Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1278 Transfer

Ulanov smiled and said: "It's not too long, your recent behavior is really suspicious!"

The traitor fell into deep thought and said angrily: "Is there anything suspicious about me? I have been working for you conscientiously and helped you escape danger several times..."

Ulanov interrupted him contemptuously: "It is the fact that you helped me escape danger several times that is most suspicious! Before you helped me, I had never encountered so many accidents, but after you helped me, the accidents It’s changed a lot, I don’t believe in chance or coincidence, the only explanation is that these accidents are all caused by you!”

The traitor was stunned for a moment, then his face turned pale, and he murmured: "Too much is too little, too much is too little!"

Ulanov snorted: "It's too late to realize now! Tell me, who are you and why did you betray me!"

The traitor raised his head in embarrassment, glanced at him, and sighed: "It's a bit late. As for why he betrayed you, does this question make sense?"

Ulanov snorted heavily: "Of course it makes sense. I treat you well, so why did you betray me?"

The traitor snorted contemptuously and sneered: "Treat me badly? What you mean by treating me badly is that you treat me like a dog and then leave me to do all the dangerous things and make me your scapegoat?" ?What will you do if I treat you so favorably!"

Before Ulanov could answer, the traitor snorted bitterly: "A person like you still has the nerve to say that you treat me well, haha, I'm not stupid. Are there not many servants who have died in your hands? They I didn’t betray you, but how did you treat them? Does the so-called favor mean sending them to heaven? Haha, stop doing this. You have no right to accuse me. You will give up on me sooner or later, so why should I be so stupid? Do you want to work hard for you?"

Ulanov raised his eyebrows and was about to say something, but the traitor angrily attacked again: "So put away your anger, you are not qualified, there is no difference between a hypocrite like you and me, you What you did is also a betrayal, and you are also a traitor! You are still a lost dog! Your good days are only a few days away. You just died a few days later than me. You should think carefully about how you will beg for mercy if you are caught by His Majesty in the future. Bar!"

Ulanov's face became ugly, not only because the traitor's words were unpleasant, but more importantly because the traitor had torn down his mask, making him feel that his dignity and prestige had been damaged.

At that moment, he shouted angrily, picked up the dagger and stabbed the traitor in the thigh, then twisted it hard!

ah! ! !

The traitor let out an earth-shattering scream, but to Ulanov's disappointment, there was no trace of fear in the traitor's eyes, but instead they were full of sarcasm and ridicule.

This made him feel even more offended, and he stabbed him again!

There was another shrill scream, but the sound was much softer than the first one, and the traitor even showed a mocking smile.

"Come on! Use some force and act like a mother. Otherwise, you are a mother, hahaha!"

Ulanov was so angry that he really wanted to kill the traitor with a knife, but his reason stopped his impulse. He pulled out the dagger and threw it on the ground, and ordered Valentin Grigorievich next to him: "Stop his bleeding and then pry open his mouth. I want to know who is behind him!"

After saying that, Ulanov left angrily, and Valentin Grigorievich walked up to the traitor with interest, observed him carefully for a while and then ordered: "Are you all deaf? I didn’t hear the master say to stop his bleeding, hurry up!”

Several servants rushed up to try to plug the bloody hole in the traitor's thigh, but Valentin Grigorievich frowned and said displeased: "That's not how the bleeding stops! Get a Come over with the soldering iron, that can stop the bleeding quickly!"

The servants were startled, soldering iron? Stop bleeding?

Normal people would not associate these two things together. Are you sure that using a soldering iron to stop bleeding is not a form of punishment?

But no one dared to disobey Valentin Grigorievich's order. Soon the servants brought a red-hot iron and gave the traitor two hard blows on the thigh.


The sound of burning flesh made the traitor let out another earth-shattering scream, which made Ulanov very satisfied when he returned to the house.

"It seems that Valentin Grigorievich is not suspicious. He should be reliable. By the way, you didn't arouse Petrov's suspicion, right?"

Rakloff quickly replied: "No, he has no doubt that injuring me when you escaped played a key role!"

Ulanov showed a satisfied smile and patted Rakrov's injured shoulder: "The acting must be more realistic. Pay attention next time. The shoulder injury is not realistic enough. It is best for the wound to be on the chest. In that case, this time you It’s not just as simple as getting rid of suspicion, you will become Petrov’s confidant, which will be more useful! Do you understand?”

Rakloff nodded quickly, but his mood was not so wonderful. He was shot in the chest? Are you asking me to act or are you trying to kill me? I'm not stupid!

Ulanov did not discover Rakrov's little thoughts. Of course, it is possible that he found out and didn't care, because Rakrov was really just a nobody, even if he brought key information and found out the Erwu hidden beside him. Boy, but he is still just an insignificant little shrimp.

For Ulanov, the key thing now is to escape. He believes that Petrov and Bablov are not fools and will not wait for him to enter the city. Maybe they are already on the way to Nikolay Manpower was deployed on Rayev's traffic thoroughfares, waiting for him to fall into a trap.

This possibility is very high, at least it would be what Ulanov would do. Moreover, he suspected that there were still two or five boys around him, and the hasty departure might have played into Petrov's hands.

After sending Rakov away, he called Valentin Grigorievich: "How is it? Has the traitor confessed?"

Valentin Grigorievich showed an apologetic expression, and he replied shamefully: "I'm sorry, Master, not yet. That bastard has a tight mouth. He fainted after being tortured just now!"

Ulanov nodded, not particularly concerned about this: "You take your time to interrogate, don't kill the person. Before that, you arrange some people to pretend to be me and escape south. Can you do it?"

Valentin Grigorievich replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, Master, I will do it perfectly!"

Ulanov nodded again and said with satisfaction: "Very good. In addition, this location is no longer safe. We will move tonight. Keep an eye on me. I suspect there are traitors!"

Valentin Grigorievich replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, I will keep my eyes open and find these traitors!"

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