Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1340 Why don’t you listen?

Li Xiao's judgment of Grand Duke Constantine was very accurate. The first thing he did after returning home was to gather his men. He called all his soldiers and generals over and announced murderously:

"The arrest of the editorial staff of the "Voice of Liberty" is absolutely unacceptable! This is a violation of the law and a blasphemy against human dignity. By doing this, the St. Petersburg Part 3 is blatantly turning back the clock and being an enemy of reform!"

He shook his fist heavily and roared: "We must not be soft on those who oppose reform, and we must make those who dare to go against the grain pay the price..."

Viscount Prozolov frowned when he heard this. He did not object to Grand Duke Constantine teaching Li Xiao a lesson. He believed that this was indeed the best opportunity to teach Li Xiao a lesson, but he objected to making the scale so large. Once something went out of line, , then the consequences are completely out of control, and it is very likely to cause big trouble!

And he also strongly objected to involving Count Nikolai Milyutin, but even though he repeatedly warned sternly, Archduke Constantine obviously did not listen!

"...What worries and saddens me even more now is that some of our former friends have fallen into the trap of conservatives. Instead of stopping such perverse behavior, they not only do not stop it, but also defend such behavior. We must also rebuke people and wake them up so that they can return to the right path!"

Viscount Prozolov began to feel a headache. Grand Duke Constantine once again refused to listen to him and insisted on confronting Nikolai Milyutin. Isn't this asking for abuse?

But Grand Duke Constantine obviously does not think that he is at a disadvantage. He feels that he can settle everything with just a snap of his fingers by scolding Fang Qiu!

He once waved his hands heavily and announced loudly: "From now on everyone will obey my command and have been severely condemning Andrei Konstantinovich and Nikolai Milyutin in the newspapers and denounced their criminal behavior." , especially the former must be severely attacked, and students must be mobilized to protest at their residences and offices, so that all of St. Petersburg will know how serious the consequences of being our enemy are!”

Grand Duke Constantine spoke eloquently on the stage, but not everyone in the audience agreed with him, not to mention the smart Viscount Prozolov, as well as the editors-in-chief and writers of many newspapers and periodicals. He was also silent, obviously having other thoughts in mind.

"Vladimir Nikolayevich, do we really want to criticize Count Nikolai Milyutin and Grand Duke Andrei Constantine in the newspaper?" Leo Tolstoy poked his side. 's friend asked.

The latter was biting his nails nervously at this time, and his eyes were staring straight, looking like a fool.

"I don't know...but I think doing this...doing this won't solve the problem!"

Leo Tolstoy nodded heavily and said: "I also think this is too much. Do you want us to remind His Highness the Grand Duke?"

Vladimir Nikolayevich suddenly trembled and quickly shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's not ask for trouble... It was because of helping Andrei Konstantin in the newspaper. The Duke of Norwich said a few fair words, and then he scolded us like crazy, and now that we are helping Andre work and talk, he has to target us!"

Leo Tolstoy curled his lips and said, "Then we can't just let him do whatever he wants!"

Vladimir Nikolayevich sighed and said helplessly: "But if you speak for Grand Duke Andrei now, don't talk about Grand Duke Constantine, just say what the people around you will think of you, and what will they do? To deal with you?"

Leo Tolstoy fell silent. Although he was a little naive, he was not stupid. Now that the public was so excited, all the spearheads might be pointed at him. He really didn't have the courage to face so many accusations.

But if he didn't do anything, he was really worried about his conscience, which made him feel inexplicably irritable. He scratched his head and scratched his head, which didn't seem to be normal at all.

In the end, Vladimir Nikolayevich came up with a compromise: "How about we remind Grand Duke Andrei?"

Leo Tolstoy was right. He neither wanted to be the target of public criticism, nor was he willing to stand by and watch. However, he was unable to deal with such a complicated issue. Since the target was Li Xiao, he should let someone think for himself. Find a solution!

Suddenly he whispered to Vladimir Nikolayevich: "You watch here, I will go find Grand Duke Andrei first."

After saying that, he walked away quietly, just like a thief.

In fact, he could leave openly, because since Grand Duke Constantine publicly attacked Nikolai Milyutin and Li Xiao, people have been leaving.

Yes, Grand Duke Constantine was very prestigious among public opinion circles and intellectuals, but he was not the only one who was prestigious among the reformists.

Let’s not talk about Nikolai Milyutin. He has many supporters in the public opinion circle. Perhaps in terms of quantity, he is not the opponent of a big enemy like Grand Duke Constantine who throws money to anyone and doesn’t refuse, but Compared with the quality of the former, it is really hard to say that it can definitely beat him.

Naturally, many of these mouthpieces summoned by Grand Duke Constantine were supporters of Nikolai Milyutin. Now that I heard that Grand Duke Constantine was going to cause trouble for Nikolay Milyutin, I naturally couldn't just sit back and watch.

Those who were excited walked away directly, while those who were in a stable mood immediately sent someone to notify Nikolai Milyutin.

Not to mention that there are actually members of Alexei's group among these mouthpieces. The reforms they support are not only loyal to Grand Duke Constantine, so naturally they will contact Alexei immediately.

As a result, strictly speaking, there were not many people in the venue who truly supported Grand Duke Constantine. Most of them were half-hearted or Archduke Constantine was too happy to give money before, so he could only help support the situation.

To be honest, only one out of ten people are actually willing to follow Grand Duke Constantine’s call!

It's just that Grand Duke Constantine, who was intoxicated by his speech, didn't realize this. He stood on the stage and spoke for a full two hours, which was enough!

After he stepped off the stage, he drank a large cup of black tea in one breath, wiped his mouth and said happily: "Great, everyone reacted so fiercely that something great can be accomplished!"

Viscount Prozolov's mouth twitched and he quickly said: "Your Highness, I have reminded you several times not to conflict with Count Nikolai Milyutin, why don't you listen!"

Grand Duke Constantine snorted: "It's not that I want to conflict with him, but he is so shameless. He doesn't listen at all to my good words. He must stand with that bastard. So what can I do? , I can only teach him a lesson!"

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