Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1227 Retreat

The situation in Kuludong was indeed very bad. The fierce battle on this day not only caused him to lose nearly 6,000 men, but more importantly, it dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the rebel army and also dealt a heavy blow to his personal prestige.

Although the rebel army still has nearly 20,000 active members, these people no longer have much confidence in Kuludong. Even though Kuludong continued to encourage and cheer up the soldiers, they were still in despair.

Groups of people rushed forward and were harvested like leeks. Then came a new batch, and every foxhole, every trench, and every fort had to be filled with human lives.

Just keep filling in like this, but there is no hope of victory. Only Kuludong kept urging to continue the attack. When will it end?

Frustration continued to spread among the rebels, and even the sabers waved by the supervisory team could not make the soldiers move faster. On the contrary, more and more soldiers deliberately delayed. They gathered slowly and moved forward slowly, just to be sent into the fatal meat grinder later.

The sluggishness of the rebels was visible to the naked eye, which was why Li Xiao was sure that it would be difficult for them to break through the defense line.

But when all the soldiers were deserting half-heartedly and making small calculations, it would be of no use even if Kuludong was extremely decisive.

It took the rebels half an hour to organize their formation. When they headed to the battlefield, their slow movements looked like a group of old men with weak legs.

How could such an impact speed cause substantial trouble to the 27th Infantry Division?

What's even more interesting is that as soon as the cannon was fired, these people dispersed and fled in all directions. No matter how much the officers yelled and yelled, it had no effect.

A few sparse rounds of artillery shells completely ruined the formation that the rebels had put together for half an hour. The soldiers lying on the ground remained motionless no matter how much the officers yelled and cursed them. Some of the naughty ones even sneaked back.

Seeing this scene, Kuludong was furious. He slapped the table wantonly and shouted: "Let the supervising team go up and shoot all those who disobey orders!"

The Supervisory Team entered the scene, but their deterrence failed to bring the rebel soldiers into submission. But when the Supervisory Team really started to shoot the soldiers, they became surprisingly angry, and immediately turned their guns and started attacking the Supervisory Team.

After a burst of gunfire, the supervising team was beaten away. The soldiers who were still alive simply ran away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn! These damn deserters, they all deserve to be shot! They must be shot!"

Kuludong was furious and ordered more supervisory teams to capture the fleeing soldiers. This directly caused chaos within the rebel army. For a while, people were distracted and thought about everything.

The smarter ones had already begun to run away, while the stupid ones were blocked by the Supervisory Team, but they did not surrender, but picked up weapons to confront the Supervisory Team.

Kuludong's control over the troops has dropped to the extreme, and his troops are about to collapse!

This scene left Kulentsov stunned. He was prepared to die together with the position, but you did this to me. Are you trying to follow through on the unreasonable tactics?

Kulentsov knew that if he had a reserve team on hand and charged Kuludong at this time, he would collapse immediately.

Unfortunately, the reserves had long been used up, so he could only watch the rebels fall into chaos.

Chaos continued to spread, soldiers with different hearts and minds either fled or refused to obey orders, and Kuludong's command was completely paralyzed.

He struggled until nine o'clock in the evening before he barely regained some control. It's just that the troops he can control are still too few, only more than 5,000 people. Although this number of troops can continue the attack, Kuludong really does not dare to take risks.

If this attack does not go smoothly, the troops will really disperse and he will lose his foundation. So even if he was very unconvinced, he could only swallow this bitter pill.

The night passed so uneventfully, but when the early morning light illuminated the battlefield again, what lay in front of Kuludong was a mess.

He had been trying to persuade other troops to obey his command last night, but with little success. Several leaders clearly refused to continue the attack and opposed continuing to die. In their words: "If you want to attack yourself, we will not attack you!"

Naturally, it was impossible for Kuludong to continue the attack. He could only watch helplessly as the Russian army on the opposite side repaired their positions and fortifications without any solution.

Ordinarily, he could retreat now that this was the case, but he didn't want to! What does it mean to get more than half of the casualties but get nothing?

He has never suffered such a big loss, so he is unwilling to leave. Even if he can't do anything now, he still wants to stay here and watch the Russian army, as if this can prove his courage.

It's just that his courage was useless. He could neither inspire the morale of the rebels nor cause substantial damage to the 27th Infantry Division.

Just because Kurudon couldn't do anything doesn't mean that Kulontsov didn't do anything either. In addition to taking a good rest last night, he still ordered the troops to repair the fortifications within their capabilities. Then this morning, when he saw that the rebels were not moving, he was not idle either. He continued to repair the fortifications and arranged more support points deep in the rear.

It was obvious that he was going to trade space for time and carry it out to the end. He would build a few fortifications whenever he had the chance. Unknowingly, he had pieced together a new line of defense that was not particularly complete in the morning.

At this time, Kulontsov was really relieved. Even if the rebels resumed their attack, he would have room to continue to consume his opponents.

Of course, he also saw that the rebels were probably unable to fight. The previous fierce battles had destroyed their spirit, and they would no longer be able to charge regardless of sacrifice and cost.

It was not until 2:30 in the afternoon that the rebels finally organized another wave of offensive thanks to Kuludong's continuous efforts.

But compared with the overwhelming charge before, this one is just a gurgling stream at best, and can only scratch the itch of the 27th Infantry Division.

This wave of painless offensive was easily repelled, and the rebel soldiers who retreated could clearly be seen breathing a sigh of relief.

After that, Kuludong still tried to continue the attack, but there was no way to invest too many troops. Small-scale attacks were of no use to the Russian army. Each time, after a burst of gunfire, the rebels retreated hastily, sometimes even as soon as they rushed out of the position. He turned around and fled back.

Such a performance naturally poses no threat, and can only make Kuludong anxious and angry and scolding her continuously.

"Retreat," Kuludong glanced at the position of the 27th Infantry Division bitterly, and said unwillingly: "I will get back this debt sooner or later!"

It's just that such harsh words are meaningless. He just wants to live off his words. In fact, he has to face many thorny problems now. It's unclear whether his team can be saved...

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