Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1336 Don’t worry

Alexey is really worried about watching the show, because this is not only related to Li Xiao personally but also to the overall reform. If this matter causes internal strife among the reformists and the reform process, it will be really uneconomical!

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Do you think I am the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation? Don't worry, my friend! I know it in my heart and nothing will happen!"

Alexey hesitated: "But you are so tough, it is easy to intensify conflicts!"

Li Xiao said: "Who told you that I'm just tough? I've always been soft and hard, okay!"

Alexey asked: "How to use soft and hard tactics at the same time?"

Li Xiao knew what he really wanted to ask and used gentle methods. He also didn't know that it would be difficult for his friend to rest assured if he didn't explain it clearly. Instead of letting him worry about whether he could eat well or sleep uneasily, he might as well say it directly:

"Why do you think those intellectuals and students support Grand Duke Constantine so much?"

Alexey was stunned, aren't we talking about gentle means? Why did you suddenly mention this?

However, he knew Li Xiao well and knew that he would not make the wrong target, so he replied: "Probably because their ideas are similar, and Grand Duke Constantine is always trying to win people's hearts!"

Li Xiao laughed and said: "You don't have to be so polite, save face for him. What nonsense are similar ideas? To put it bluntly, my cousin has no ideas at all. He will get close to anyone who can help him wave the flag and cheer for him. It is easier for a simple-minded person to fool him and win over anyone, because a truly independent and intelligent person can see through him at a glance and know that he is a red-painted toilet that cannot stand on the countertop."

Alexey couldn't help but laugh. Although Li Xiao's words were vulgar, the truth was true. Look at the people who hang out with Grand Duke Constantine. How many of them are doing practical things?

Most of them are superficial people who are boastful. Only those who are truly capable of understanding the real situation in Russia will not be as impetuous as them.

Li Xiao continued to say sarcastically: "Actually, what you just said is not entirely accurate. The most important reason why these people hang out with Grand Duke Constantine and cheer for him is that Grand Duke Constantine is willing to give money!"

Alexey was stunned, give money?

No way? Could it be that these people were bribed by Grand Duke Constantine?

Li Xiao replied calmly: "In a sense, they were bribed. Otherwise, how do you think those newspapers and magazines that have sprung up like mushrooms appeared? Why didn't they exist before, but now they are suddenly everywhere?"

Alexey really hasn't thought about this issue. He thinks that the sudden prosperity of the cultural world is because Alexander II does not have as iron-fisted control as his father.

After Li Xiao's reminder, he couldn't help but think more deeply. Even if he relaxed his control, it was indeed unusual for so many publications to suddenly appear in a short period of time. After all, it costs money to run a publication, and it’s quite expensive!

According to the regulations of Alexander II, legal publications needed to be reviewed and approved by the Third Department, and a large sum of money was required.

This kind of money is not something that a few poor scholars can come up with!

He blurted out: "Duke Constantine funded them?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Otherwise? How much money do you think these bitter intellectuals have? He not only helped them run newspapers and periodicals, but also helped them operate them. Let's put it this way, without his generosity, St. Petersburg Street Most of the pro-reform newspapers and periodicals flooding the alleys will die!"

Alexei was shocked. If more than half of the newspapers and periodicals on the market were funded by Grand Duke Constantine, how much money would he have to spend? With so much money, why not do something else? For example, wouldn’t it be nice to set up a factory?

It's okay to open a research institute if you really can't. What Russia needs most now is innovative technology and a large number of scientific personnel, rather than a large group of sociology bastards who only know how to talk.

Alexei reacted immediately: "Are you going to attack those newspapers?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "You really do understand me. Doesn't he think he has control of public opinion and thinks he has a loud voice? Then I will help him squeeze out the water and let those noisy voices who only know nonsense be less. I believe that by then he will know how small his voice is!”

The corner of Alexei's mouth twitched: "Didn't we talk about gentle methods? You are still trying to be tough!"

Li Xiao waved his hand and said: "My friend, you don't understand, squeezing out water is one thing, the other thing is that we can also fund some newspapers and periodicals to make our voices heard!"

Alexey couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Isn't your move just like throwing money into the water?"

"It's different. We don't want to follow his example and flood the market with water. That would be a waste of money. We don't need so many voices. We just need to create a few high-quality publications and win with quality...and their empty generalities. Compared with talking about reform, we need to talk about reform with reason and feasible strategies. I believe that not all intellectuals in St. Petersburg are fools, and they should be able to see who is right!"

Alexey nodded and said: "That's okay, but I think you still need to be careful when squeezing out water!"

Li Xiao snorted: "Do you think I am the only one who wants to squeeze out water? Do you think those conservatives and your Majesty don't want to squeeze out water?"

Before Alexei could react, he sneered: "According to the information I got from inside sources, the third part will soon rectify newspapers and periodicals and severely crack down on those publications that cheer for Grand Duke Constantine!"

"Is this what Your Majesty means?"

Li Xiao snorted: "Grand Duke Constantine has gone too far. Some of the publications under his command have no bottom line. In order to suppress dissidents, they even publish short stories about the royal family, which is unsightly!"

Alexey's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that Grand Duke Constantine had such courage.

Li Xiao sneered and said, "Why didn't he? Have you forgotten about stealing and selling food in Moldavia?"

Well, Alexey was speechless. Grand Duke Constantine was indeed very courageous, but what was the point of orchestrating his elder brother's secret attempts to do such a shameless trick?

Even if everyone believes the stories he tells, even if the stories he tells are true, this does not change the fact that Alexander II is the emperor!

Li Xiao curled his lips and said: "Who says it's not the case? I think he is just mad. He is a mad dog. He will bite people when he gets mad. He has no sense at all!"

Alexey sighed, held his forehead and asked: "So are you going to take advantage of the third part to make things worse for him?"

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