Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1343 I can’t figure it out

Although Grand Duke Constantine was furious, he did not completely lose his mind. Even if he disliked Viscount Prozolov, he had to admit that he could not do without this "counselor" now.

So even if Viscount Prozolov's attitude made him very dissatisfied, he could only endure it!

"You want me to surrender to Nikolai Milyutin?" Grand Duke Constantine asked with his red eyes.

Viscount Prozolov replied calmly: "Your Highness, this is not to admit defeat, but to give in for the future!"

The corners of Archduke Constantine's mouth twitched. This kind of nonsense can only deceive a three-year-old child. What kind of bullshit is temporary concession for the sake of the future? Doesn't this make him surrender?

But he couldn't refuse Viscount Prozolov's kindness, otherwise he would have to admit that he lost!

Well, just admit defeat! It is not a shame to lose to Nikolay Milyutin, but he also has a bottom line: "I can take a step back, but the editor of "Voice of Liberty" must be released, and the slanders in today's newspaper must be clarified!"

Viscount Prozolov thought about it and felt that this condition was not too much. Besides, Grand Duke Constantine had already given in. Nikolai Milyutin had to accept it if he didn't say he wanted to give face.

He nodded and agreed to Grand Duke Constantine's request, and then the master and servant immediately took the car to negotiate with Nikolai Milyutin.

"Count, you should be very clear about our purpose. There are too many irresponsible remarks in the newspaper today. These remarks have greatly affected my reputation. This makes me very angry! But in the spirit of the fact that we are all on the same journey and support reform From this point of view, I am willing to generously take a step back. As long as you release the editorial staff of "Voice of Liberty" and immediately stop slandering me, this matter will be over!"

Nikolai Milyutin looked at Grand Duke Constantine with interest. He had thought that Grand Duke Constantine would come to make peace, but the other party obviously did not fully understand the situation. The matter was far from as simple as he thought. This matter We can't just let it go.

Nikolai Milyutin solemnly replied: "Your Highness, there are some things that cannot be done, such as those unsightly little actions before the "Voice of Liberty". They were so inappropriate! We all know why they did this. Let's talk about it. To be honest, I’m very angry about this!”

He said with great seriousness: "Therefore certain things must be corrected and must be dealt with seriously so that some people with ulterior motives know what can and cannot be done. So the editorial staff of the "Voice of Liberty" must be severely punished. This There are no conditions to be negotiated!”

Grand Duke Constantine's face turned ugly when Nikolai Milyutin was halfway through speaking. Didn't he know what little trick "Voice of Liberty" had done and who ordered it?

He knew it all too well, but this kind of thing could only be felt but not expressed in words, especially it couldn't be thrown out in person. This is equivalent to slapping him in the face!

Grand Duke Constantine is such a face-saving person, how can he bear this?

Not to mention that Nikolai Milyutin told him categorically later that there was no need to discuss this matter.

Naturally, he felt that being humble and making peace was enough to give him face, but the other party put his face on the ground and stepped on it. What did this mean? If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it will really think I'm a sick cat!

Grand Duke Constantine was furious and was about to turn against him. Fortunately, Viscount Prozolov got in front of him.

"Earl, please allow me to speak a word of justice!"

"His Highness came this time to safeguard the overall situation with a responsible attitude towards the future. Those of us who support the reform must not engage in internal strife, otherwise it will definitely damage our cause! That's why he would rather compromise and maintain the overall situation!"

After a pause, he looked at Nikolai Milyutin and said: "But you are too blaming for perfection. The "Voice of Liberty" is just a small matter. If you think they did something wrong, then His Highness is willing to listen to you. Ask them to make corrections. But arresting people without saying a word and making a fuss out of a molehill is too much!"

"Earl, His Highness is willing to safeguard the overall situation. He would rather sacrifice his own reputation to safeguard the overall situation. But you can't treat him like this and regard his tolerance and concession as weakness!"

Grand Duke Constantine's face suddenly looked much better, and his eyes looking at Viscount Prozolov became much softer.

Obviously he is quite satisfied with Viscount Prozolov's words!

Probably in his opinion, Nikolai Milyutin couldn't be too generous and faceless for Nikolai Milyutin's sake, right?

Only this time he and Viscount Prozolov were quite wrong. They simply did not understand the reasons for what happened, nor the seriousness of it. He even misjudged the strength of both sides, so he dared to talk nonsense here.

They are ignorant, but Nikolai Milyutin understands!

The fundamental reason why things happened and why they came to this point is Grand Duke Constantine's selfishness and disregard for the overall situation. Find Shuyuan

If it weren't for your feasible strategy against Li Xiao, if it weren't for you inciting a bunch of media to bite people, if it wasn't for fabricating gossip news for your own ambitions. Can things come to this point?

And now you actually tell me about enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens to safeguard the overall situation. Do you have any misunderstandings about these two idioms? !

If you call this "bearing humiliation and bearing the burden", what is Li Xiao's name?

If your nonsense like this can be regarded as safeguarding the overall situation, then are there people in this world who do not safeguard the overall situation?

Nikolai Milyutin was very angry and felt more and more that Grand Duke Constantine was despicable and shameless.

He took a deep breath, looked into the eyes of Viscount Prozolov and Grand Duke Constantine, and replied solemnly: "Gentlemen, I originally thought you still had a little bit of the most basic integrity, but now it seems that you obviously don't. Realize where you went wrong? Bear the humiliation? Protect the overall situation? Your Highness, aren't you the one who instigated the media to spread rumors and slander me?"

"Do you call taking the initiative to provoke someone and bear the burden of humiliation?"

Nikolai Milyutin said contemptuously: "If you feel that you have endured humiliation and safeguarded the overall situation, then I can only say that I am sorry, because I did not see it at all. What I saw was that you repeatedly ignored the overall situation for the sake of My own ambitions and selfish interests undermine the overall situation and act recklessly! If such behavior cannot be corrected, that would be the greatest tragedy!"

The faces of Grand Duke Constantine and Viscount Prozolov were extremely pale, especially the former's, who was so white and blue, that he looked even scarier than a zombie.

Because they couldn't figure out why Nikolai Milyutin was so fierce and why he was so disrespectful! Does he like someone that much?

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