Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1326 High Quality Wang Lao 5

What makes Viscount Prozolov depressed is that although Nikolai Milyutin showed his appreciation for him, he did not comment on the Ukrainian reform strategy he proposed, let alone supported his inspection trip to Ukraine.

He was only given a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is not a key department. This is really unsatisfactory!

"Is there any movement over there, His Highness?"

"Not yet. His Highness the Grand Duke has been unusually calm these past two days and is not interested in anything..."

Viscount Prozolov nodded. This result was within his expectation. He knew very well how much the Grand Duke wanted to save face. He would not react unless he was in personal pain.

As for him, he has only been gone for two days now, and the harm of leaving him has not yet appeared. He would be damned if he makes another move.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he can sit back and relax. As a humble illegitimate son, he has first-hand experience of the ruthlessness of the aristocratic circle and officialdom. Don't expect these dog-like guys to be very emotional. They are the ones who are the most ruthless.

Once you do nothing and are willing to be forgotten, then they will really forget you. This is not the result he wants.

This is also the reason why he actively seeks out Nikolai Milyutin to show his value. As long as he can impress the other party, if he can make the other party take a high look, Grand Duke Constantine will definitely be anxious when the news gets out.

At that time, that scumbag would come to me and ask me to go back!

Viscount Prozolov's assessment of the situation was very accurate, at least that's what Grand Duke Constantine meant. Although the latter felt that it was a pity that Viscount Prozolov was gone, he would never do such a humiliating thing to invite him back.

Grand Duke Constantine thought that after letting Viscount Prozolov know that the world was in trouble and that no one would reuse him for a while, he stood in front of Viscount Prozolov as a savior and mercifully gave him a job. That's the best solution.

However, this beautiful wish was interrupted just after it had begun. When he learned that Viscount Prozolov had found a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and seemed to have gained the appreciation of Nikolai Milyutin, he was furious. !

He couldn't understand the meaning of Nikolay Milyutin's intervention. Don't you know that Viscount Prozolov is one of his own? What you are doing is maliciously raising prices. How can he win over people and recruit talents in the future?

This made him have an unusually strong opinion of Nikolai Milyutin. He was very cold towards Nikolai Milyutin at balls and salons for several days in a row, as if the other party owed him millions.

This confused Nikolai Milyutin, and he asked Grand Duchess Irina in confusion: "What's wrong with him, Your Highness? Have I offended him in any way?"

As an "intellectual" in the Romanov family, Grand Duchess Irina knew more about Grand Duke Constantine and the bad temper of Nicholas I's family.

Although she didn't know anything about Viscount Prozolov, she could guess a thing or two.

"He looks like a child whose toys have been taken away. Dear Nicholas, have you taken anything from him recently?"

Nikolai Milyutin became more and more confused, grabbing something? What did he steal?

"Really?" Grand Duchess Irina asked with a smile.

Nikolay Milyutin wanted to scratch the back of his head, but this was a bit rude. He resisted the urge and smiled bitterly: "Of course not! Why should I snatch his things if I'm not a child? Besides, we are all How can I attack my own people?"

Grand Duchess Irina nodded. She believed that Nikolai Milyutin still took the overall situation into consideration. He is willing to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the overall situation. Although sometimes he is hesitant, as a leader he is still very structured.

"That's because he has a bad temper!" Grand Duchess Irina covered her lips with a folding fan and said with a smile: "After all, he has not been going well during this period. His Majesty has been making trouble for him. In addition, the big guys don't support him very much. It’s normal for him to be upset... maybe he’ll get better after a while!”

Nikolay Milyutin thought about it and could only accept this reason. Grand Duke Constantine was indeed unlucky and everything was not going well for him. While he was not going smoothly, he was much more comfortable than him.

In comparison, it is normal for him to be jealous of himself.

Forget it, it's just a child's temper. As an adult, don't worry about a young man like him!

After thinking about it, Nikolai Milyutin stopped worrying. Just as he was about to talk to Grand Duchess Irina about Ukraine as a pilot project, the Grand Duchess suddenly said: "Grand Duke Andrei is here!"

Before Nikolai Milyutin could remember who Grand Duke Andrei was, he saw a commotion in the surrounding crowd. A large number of reform backbones were whispering toward the porch, seeming to be talking about someone.

It took a lot of effort for him to get through the dark crowd and see the short Li Xiao, and then he reacted.

Suddenly he said to Grand Duchess Irina in surprise: "This is rare. Doesn't he not like to attend balls and salons?"

Grand Duchess Irina smiled and replied: "It is indeed quite rare, but it is different from the past and it is not surprising that he came here. What I am more interested in is who is the beautiful girl next to him?"

Nikolai Milyutin was speechless. Generally speaking, shouldn't it be stinky men like him who pay attention to beautiful women? Why does Grand Duchess Irina also have this hobby?

Grand Duchess Irina seemed to hear his thoughts and explained with a smile: "My nephew has never had any scandals. He is in his twenties and has not yet married. We all thought that he had no interest in women and thought that he would grow old alone. For life!"

It is not uncommon in aristocratic circles to be alone all their lives. Not to mention that among the children and grandchildren of Paul I, there were quite a few who never married. There are also many unmarried descendants of Alexander II.

Of course, not getting married is not the same as not engaging in scandals and not having a confidante. There are many Romanovs in the Romanov family who wander around without getting married. Although they don't get married, they have many illegitimate children.

It's just that Grand Duchess Irina knew that Li Xiao was not that kind of playboy, so she was not generally interested in the female companion he brought.

In fact, there were many nobles who were interested in Viktoria Vladimirlovna at the ball. After all, as Li Xiao's status gradually improved, he was no longer the shame of the Romanov family back then.

Now he has full value and is a high-quality young man worthy of marriage!

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