Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1225: Playing cards against common sense (Part 2)

When Kulu went northeast to Srebnoye, he was actually ready for a tough battle. Although he disliked Odonrich very much, he still knew one thing, that is, Odonrich was still quite capable.

Even a capable man like Odonrich was surrounded by the Russian army. It can be imagined that the Russian army's combat effectiveness should be relatively strong.

So he knew that this battle was not easy to fight, and the reason why he pretended not to care on the surface was just a way to boost morale.

If even he, the boss, is timid, then why aren’t the people below even more willing to work hard?

Kuludong knew that fighting was a matter of risking one's life, and whoever dared to risk one's life would have an advantage. Therefore, after fighting so many battles, large and small, he would do whatever it takes to boost morale and inspire the soldiers' desperate spirit before each battle.

This is why his tactical command is difficult to describe, but he always wins the battle.

To be honest, the casualties in the battle before him made him secretly frightened. Fortunately, he had made preparations, otherwise he might have been defeated in the first round.

But even if he had made preparations, the current casualties were somewhat unbearable for him. But he couldn't leave because he spent so much effort to boost morale, but ended up not getting any advantage at all and suffered such a huge loss. If his morale collapsed, who would trust him in the future? Who will listen to his orders?

Kuludong knew that he could not retreat. Even if he retreated, he would be able to keep his vitality intact, but it would not be easy to lead the team later.

"Hit! Beat me hard!" He ordered through gritted teeth.

In order to carry out his desperate spirit, he invested another 5,000 men in one breath and attacked the position of the 27th Infantry Division with an overwhelming force.

"This guy is crazy!"

Kulentsov was surprised. He originally thought that after having withstood the enemy's last wave of offensive before sunset, he would be able to rest and prepare his position under the cover of night for another day of fighting.

Who would have thought that the enemy once again did not follow the routine and did not rest even after dark, biting like an invincible Xiao Qiang.

This made the officers and soldiers of the 27th Infantry Division somewhat overwhelmed.

"Never retreat!"

Kulentsov immediately rejected the suggestion of a retreat put forward by his staff. He knew that this was a battle in which the brave would win. If he could not withstand the enemy's onslaught, his troops would be taken away by a wave.

But if you can withstand it, the one who can't hold it will most likely be the enemy!

"Let the fifth battalion join the battle and be sure to withstand the enemy's onslaught!"

Kulentsov did not hesitate to send in the last reserve force. According to the original plan, the fifth battalion was actually used to counterattack, and it was the stormtroopers he planned to use to harvest the enemy.

But on just the first day, the stormtroopers turned into fire brigade, which also meant that even if Kulentsov could withstand Kurudon's onslaught, he would not be able to counterattack later.

But there was nothing he could do about it. If he couldn't withstand it, it would be all over. He had to ensure the safety of the position, and he couldn't care about anything else.

The fierce battle lasted until nine o'clock in the evening. The exhausted two sides used bayonets, teeth and stones to hit each other. All available weapons were used.

Corpses piled up like mountains at the front of the position, and the soldiers could only fight to the death despite the regrets of the soldiers. Both sides were gritting their teeth and holding on, hoping that the other side would collapse first.

Finally, at 9:30 in the evening, the rebels' morale and physical strength were exhausted, and they could no longer continue the charge. This long and cruel day finally came to an end.

Kuludong paid a heavy price with nearly 10,000 casualties, and the 7th Infantry Division also suffered more than half of its casualties. Such brutal fighting was rare even during the Siege of Sevastopol.

Kulontsov, who had always loved soldiers as much as his sons, could no longer hold on. If he continues fighting at this pace, his troops will be exhausted by tomorrow!

However, the encirclement and annihilation battle on Dmitri's side was still not going smoothly. Odonrich resisted desperately, and his troops had to pay a bloody price if they did not move forward!

It is simply unrealistic to resolve Odonrich within one or two days. At this rate, it would be extremely difficult to resolve the battle within three to five days!

"The losses in such a fight are too great," Li Xiao said with a stern face, "More than half of the troops were killed or injured in just one day. Although the enemy was severely damaged, the number of enemies is large and the reserves are sufficient. We will suffer a huge loss in such a tough fight!"

Why doesn't Kulentsov understand this? Do you think he wants to fight hard? Isn't this impossible?

If he hadn't withstood the wave that he just fell behind, there probably wouldn't be anything going on later!

Kulentsov said with a serious face: "There are too many enemies, and the terrain is not favorable. It is not easy for Xingyao to snipe the enemies!"

As he spoke, he sighed: "For now, we can only rush to repair the fortifications. I hope the enemy is also tired and can relax tomorrow..."

To be honest, he had no confidence at all, because Kuludong was obviously a lunatic and had been playing cards that were not consistent with common sense. It was very likely that he would still do the same thing tomorrow, just keep charging and wearing them down until they were defeated.

Thinking of this, Kulontsov suddenly asked: "Does the commander-in-chief still have a reserve team?"

Li Xiao looked up at him and shook his head silently.

Where are the reserves now? If there were reserves, Dmitri would be unlikely to reinforce Kulentsov. He would only resolutely engage in the battle to encircle and annihilate Odonrich.

What's more, Dmitry's troops have always been tight. The troops that Kurontsov went south to snipe Kurudon were actually squeezed out from between his teeth. How could there be more?

Kulentsov rubbed his temples. In fact, he also knew that asking for help from Dmitri was unrealistic. He also knew what the situation was on Dmitri's side. There was a lack of troops everywhere.

After pondering for a while, he issued an order: "The whole army repaired the fortifications overnight, built as many fortifications and forts as possible, and ordered the artillery to continue firing to bombard the enemy positions! Also, Chief Dmitri asked for supplies, we need more artillery shells! "

Kulentsov is risking his life. He is preparing to repair the fortifications while harassing the enemy. If his soldiers cannot sleep well, he cannot let the rebels rest!

They were even prepared for the artillerymen to stay up all night, otherwise they wouldn't have asked Dmitri for artillery shells.

Kuludong was also shocked by his move. Although artillery fire may not be accurate when the distance is far, the artillery shells falling every now and then are a great test for the soldiers.

Who could sleep in such an environment? Especially the new recruits, every one of them is like a frightened rabbit, getting nervous when they hear any noise.

What's even more shameless is that Kulontsov not only fired artillery, but also ordered the cavalry to make sneak attacks every now and then. He didn't ask for any number of casualties. Anyway, he just hit and left without stopping at all. His sentries almost had a nervous breakdown...

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