Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1294 Heavy losses

Stiles became nervous, and beads of sweat could be clearly seen on his forehead. It was obvious that the little old man's words put him under great pressure.

His mind was in a mess as he carefully licked the words of the little old man.

The meaning is actually very obvious, that is, I am not satisfied with his attitude.

In the opinion of the little old man, even if Stiles doesn't agree with his judgment, it's best to pretend to be stupid. If he doesn't want to pretend to be stupid, then he has to physically shut up.

That is to say, murder and silence!

This made Stiles confused. How could he make the little old man displeased when he was obviously very honest?

Thinking of this, he became even more indignant. He knew exactly what the little old man's people had done these days. A considerable part of the grain purchased from Moldavia was consumed on the road due to losses.

But in fact, these grains went into the pockets of a group of people headed by the little old man. To put it bluntly, it was corruption in disguise.

Stiles didn't say much about this kind of behavior. Logically speaking, he was already so honest, so it was too much for a little old man to find fault with him, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little cruel in his heart. If it really doesn't work, don't blame me for being unkind. If you don't do it, I'll report you to the superiors and see what you do!

Stiles raised his head and glanced at the little old man. Just as he was about to say, "I also have your tricks, don't push me too hard," he noticed that there was a hint of joking on the corner of the other man's mouth.

He has seen this expression many times. The last time the little old man smiled at someone, he immediately went on a killing spree, killing everyone in that person's family!

Stiles was suddenly startled, and he suddenly realized that the little old man should know that he had something to do, but he insisted on satisfying Maganov's desires. Isn't it obvious what this meant?

Stiles suddenly wanted to slap himself in the mouth. You can't see such an obvious thing. No wonder people want to kill you!

Just imagine, if assistance is increased according to Maganov's request, then the little old man and his group will definitely be able to earn more benefits.

It was bluntly said that the bigger Maganov's needs were, the happier the old man would be, and he even foolishly said that Maganov's desires were insatiable.

Damn, doesn’t this mean you’re going to slap the little old man in the face and say he’s too greedy?

After thinking about it, Stiles was a little ashamed. What stupid things had he said?

Fortunately, the matter has not yet reached an irreversible point. Stiles quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied seriously: "Sir, it is of great significance to strengthen support for Maganov and others. I think support should be given to Their more food and other supplies will allow them to fight with the Russian army and both sides will lose. This is completely in our interests and is the most urgent and important matter at the moment!"

The little old man showed a satisfied smile. He nodded and said: "Very good, then you will make a report first. We will report the situation to the superiors together and strive to implement assistance to Maganov and others as soon as possible so that they can perform their duties." A more important role!”

At this point, the little old man smiled evilly and said: "Will, you finally understand the importance of this matter. I think your performance is very outstanding and you are a rare talent. I will report it to the superiors!"

Stiles was overjoyed. As long as the boss was happy, would his benefits be less? At the end of the day, you can make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, he became even more respectful to the little old man and stepped out with great gratitude!

After Stiles left, the little old man stood up and opened the door on the other side. A middle-aged man with black hair and green eyes and a stocky build came over.

"Moldavians who are greedy for money." The middle-aged man snorted coldly and looked down upon Styles.

But the little old man curled his lips and smiled nonchalantly: "This is a good thing, isn't it? If someone else comes here who doesn't want money, it will be very difficult for us!"

The middle-aged man was noncommittal and just asked: "Is this guy reliable? He won't do the same thing in front of us and then turn around to expose us, right?"

The little old man snorted: "I wouldn't dare to borrow his courage... Besides, as you saw, he also took the money himself, so he can't report himself, right?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "I can't trust these Moldavians. When the Russians came, they were brothers with the Russians. The British and the French were also swaying their fingers and joining them as slaves. They were capricious. How can you trust a bastard who has no faith?"

The little old man said nothing. As an Austrian, he naturally understood the resentment of middle-aged people towards Moldavia and Wallachia.

This area serves as Austria's back garden, and naturally Austrians think this is their own territory. In order to liberate these Orthodox brothers oppressed by the Ottoman Turks from the enslavement of the pagans, Austria spent a lot of money.

The results of it?

When these bastards discovered that there was civil strife in Austria, they suddenly changed their affiliations to the Russians, and treated the Russians as godfathers.

what is this?

As an Austrian, of course he was angry and wanted to kill these duplicitous guys.

But as a sane adult, the little old man believes that everything should look forward. Since Russia's expansion in this area has been interrupted and has to shrink, it naturally means that Austria will come back. Naturally, these two-faced guys are very Soon they will realize who is their master, and they will naturally run back when the time comes.

What is needed at this time is not to punish them, but to drain them of their oil and water. Only in this way can we make up for Austria's losses in the past few years and balance the mentality of those who are doing things!

So there is absolutely no need to shout and kill. Doesn't it make up for everything by squeezing these bastards dry and making a big fortune?

"Don't worry, my friend!" the little old man said pretending to be relaxed: "I will keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't hinder us! The most important thing now is that you must find those Russian friends. If you can't get through the transportation Channel, nothing I do here will help!”

The middle-aged man hummed. To be honest, this was what he was most worried about, because according to his original estimation, the Russians' reaction would definitely not be so fast. Only after they helped the Ukrainian rebels survive the winter and even rearmed them did the Russians react belatedly.

In his opinion, those Russians are all drunkards. In winter, Russians only have vodka in their minds and can't care about anything else. And in the spring when they sober up, everything will be too late!

But his good wishes were quickly shattered, and their operation was cut off by the Russians as soon as they got off the ground. A strict inspection mode was launched from the border to Ukraine, and a large amount of their supplies were seized, causing them "heavy losses"!

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