Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1338 Deep reasons

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Nikolai Milyutin realized that something was unusual, so naturally when some angry intellectuals and scholars came to him and asked him to help teach Li Xiao a lesson, he flatly refused. Instead, he constantly advised these people to stay calm and not act recklessly.

It's just that people who are obsessed with crazy things can't listen to human words. Not only was Nikolai Milyutin's painstaking efforts not understood, but he was scolded.

These crazy people think that Nikolai Milyutin is favoring Li Xiao. He has long forgotten his original intention and has become a lackey of the conservatives.

To be honest, Nikolai Milyutin was very sad to be scolded. He was obviously dedicated to upholding justice, but these angry guys were not being reasonable at all.

It doesn't matter if he is unreasonable, but later on he even ignores basic etiquette. After all, he has been working hard for reform for so many years, and he tried every means to protect many people in his early years.

If it weren't for his protection, some of the people who are currently jumping up and down happily would have been sent to Siberia to repair the earth, and they might have turned into the feces of polar bears and Siberian tigers by now.

Such a group of people who benefited from him turned their faces and forgot about their past kindness, and dared to greet his family. How can this not be chilling!

This experience made Nikolai Milyutin understand what it means to be the most ruthless scholar. These guys who are full of knowledge and strategy are basically their masters who have breasts and mothers, so expect them to be grateful, it’s your grandma’s fault!

Nikolai Milyutin was very angry, but he couldn't let it go, so he could only send his secretary to deliver a letter to Li Xiao, asking Li Xiao to meet him as soon as possible to clarify the matter face to face.

It's just that before Nikolai Milyutin arrived, Li Xiao welcomed Grand Duke Constantine.

Yes, he is such a person. Even though Viscount Prozolov repeatedly warned him not to flirt with Nikolai Milyutin, he couldn't let go of this opportunity to regain his position with a bad breath in his chest.

Seeing that the public opinion environment was completely in his favor, he thought he had a chance to win, so he took the initiative to come to Nikolai Milyutin and prepared to teach Nikolai Milyutin a lesson.

"Earl, I have to admit that you really disappoint me!"

As soon as he came up, he took the lead and his momentum was extraordinary:

"Now you have also seen that Andrei Konstantinovich had no position and went so far as to murder his own people, brazenly arresting intellectuals who supported the reform, and also closing down the "Voice of Liberty" newspaper that had been promoting the reform. , these actions fully demonstrate that he is a despicable person... Don’t you feel ashamed that you are helping such a despicable person?"

Nikolay Milyutin was very surprised, because he thought that Grand Duke Constantine came to find a way to solve the problem, but who would have thought that this man actually came to investigate.

The implication behind the words was that he shouldn't support Li Xiao, which made him very angry.

He tried his best to restrain his emotions and replied: "Your Highness, first of all, please note that I don't think Grand Duke Andrei is a despicable person. There must be other reasons for the arrest of the editors of "Voice of Liberty" by the Third Department of Saint-Pump Castle... Before you figure out the real reason, it’s best not to jump to conclusions, let alone add fuel to the fire, as this won’t solve any problems!”

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Who would have thought that Archduke Constantine would be even angrier than him, pointing at his nose and saying: "You are still helping him at this time! Are you old and confused!"

Nikolai Milyutin was shocked. He originally thought that the lower limit of Grand Duke Constantine was low enough, but now it seems that he still underestimated the shamelessness of the other party. Now he has completely stripped off his disguise and revealed his true face!

Nikolai Milyutin sighed: "Your Highness, let me tell you for the last time that the reason why I support Archduke Andrei's plan is because his plan is the most reasonable and most practical. To be honest, this is the current situation. The best plan we can think of. As for your plan... No, you don't have any plan at all. You keep talking nonsense and are unconstructive! Even if you give me a hundred chances, I will choose Archduke Andrei's plan. !”

Grand Duke Constantine was so angry that just when he was about to curse, Nikolai Milyutin got ahead of him: "As for the arrest of relevant personnel in the editorial department of "Voice of Liberty", although I don't know the specific reason. But I don’t think Archduke Andrei would avenge himself, let alone disregard the overall situation... And from my personal point of view, some of the recent reports in the "Voice of Liberty" are indeed very problematic and need to be rectified!"

Grand Duke Constantine was stunned. He couldn't understand why Nikolai Milyutin was so fiercely protective of Li Xiao? Couldn't he see that Li Xiao was finished this time?

He was stunned for a while, and then said after a while: "You are crazy! You are simply hopeless! I tell you, this matter will never end like this. If you don't change your attitude quickly and return to the right path, you will Buried with that bastard! You better think clearly!"

Nikolai Milyutin sighed again. The ferocious look of Grand Duke Constantine was really ugly. Why didn't he see how miserable this man was before?

He shook his head and said: "It is you who need to think about it carefully, His Highness the Grand Duke! You'd better reflect on what you have done. In my opinion, it is really disgraceful!"

What else could Grand Duke Constantine do? He who was originally prepared to see Nikolai Milyutin's joke turned out to be a joke. He angrily rushed out of the door, startling Li Xiao who had just walked to the door.

"Earl, what's wrong with His Majesty the Grand Duke?" Li Xiao asked strangely.

Nikolai Milyutin sighed again, and said with dismay: "It's not you who caused the trouble. Why did you arrest the people from the "Voice of Liberty"? Don't you know they are the people of Archduke Constantine? "

Li Xiao replied casually: "Of course I know! I arrested them just because they are the people of Grand Duke Constantine!"

Nikolai Milyutin blinked, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears. Could someone really be taking revenge this time?

Li Xiao saw what Nikolai Milyutin was thinking at a glance, and explained with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, although I don't like Grand Duke Constantine, nor do I like the slanderous Voice of Liberty, but I We have no personal grudges against them, and the reason why we arrested them was to prevent possible misfortune and help them sound the alarm!"

Nikolai Milyutin blinked again. To be honest, he couldn't understand Li Xiao's logic. Is arresting someone just a precaution? Still sounding the alarm?

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Li Xiao nodded heavily and said: "Yes, you probably heard it, the third part will soon start a major rectification, and the target is the public opinion circle..."

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