Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1316 Helpless

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Chapter 1316 Helplessness Page (1/2) The way Alexander II gritted his teeth made Count Rostovtsev secretly amused. It seemed that Alexander II’s resentment towards someone was not as strong as usual!

But that's okay, he just likes to make Nicholas I and his family unhappy. The more unhappy they are, the sweeter it feels to him than to eat honey!

Thinking of this, he replied with a straight face: "Your Majesty, there are only two options for the current plan. Either appoint Grand Duke Andrei as Minister of State, or let him serve as my deputy on the Serfdom Reform Committee. Otherwise, There is no other way!"

Minister of State?

This position is considered a fictitious position with no real power. Giving Li Xiao such a position is just a good-looking position, and it does play a role in promotion and promotion.

But there is a big problem with this position, that is, the Minister of State has to meet with the Tsar from time to time to discuss national affairs.

For Alexander II, seeing Li Xiao was annoying, and now he still lets him hang out in front of his eyes every day. Isn't this just making him sick?

Anyway, Alexander II refused without thinking, so Li Xiao could only be sent to the Serfdom Reform Committee?

To put it bluntly, this committee is just a decoration. It has no real power at all, and with Count Rostovtsev pressing on it, no one can make any trouble.

It is indeed more appropriate to think about it this way. Thinking of this, Alexander II looked at Count Rostovtsev gratefully, feeling that this was the only loyal minister who was truly loyal and dedicated to solving his problems.

In contrast, look at Count Pobedonostsev. As soon as he heard that he wanted Li Xiao to come over, he made excuses to refuse. What the hell!

Alexander II was very pleased and said: "Count, you are the only one who can share my worries! Letting Grand Duke Andrei go to your place will cause you trouble!"

Count Rostovtsev immediately replied: "Your Majesty, this is not troublesome. I will keep an eye on him and prevent him from doing tricks, but after all, I am just a casualty here. If I just give him a deputy chairman, I am afraid there will still be discussions outside. I'm afraid it will hinder your reputation..."

Alexander II thought about it and felt that it made sense. The Serfdom Reform Committee had been established for nearly a year, and it had hardly played any role. Anyone who was not a fool could see that this committee was nonsense.

Removing people who have made meritorious deeds to this kind of department, especially since Li Xiao's identity is relatively sensitive, may indeed cause a lot of rumors. In particular, Li Xiao is restless and extremely courageous. If he personally spreads rumors and causes trouble, the trouble will be even greater.

Tsk, trouble!

Alexander II felt more and more headache. Did he still want to give that guy a favor?

Seeing that the time was ripe, Count Rostovtsev immediately said: "Your Majesty, the only solution for now is to continue to let Grand Duke Andrei manage the Third Department of St. Petersburg, and then give him the title of deputy chairman!"

Alexander II subconsciously wanted to refuse. In this way, wouldn't it be a great advantage to someone? His real power would not be weakened but he would have an extra reputation. No matter how you look at it, it would be a loss of blood!

Count Rostovtsev immediately said: "Your Majesty, you should look at it this way. The third department in St. Petersburg is guarded by Count Pobedonostsev, and I don't think he can do anything. Then the Serfdom Reform Committee also has me watching. Even if he is holding on, he still can't use it. In this way, he won't be able to cause any trouble..."

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Alexander II thought for a long time. To be honest, he still felt uncomfortable and felt that Li Xiao was too cheap. But since there is no better solution, I really can only grit my teeth and endure this bad breath.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, you and Pobedonostsev will keep an eye on must keep an eye on him and never let him take advantage of any more loopholes!"

These words were too explicit and inconsistent with the status of the Tsar, which shows how angry Alexander II was.

Naturally, this made Count Rostovtsev even more happy. Although he had big differences with Li Xiao and Dmitri on the Ukrainian issue, the two boys did what he had always wanted to do. thing.

Moreover, the situation in Ukraine was in line with his expectations and did not bring much change to his plan. Looking at it this way, Li Xiao becomes even more adorable.

After thinking about it, Count Rostovtsev's resentment towards Li Xiao became a little less intense, but the way he and Dmitri left when they left still made him a little unhappy.

"You still need to practice hard, so I'll let you come to me and practice hard!"

Li Xiao had no idea that Count Rostovtsev was ready to train him. If he knew, he would probably have a headache. As the days go by, the situation in Ukraine is getting better day by day. The rebels have been basically eliminated, and the strength of the local conservative aristocrats has also suffered a devastating blow. In a sense, a new chapter has really opened.

From this perspective, it does have far-reaching significance to see Count Rostovtsev deliberately allowing the rebels to grow in size. The only problem is that too many people died and too much damage was caused!

But then again, with the way Russia is, it seems impossible to establish a new order without completely smashing the existing framework to pieces. Later, the reason why the Bolsheviks crushed the old framework so thoroughly both mentally and physically was that the glory of the Soviet era was achieved.

From this aspect, it seems that Count Rostovtsev's approach is more reasonable. He simply didn't want to be a paper decorator and didn't want to patch up the old Russian houses that were riddled with holes. Instead, he drew a big red circle and wrote One is torn down, then directly torn down and rebuilt.

Although this model

Chapter 1,316 Helpless Page (2/2) This method is relatively expensive, but the effect is great! Without the constraints of the old framework, the new house can be built however you want without any constraints.

It can only be said that reform is a very difficult thing to evaluate. Some people like to patch things up, while others like to tear them down and rebuild them. To evaluate which method is better, we must look at both the effect and the cost, which can only be left to future generations to discuss slowly.

At least judging from the comparison of the actions of Li Xiao, Dmitry and Count Rostovtsev in Ukraine, it can only be said that each has its own merits.

Although Li Xiao and the others protected a large number of lives, they were too restricted by the old framework and would inevitably be constrained in what they could do in the future.

Although Count Rostovtsev sacrificed a large number of lives and property, which once worsened Russia's international environment, in the long run it will help to quickly start reconstruction, and the restrictions will be small, so the future may be more worth looking forward to.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Of course, this is looking at the problem from God's perspective. If it is left to the Ukrainian people to evaluate who is good and who is bad, the result will probably be one-sided in favor of Li Xiao and Dmitri. After all, they are living people, not rigid. Economics or statistics!

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