Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1223: Playing cards against common sense (Part 1)

Kulentsov was stunned, because what Li Xiao said was exactly his planned battle plan, and he was also preparing to use powerful firepower to teach the rebels on the opposite side how to behave.

This made him take another high look at the other person. It seemed that Archduke Andrei had studied very well in the military academy!

So he smiled and replied, "Yes, Your Excellency, that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Li Xiao nodded and said nothing more. For him, as long as Kulentsov was properly prepared for the battle, that would be fine. His main task is to supervise the battle and prevent Kulentsov from messing around.

Now it seems that Kulentsov's level is still very good, everything is very organized, and Kurudon should not be able to get any favors in his hands.

In fact, the ensuing battle was indeed similar to Li Xiao's judgment. Kuludong's men rushed up in a swarm and were confused by Kulentsov's artillery. They left more than a thousand corpses in embarrassment and retreated hastily. Point of departure.

Even if Kulontsov decisively invests his troops in a counterattack, he may be able to drive them away like ducks.

But Kulentsov didn't do that. He just watched the rebels retreat quietly, then returned to his headquarters, made a cup of black tea and drank it happily.

It seemed that he had no ambition and was very passive, but Li Xiao felt that something was unusual.

It is true that the counterattack may achieve certain results, and it may really make the rebels fall to their feet. But the number of rebels is there, and the little counterattack force invested is likely to hit the main force of the rebels. Although the rebels are all scum, if there are too many rats, they can kill an elephant!

Kulentsov only had a limited number of troops, just over 4,000, and he could not afford to lose. But Kuludong was different, and losing thousands or even tens of thousands of men would not necessarily hurt his bones.

It is most uneconomical to fight against Kuludong, and since the rebels have been defeated and the goal has been achieved, why take unnecessary risks?

In sniper warfare, you have to be as steady as an old dog like Kulontsov, grinding against the enemy bit by bit and consuming the enemy bit by bit until the mission is completed.

Li Xiao's evaluation of this is still very high. It seems that with Kulentsov here, there should be no problems on Kuludong's side.

It's just that this time Li Xiao's judgment went wrong, and Kuludong was more difficult to deal with than he thought. Although I received a blow in the morning, the loss was not small. But he did not give up. On the contrary, he quickly organized a second and third wave of offensive.

He took advantage of his military strength to continuously attack Kulentsov's defense line, just like a mad dog that would not stop at all. Although it could not bite anyone to death, it was annoying to death!

"This guy is really stubborn!"

Even Kulentsov sighed with difficulty, because in one morning, Kuludong launched four rounds of offensives, large and small, and lost nearly two thousand people, but this guy still stubbornly kept repeating and sending people to charge.

Although these charges are ridiculous and look more like death, such waves of charges are really shocking and tiring!

Yes, the 27th Infantry Division felt a little tired, although most of the time it was able to repel the enemy with heavy artillery fire. But artillery cannot fire continuously. There are always some gaps, and these gaps need to be filled by front-line soldiers.

Even if you just keep shooting, it is very tiring, not to mention the tense atmosphere on the battlefield will make people's adrenaline surge, and this thing will be too much!

After a morning of fierce fighting, the soldiers on the front lines of the 27th Division felt physically and mentally tired and desperately wanted to take a breather and rest.

Kulentsov frowned and ordered: "Let the 3rd Battalion take over from the 4th Battalion, and let the 4th Battalion withdraw and rest! Hurry!"

Why fast?

Because Kulontsov saw that Kurudon was already preparing for the next round of offensive. If he did not wait for Kurudon to launch the attack quickly, the 4th Battalion would not be able to withdraw even if it wanted to.

The 3rd Battalion hurriedly carried out Kulentsov's order. Although their movements were already very fast, Kuludong's movements were not slow either. He rushed up at the moment when the 3rd and 4th Battalions changed defenses.

Fortunately, the quality of Kulontsov's soldiers was still good. Although he was a little panicked, he finally stabilized his position and beat back Kurudon.

After putting down the telescope, Kulentsov looked a little grim. He already knew Kurudon's plan. This guy was just preparing to use the wheel tactic to bring him down. I have to say that this was very cunning.

Li Xiao also saw Kuludong's plan, and he also thought that this guy had two tricks. It seems that the reason why this guy got to his current position is quite capable.

Looking at Kuludong and then Odonrich, Li Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought. None of these rebel generals were good. Odonrich was brave and cunning, and this Kuludong could also use his own advantages to assess the situation. .

After thinking about the previous setback in Piyagin, it seems that these rebels are still underestimated. The reason why they can turn Ukraine into a pot of porridge is undoubtedly their ability.

After warning himself not to underestimate the enemy and be careless, Li Xiao looked at Kulentsov. He wanted to see that this defensive warrior was ready to meet this challenge. This was the key to judging his level!

Kulentsov quickly made a decision: "Let the 5th Battalion retreat to build the third line of defense. My requirement is to deploy it in a point-to-point, dispersed manner. Generally, there are more fortifications, but they don't need to be too strong, as long as they can hide people." , focusing on building strong fortifications in key areas as support points..."

Li Xiao's heart moved, and he probably understood Kulentsov's tactics. Was he planning to trade space for time?

Judging from the offensive in Kuludong this morning, although the rebels have a large number of people, they do not have any structure. They just rely on the sea of ​​​​people to make reckless tactics.

For such an enemy, a thin line of fortifications is of little significance. It must be deep and three-dimensional, using a large number of points to consume the enemy's effective strength, and then supporting it with key support points, so that the enemy is trapped in a constant battle of pulling out points. Consume vitality and valuable time.

Fighting like this requires very high quality of soldiers. After all, a large number of enemies are rushing over in a swarm. It is inevitable that the soldiers will be afraid of only relying on thin fortifications as support, and they will collapse if they don't do it right.

Obviously Kulontsov has great confidence in his soldiers, and he is sure that his soldiers can hold on!

This couldn't help but make Li Xiao take a higher look at him. There were really not many Russian generals who could do this. If this set of tactics was really effective, then this Kulentsov might be really a talent!

What Li Xiao and Dmitri long for most is talents. A self-reliant general like Kulontsov who can lead troops and fight is really important. As they gradually approach Kiev and as the front lines lengthen, multi-front operations are urgent. The country needs generals who can take charge of their own affairs. For example, although Li Xiao and Dmitry are in Srebnoye, they still have to worry about the situation of Chernihiv and Kozelets at all times...

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