Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1303 The End (Part 1)

Maganov, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea how dangerous this night was. He didn't expect that the subordinates who were obedient to him would turn against him, let alone that someone would take action!

Just when he was sleeping as soundly as a dead pig, a large group of dark figures approached his residence. Without exception, these people were armed with knives and guns, and their faces were full of dissatisfaction.

But when these people accumulated so much that even Maganov's personal guards discovered that something was wrong, shouts rang through the night sky. I don't know who took the lead in shouting: "Come on!"

Immediately afterwards, countless people poured into Maganov's headquarters. His loyal bodyguards were trampled by the swarming angry soldiers before they could fire their guns.

These poor people were almost trampled to death, and even their corpses were not spared by the angry rebel soldiers. They whipped the corpses to vent their anger, making the scene extremely bloody.

Of course, more rebel soldiers did not target Maganov's personal guards. Their target was Maganov. They could not bear the boss who led them to death!

Hundreds of soldiers squeezed open Maganov's three-locked door, but when they rushed into Maganov's bedroom, the once-prominent leader of the rebel army hid under the bed and shivered like a quail, his face He only had time to fire one shot at the angry soldiers, hitting an unlucky man in the calf.

The gunshot also completely angered the angry soldiers. They swarmed up and dragged Maganov out from under the bed, cut him into a naked pig with all their hands and feet, and then dragged him outside the house. At this time The gallows had already been set up by some clever soldiers, and they hung Maganov in a short time.

Maganov's helpless death struggle made these angry soldiers even more excited. After hanging Maganov, they were not satisfied, and they targeted Maganov's confidants and family.

Soon the once arrogant rebel leaders lined up with Maganov. As the north wind howled, they were soon frozen to death.

This angry carnival lasted all night, and most of the rebel leaders headed by Maganov were hanged or beaten to death by the angry soldiers. A few who were smarter saw that the situation was not good and rolled and crawled away.

So that when the rebel soldiers woke up from hunger and cold the next day, they found that none of their former bosses and officers could be seen, and the group was leaderless and in chaos!

The soldiers who soon discovered what had happened started to riot. Without the restraint of their superiors, they could do whatever they wanted. As a result, robberies and fights spread like a plague among the rebels.

They were killing each other all day long. When Konotov, who discovered that something was wrong with the rebels, came with his troops to see what was going on, he was stunned by the bloody and cruel scene in front of him.

The rebel camp has been reduced to ashes, blazing flames can be seen everywhere, and corpses are everywhere. The death situation was not ordinary miserable. Some were cut into pieces, some were beaten black and blue, and more suffered gunshot wounds and knife wounds. In order to snatch the property left by Maganov and other rebel leaders, the rebel soldiers Killing each other, fighting for a ruble.

Of the more than 30,000 people who experienced this day's fire, less than 30% survived. Moreover, almost all of these people were injured, and there were countless serious injuries.

Even Konotov, who was accustomed to seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood, was shocked by the horrors before him. Many years later, he wrote in his memoirs: "The most heinous and cruel crime I have ever seen is that of Konotov." During the firefight between the rebels on the outskirts of Weli, they ended their lives in the most bloody and cruel way. All the rebels turned into beasts, tearing the throats of their compatriots with their fangs and lying on the wounds to drink blood... That What I witnessed one day became the nightmare of my life. I have never seen humans become like this..."

But the scene that happened next made Konotov a little embarrassed. When his soldiers discovered gold and silver coins and various jewelry scattered around the camp, the Russian soldiers also fell into the same fanaticism. If it hadn't been for him He personally led the military police to kill several soldiers who led the robbery. Maybe the Russian army would fight and suffer heavy casualties.

By the time Dmitri arrived in Kovel with the main force of the Russian army, the local security was still in a mess, with scattered rebel soldiers wandering around, and poorly disciplined Russian soldiers trying every means to rob these rebel soldiers. It's not easy for you to beat me and snatch you from me.

"Is Maganov's body still there?"

Faced with Dmitri's inquiry, Konotov quickly replied: "Yes, Commander-in-Chief. I dragged him back immediately and ordered rebel soldiers who were familiar with him to identify him. There is no doubt that he is !”

Dmitri breathed a sigh of relief. Alexander II had repeatedly decreed that rebel leaders like Maganov must be seen alive or dead or corpses. It is best to capture them alive. If there is no such thing as alive, The body also had to be sent to St. Petersburg.

If he couldn't get this guy's body, this counterinsurgency operation wouldn't be so perfect. Dmitri really didn't want to end up in such a situation.

"very good!"

After he understood the specific process of this battle and personally inspected the position built by Konotov, he was very satisfied with the major general's performance.

"General, you have done an excellent job and exceeded the tasks I assigned you. I am impressed by your performance. I will ask for credit from St. Petersburg. I believe you will receive another general star soon!"

In fact, Konotov didn't particularly care about generals. After all, he had just been promoted to major general not long ago, and he was not promoted to lieutenant general so quickly in terms of seniority. What's more, he offended too many people this time. Those guys kept making crooked reports about him. Although he felt that Dmitri could understand his approach, he still hoped to be affirmed in person.

After listening to Konotov's explanation, Dmitri smiled casually and said: "Your actions are not excessive. I could only do this at the time. As for those guys who are snitching, don't pay attention to them." , I will teach them a lesson myself!”

Of course, Dmitri was not completely satisfied with his work: "You did a good job. There is only one thing that makes me dissatisfied with the issue of discipline. The discipline of the army must be the first priority. An army without discipline will have no combat effectiveness." But what your soldiers did is really unsightly. I hope you can correct their attitude as soon as possible and reverse the current bad situation! Otherwise, even if you can pass this time, your future future will be limited!"

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