rebel again.

Wouldn't this make the situation completely worse?

Therefore, this battle must be fought, and it must be won. Only by annihilating Odonrich can we prove to all the rebels and surrenders the power of the Russian army, and prove that confrontation with the country is a dead end!

Thinking of this, Dmitri strengthened his determination, agreed to Li Xiao's suggestion, and immediately issued the latest order to the troops besieging Odonrich - to annihilate the remaining enemies as quickly as possible at all costs!

It was obvious that he was risking his life, which made Li Xiao relieved. He was afraid that Dmitri's attitude would be ambiguous, which would be the most troublesome.

Now that Dmitri was resolute, he had the confidence to win the battle. He immediately said to Dmitri: "Although the most important thing now is to annihilate Odonrich, the sniper battle in the south cannot be underestimated. We must make the best mental preparations, let’s do this, I will personally go to the south to supervise the battle!”

Dmitri naturally knew what it meant to supervise operations. To put it bluntly, he still didn't trust the sniper troops on the southern front. There must be someone with weight to sit there and urge the southern front troops to resolutely complete their mission.

Of course Li Xiao felt relieved when he went to Dmitry, but the danger of the southern front troops facing an attack from 20,000 to 30,000 enemies was not that great. No matter what, Li Xiao was still his friend and the grand duke of the empire, so he couldn't make any mistakes no matter what.

Dmitri thought for a while and replied: "I'll be relieved if you go to supervise the battle. Let's do this. I will transfer another cavalry battalion to you under your direct command. In addition, I will order General Kulontsov to follow your suggestions... …”

The cavalry battalion was actually just in case. If he really couldn't hold on, the protection of a cavalry battalion could help Li Xiao break out of the siege. It was considered that Dmitri was prepared for the worst.

As for General Kulontsov, this is the commander of the sniper force on the southern front and the infantry major general. He performed well in Crimea before and was particularly good at fighting tough battles. He went to the front line several times and led officers and soldiers to repel the attacks of the British and French coalition forces.

Li Xiao made no sense to this arrangement. He knew why Dmitri did not give him the command of the sniper unit. This was because Kulontsov was experienced and had a tenacious style. He was one of the few generals in Dmitri's hands who could fight a tough battle. .

He has a high reputation in the army, and directly parachute Li Xiao to replace him might cause problems.

Li Xiao himself is also self-aware. He has not received professional military education and is actually not proficient in fighting. At most, he relies on the experience of later generations to help him come up with ideas.

If we really let him act alone, the diorama might be exposed. It would be safer to have Kulentsov sit in and help him from the side!

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