Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1257 Great Appetite

Maganov was naturally overjoyed after receiving the information reported by Ulanov, but his ideas were slightly different from Ulanov's. Ulanov wanted him to cut off food transportation channels, but he wanted more Cut off the Russian army's food and grass and use it for your own use.

There is no other way. Although he has many brothers, it is still a big problem for so many people to eat!

What a pity that so much precious food sank to the bottom of the river! It would be great to get it back.

For this reason, he really thought of some ways. Although the artillery that blocked the river was deployed as usual, he was also doing everything possible to search for ships. After all, if he wanted to seize the grain transport ship, he must first have a ship.

It's just that there are too few ships he can find. Since Nakhimov arrived in Kiev, the Black Sea Fleet has controlled all ships along the coast. Not a single boat could be launched without his permission.

With the fall of Cherkasy, this important riverside city fell into the hands of the Russian army. Maganov was unable to attack the friendly forces even if he wanted to.

After a lot of effort, he managed to find more than a dozen small sampans. These small boats made everyone nervous even if they could not transport even a single cargo.

Fortunately, the most important thing under Maganov's men was people. He found some soldiers who knew how to use water to familiarize themselves with the ships, and then equipped them with guns and explosives. The rebels' first naval force was born.

But this delayed some time, so Ulanov kept waiting.

On this day, when the observation post set up by Maganov at the front discovered that the Russian grain transport ship was coming again, their robbery plan finally came online!

"Please polish your eyes and don't open fire casually. Gunpowder and shells are so expensive!"

Maganov, a rebel leader, tirelessly warned that there was no way to do it, because the rebels had almost no industrial capacity, and weapons and ammunition were only stolen from the Russian army.

During this period of time, the rebels were defeated one after another, and no weapons and ammunition were captured at all. Naturally, the weapons and ammunition were used less and less. What's more, their reserves of cannonballs and gunpowder are not much to begin with, so they can't waste it!

"I'm coming!"

While Maganov was chattering, Hobnin, who had the best eyes on the side, pointed at the black spots on the water antenna and shouted excitedly.

"Where where?"

A group of rebel leaders quickly put up a pergola and looked closely. To be honest, they really couldn't see anything. You don't prevent them from being happy!

Those who were more impatient, such as Manokovich, kept urging: "Let the fleet dispatch quickly, don't let them escape!"

Maganov glared at him angrily and vomited: "It's still several miles away! Our boat is small. Even if the brothers can row across, they won't have the strength to board the boat by then. If you don't If you understand, don’t give random orders!”

Manokovich smiled shyly and said sheepishly: "Aren't I anxious? How much food are there on these ships? Is it enough for the brothers to eat for half a month?"

Maganov looked at him with caring eyes and said angrily: "How much food can be carried in one boat? Just two or three boats. What is enough for the brothers? Let alone half a month. Is it enough for the brothers for a week? It’s hard to say how much it consumes!”

"That's fine! To tell you the truth, since winter hit, I've been sitting on my hands and making no progress at all. I'm feeling anxious and angry!"

Who can be in a hurry?

Not only Manokovich, it can be said that all the rebels in Ukraine are facing this food crisis. They don't understand. They clearly robbed the nobles before and robbed so much money and food. How could it be consumed in just a few months? What if it's empty?

The reason is actually very simple. First of all, Ukraine's annual performance today is not good. Unfavorable weather and bad weather can be considered a disaster year. The grain production has been severely reduced. Otherwise, these serfs would not have such a difficult life.

Secondly, Russia's finances are extremely tight due to the Crimean War, which requires large sums of money to relieve financial pressure.

Russia doesn't have any other special products, and no one wants coal, iron, oil, and natural gas these days. The bulk of Russia's foreign exchange earnings comes from exporting grain.

In order to alleviate the financial crisis, Russia could only sell a large amount of grain. Naturally, much of the newly harvested grain was exclusively sold to Western Europe. The reserves left by Russia were actually very limited.

Then there is the fact that the rebels have no intention of being prepared for danger in times of peace, no long-term planning, and no idea of ​​establishing a stable regime. To put it bluntly, this is a group of bandits, sweeping across the country like locusts, grabbing whatever they go. If they have wine today and are drunk today, who cares about tomorrow?

Naturally, they did not have the awareness to store food. When winter entered and the food available to grab became less and less, he realized that the problem was serious.

But what’s the point of trying to make up for it now that the sheepfold is empty? Not to mention that they actually never thought about making up for it. When there was not enough food, the first thing they thought of was to continue to rob. If they could not rob the Russian army, they would rob friendly troops. If there were no friendly troops, they would rob the common people.

This creates a vicious cycle. Not only does the rebels have less and less food, it also greatly damages their reputation and even destroys their mass base!

How can you mess around like this?

Therefore, Maganov and others immediately became red-eyed when they heard that the Russian army was transporting food. Even if they knew that the possibility of success was not high, they had to give it a try!

After an hour or two, the Russian sailing grain transport ship was gradually approaching the range of the rebel artillery. What surprised the rebel bosses was that this time the fleet was not two or three ships but a full Ten ships!

Looking at the heavy conveyor, Maganov and others were breathing rapidly. How much food must be loaded on so many ships! It looks like he’s going to gain weight!

But they never expected that the cabins of these ten ships were not filled with food, but with loaded Black Sea Fleet naval infantry.

More than two thousand soldiers are ready for battle. As soon as an order is given, they will wade ashore and attack the enemy's artillery positions.

Behind these ten ships, there is also the Inland Fleet, which is responsible for covering and supporting the Black Sea Fleet. At this time, the stoker was frantically loading coal into the furnace, and the steam engine made a huge roar, driving the paddle wheel to rotate rapidly, driving the ship forward at high speed.

At this moment, the rebel navy finally couldn't help but rushed out from hiding. The soldiers shook their oars frantically and headed towards the approaching food fleet.

The rebel artillerymen on the shore also opened their gun jackets and began to prepare for battle. They loaded the shells in a hurry, measured the distance hastily, and then impatiently pulled the gun rope.


With a muffled sound, the round solid iron ball flew out of the cannonball, causing huge waves in front of the grain transport fleet...

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