Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1301 Decisive Battle (Part 2)

Maganov was unhappy that his troops had not advanced a step despite thousands of casualties, which was unacceptable in any case.

So he immediately called a meeting with his subordinates: "What do you think this is doing! Do you think you are playing house?"

He lectured menacingly: "Life or death is at stake at this moment. If we can't get over the black dog's blockage, soon we will have our throats cut and bleeded one by one. Not only us, but also our families and our children will be hacked." Kill them all! This is no joke! You all know they can do it!"

As he spoke, he slammed the table: "Let me tell you, this is not only my business, but also your business. If you don't want to die, just fight for my life! Otherwise, I don't mind helping Black Gouzi bleed you!"

Under his continuous scolding, the bosses were somewhat dissatisfied, because it was not that they were incompetent, but that the troops were too tired and their weapons were not powerful.

Maganov's answer to this was: "I don't want to listen to this nonsense, are you tired? If you die and lie in a coffin, you won't be tired. Do you need me to send you to the coffin immediately? As for weapons, when we first rebelled We don’t even have guns. Didn’t we just beat the shit out of black dogs? Now everyone has guns, but you tell me that we won’t fight anymore? Do you need me to take back those guns and ammunition so that you can restore your previous memories?”

The heads no longer dared to say anything, because they knew that anything they said was useless. Maganov couldn't listen to any opinions at all now, and just wanted them to risk their lives.

This was somewhat chilling, but no one dared to contradict him face to face. As for whether they will complain about him privately after the meeting or whether they will just do it in secret or covertly, it's hard to say.

In fact, Maganov was also on guard against this move, so he changed his past style and did not continue to stay in the warm and comfortable headquarters to command remotely. Instead, he went to the front line in person to urge his soldiers to fight fiercely.

"Have you not had enough to eat? Come on! Hurry up, don't wait!"

"And you, moaning and groaning over such a minor injury, do you still look like a man?"

"You damn coward, pick up your weapon and charge me! Otherwise I will blow your head off right now!"

Maganov's curses almost never stopped for a moment, and you could see him grinning and spitting out fragrance everywhere on the rebel positions.

Does this work?

In a sense, yes, at least he made many rebel soldiers and officers so annoyed that they had to rush out of their positions to hide.

Of course, this also made more and more people disgusted with him and even disgusted with him, especially those who knew the dirty tricks of his food selling behavior, and were deeply disgusted by his selfish behavior.

The fierce fighting continued until night, and the rebel soldiers had to stop until they exhausted their last breath of strength.

As for the results of the battle, it can only be said to be better than nothing. They occupied some Russian bunkers and eroded some of the Russian defense lines.

In addition, probably all that is left is to make the defending Russian army exhausted and nervous.

Like Maganov, Konotov went to the front line to command the battle in person, but unlike Maganov, he was more praising, especially after the day's battle, he was generous to the front-line troops. Full praise was given.

"Well done boys, you are the bravest warriors I have ever seen and I am proud of you!"

Of course, in addition to free verbal praise, Konotov also knew that adequate material support was the panacea for maintaining morale.

He forcefully recruited dozens of chefs from Kovel and set up a field kitchen directly behind the first line of defense. When the Russian soldiers had just repelled the rebel attack, hot white bread and barbecue were delivered to them. .

The unlimited supply greatly boosted the morale of Russian soldiers. In particular, soldiers who performed well received a small bottle of vodka as a special reward, which directly boosted morale to the sky.

Every Russian soldier felt warm in his heart, feeling that his life was worth it, and he wished he could fight the rebels for another 300 rounds immediately.

Of course, Konotov's approach also aroused a lot of opposition. For those noble landowners who had been "requisitioned" with grain, cattle, sheep, pigs and other livestock, his behavior was simply outrageous. This is simply robbery and completely unacceptable!

They protested wildly again, and their excitement was even more exaggerated than when the rebels arrived at their doorstep.

It's just that Konotov had already risked his life and ignored these people. Anyway, he just went his own way. Whenever these guys dare not cooperate, he will send armed military police to collect supplies. The louder the beeping, the more supplies will be collected.

Turning around, the rebel soldiers who drank a bowl of gruel at dawn started a new day's offensive at Maganov's urging.

To be honest, they really didn't want to charge. After all, they had been marching for days and fighting hard for a whole day and drank two bowls of porridge. Their stomachs were empty and their feet were weak. How could they have the strength to charge?

But that bastard Maganov doesn’t care about human affairs! He simply aimed the gun at their heads and forced them to risk their lives.

Dragging their lead-filled legs, the rebel soldiers walked toward the Russian bunker one step at a time. It took them half an hour to walk a distance of 300 meters.

From here you can see how reluctant they are!

What made Maganov's blood pressure soar was still behind him, and he finally rushed to the front of the Russian bunker. As a result, the Russian soldiers in the bunker fired a volley of fire, and then the rebel soldiers dispersed and fled back.

Compared with the tedious progress, their speed when escaping was extremely fast. It only took them three minutes to return to the starting position, almost making Maganov angry to death.

"You idiots, incompetent wastes, and damn cowards, listen to me. I will give you one more chance. If anyone dares to escape again, he will be killed without mercy!"

In order to prove that he was not joking, he immediately ordered his confidants to organize a supervising team. They blocked the position with bright swords and guns and told all the soldiers that retreating meant death!

Did this improve the Rebels' offensive effectiveness?

Unfortunately, no!

Although no one dared to escape, the charging rebel soldiers still did not work hard. They fell down directly in front of the Russian position. No matter how much the officers shouted and roared, no one was willing to stand up.

This made the Russian troops on the position dumbfounded and did not understand what tricks the rebel soldiers were playing.

As for Maganov, he was so angry that he jumped up and down. He stood on the battlefield and kept cursing and cursing his soldiers. His angry look was even more unsightly than a village girl swearing in the countryside...

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