Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1331: To save face and suffer the consequences

Grand Duke Konstantin was so angry that he slammed the door from Nikolai Milyutin's study and left without looking back.

In addition to being filled with resentment towards Nikolai Milyuting and Li Xiao, his mind was also filled with deep confusion.

He just didn't understand why Nikolai Milyutin turned to support Li Xiao? Who is Li Xiao? A lowly Polish bastard! Shame on the Romanov family! A little man who couldn't even reach the saddle when he stood up.

For such a guy, Nikolai Milyutin, dared to reject him and humiliate him in person. Is the world crazy, or is Nikolai Milyutin crazy?

Seeing it, he still didn't look for problems in himself. I always thought there was something wrong with Nikolai Milyutin. This obsession made him become more and more paranoid. After returning home, he angrily destroyed his study, tearing up all the hardcover books and smashing all the bookshelves.

Grand Duke Constantine's behavior made the servants at home tremble with fear, but no one dared to step forward to dissuade him, or even comfort him, including his wife, Grand Duchess Alexandra Josephna. He had to stay far away for fear of provoking the angry bull.

"You all stay away and let His Highness vent his anger!"

Grand Duchess Alexandra Josephna was secretly sad when she said this. To be honest, she and Grand Duke Constantine had completely different personalities. Grand Duke Constantine flaunted freedom and had a passionate and unrestrained personality, while she was much more traditional.

She had no interest in the liberal reform cause that her husband loved, and she also felt bad about those bombastic scholars and intellectuals. She felt that these people were too noisy and impetuous.

She doesn't like serfdom, but she knows that a system that has existed for thousands of years cannot be easily abolished by shouting slogans.

She was full of worries about the career of Grand Duke Constantine because she could not see through the eldest brother who was sitting on the throne. Although he seemed amiable and concerned about his brothers and united his family, she always felt that this eldest brother was wearing a thick mask. mask, only God knows what he looks like under the mask.

Of course, as a noble lady, she knew very well that the higher the level of nobles, the thicker the masks on their faces. Even her parents also wore masks in their lives, but the masks on their faces were completely different from the masks on Alexander II's face. .

The latter gives her a gloomy, violent and cruel feeling. He was like a cold-blooded executioner, holding a sharp knife in his hand and looking at everyone suspiciously.

Grand Duchess Alexandra Josephna didn't know whether her feelings were right, but she knew one thing, that is, her eldest brother did not like her husband, and did not trust her husband as much as he said.

This eldest brother has been waiting for his husband to make a mistake. Once he catches the mistake, he can punish someone unscrupulously!

This feeling was very bad, so for a time she tried to persuade Grand Duke Constantine to give up his power and settle down as an idle prince.

It's just that her husband obviously also has strong ambitions, and it seems that the two brothers must decide the winner if they are in conflict.

All this made her very worried. She was really worried that one day disaster would come and completely destroy the peaceful and beautiful life now!

It's a pity that she couldn't stop it, so she could only watch as Grand Duke Constantine vented his nonsense.

Whenever this happens, she will think of her life in Altenberg and long to return to the carefree and simple life of her girlhood.

Thinking of this, she sighed quietly, looking out the window and thinking in her mind, until the maid woke her up: "Madam, Your Highness, please come over."

Alexandra was obviously stunned. She knew very well what kind of temper Grand Duke Constantine had. After venting his anger, the longest thing he did was to find those confidantes and linger with those vixens until his mood completely improved. Only then will I think of her as my wife.

Alexandra also saw through this without saying anything. She knew very well what the relationship between aristocratic couples was like, especially how to maintain the relationship between high-ranking aristocratic couples.

It's nonsense to talk about growing old together forever. Anyway, she has never seen a few dedicated nobles. The number of mistresses is just a difference. The more important thing is not to have illegitimate children.

As a traditional and conservative aristocratic woman, she was very mentally prepared for this. As long as Grand Duke Constantine didn't play too hard and end up getting killed, everything would be fine!

At least she was prepared for Grand Duke Constantine to return to her bed smelling of vulgar powder.

She really didn't expect that Constantine would let her pass. What happened to make him so out of control?

Already worried, she couldn't help but feel secretly anxious. She tried her best to maintain the demeanor of a grand duchess and arrived at Grand Duke Constantine's reception room. As soon as she entered the door, she saw her husband walking around angrily, as if the volcano would erupt again at any time.

Alexandra opened her red lips and asked softly: "What happened? Are you so unhappy?"

Grand Duke Constantine glanced at his wife, but without any explanation, he said quickly: "I need you to do me a favor, this is of great importance!"

Alexandra was even more confused, she actually needed her help? This is so abnormal, because she has never participated in politics. She has no connections or knowledge in this area. How can she help?

Grand Duke Constantine explained anxiously: "It has nothing to do with politics. I need you to take appropriate care of Viscount Prozolov. It would be even better if you could find a way to meet him!"

Alexandra was stunned and looked at her husband with wide eyes in confusion.

If she remembered correctly, Viscount Prozolov was once a diner of her family and had been helping Grand Duke Constantine. It was said that he had a falling out with Grand Duke Constantine some time ago and then left.

Why did she suddenly care about someone who had already left? He even asked her to try to chat with him face to face. Did Viscount Prozolov do something that was very detrimental to his family?

Grand Duke Constantine saw his wife's confusion, and he could only explain awkwardly: "The Viscount and I had some misunderstandings, and then he left in anger... My attitude was not particularly good at the time, but now that I think about it, he still A useful talent... I need you to help me ease the relationship. It would be even better if you could try to get him back!"

The face-conscious Grand Duke Constantine finally figured out something after being hammered by Nikolai Milyutin, and realized that Viscount Prozolov was still valuable...\u003c/br\u003e

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