Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1347 Pobedonostsev’s Persistence

Grand Duke Constantine obviously believed that losing to Alexander II was better than losing to Nikolai Milyutin.

That's right, let's not talk about whether he and Alexander II are brothers, even if their bones are broken, their tendons are still connected. It is better to lose to your own brother than to lose to an outsider.

What's more, he knew clearly that losing to the Tsar and losing to the Minister of the Interior were the same thing.

How many ministers can defeat the Tsar?

Although he disliked the status of a minister, in the eyes of outsiders, it was normal for him to be soft on the tsar. This was a non-war crime.

But it was completely different when he lost to Nikolai Milyutin, who was "of the same level". He was a majestic grand duke of the empire, and he was not only second to none among his ministers, but also second only to the prime minister.

If you lose to the Home Secretary, how can you have any dignity? Outsiders still don’t want to laugh at his incompetence!

This was something Grand Duke Constantine couldn't bear at all. Even if it was embarrassing, he had to make it clear and never suffer a loss!

I can only say that it would be great if he could be so shrewd in matters of right and wrong, but he obviously only has this kind of small cleverness and really lacks great wisdom!

So what is Alexander II's attitude towards this? Will he help his dear brother Constantine?

If he had his way, he would definitely not help Grand Duke Constantine. He "deeply hates" this younger brother and wishes Grand Duke Constantine would suffer.

But the current situation cannot be left to his own whim. In this regard, his self-control is more than ten times stronger than that of Grand Duke Constantine.

In this regard, it is indeed wise for Nicholas I to choose him to inherit the throne. The last thing a tsar who has everything in one person can do is to be willful, which is making fun of the future and destiny of the country.

So after hearing Count Pobedonostsev report on what was happening in the press today, he was keenly aware of this opportunity.

The reformists were in internal strife, and Grand Duke Constantine and Nikolai Milyutin were at odds with each other. Isn't this a good opportunity for him to weaken the reformists that he dreamed of?

After discovering this, he sat firmly in the study and waited for Archduke Constantine to come to ask for help.

Yes, he believed that Grand Duke Constantine was by no means a match for Nikolai Milyutin. He had to say that he had a better judgment of the situation than Grand Duke Constantine. The latter felt too good about himself!

To be honest, the waiting process was very anxious. On the one hand, he was worried that Grand Duke Constantine would not be able to save his dignity and come to ask for help. On the other hand, he had the idea of ​​teasing his younger brother and venting his anger.

However, the latter idea was eventually dismissed by his wise man. He put the overall situation first, and it would be bad if he tried to tease the other party and backfired.

Alexander II, who had extremely strong self-control, controlled his personal preferences. When the expected Grand Duke Constantine came, and listened to the latter's hesitant expression of his demands, he not only did not use sarcasm but instead comforted him with gentle words.

That sincerity was warmer than the spring breeze, and at this moment he was gentler than his close sister, and Grand Duke Constantine was deeply moved.

Alexander II immediately told Count Pobedonostsev: "It is not advisable for the Third Department of St. Petersburg to arrest people indiscriminately. Reform is to listen to more opinions from all sides and let everyone speak freely. How can we speak with words?" If he is convicted? Let the St. Petersburg Department 3 release him immediately, and those responsible must also be severely criticized!"

Grand Duke Constantine was a little confused, because Alexander II's attitude was so good that it made him a little frightened.

When was the last time Alexander II was so "gentle" to him? Anyway, her memory was blurred. As far back as he could remember, the two brothers had always been in love with each other, and most of the time they were at odds with each other.

So facing the enthusiastic Alexander II, he had to think more about whether there was something wrong inside. Maybe the other party is digging a hole for him!

Alexander II naturally didn't know this, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

Facing the silent and cautious Archduke Constantine, he held his hand and shook it vigorously: "Dear brother, there is no need to worry, these are small problems and can be easily solved... As a brother, it is my duty to help you. ! Isn’t he just a bastard? It’s not his turn to dominate!”

As he spoke, he patted his chest and said: "Don't talk about Andrei Konstantinovich, even if Nikolay Milyutin is your enemy, I will stand firmly on your side!"

Grand Duke Constantine increasingly felt that Alexander II was digging a huge hole for him, but it seemed inappropriate to refuse at this time. After all, it was quite satisfying to slap Nikolai Milyutin in the face.

Just when he was considering whether to accept Alexander II's "kindness", Pobedonostsev couldn't help it anymore: "Your Majesty, we have already made decisions on issues related to the press. It is not easy to change suddenly. All right?!"

Alexander II frowned, a little unhappy, and looked for Shuyuan Yes, the decision has indeed been made on how to deal with the newspapers and periodicals that advocated for the reformists. But isn’t that what happened when the reformists didn’t have internal strife?

Times change from one moment to another, and when circumstances change, we naturally need to be flexible and make changes. Should he let him pass by this good opportunity to instigate internal strife among the reformists?

He felt more and more that Pobedonostsev was a bit inflexible. No wonder he couldn't control the third part because he was so rigid. You are really a piece of shit at your level and cannot be put on the stage!

But it’s not easy to say this in front of Grand Duke Constantine. What if this guy knows that they are going to take ruthless measures and change their minds and not challenge Nikolai Milyutin?

He could only criticize vaguely: "Count, although there is a certain consensus on the issues of the press, the specific implementation is still open to discussion. Nowadays, some people have greatly hindered the healthy development of the press. This is the top priority and must be given priority. Deal with it!"

Pobedonostsev certainly knew what Alexander II was up to. It was undeniable that this was indeed an opportunity, but he did not think that this would really cause the reformists to split and fight within themselves.

In his eyes, Grand Duke Constantine was just a clown, and was no match for Nikolai Milyutin. Wouldn't it be asking for defeat to be a teammate of such a bad chess player?

What's more, if you help Archduke Constantine at this time, you will face a series of problems later. The simplest one is that according to your statement, the arrested editor must be released, and the St. Petersburg Third Department must not hinder the normal work of the press. .

But none of these grandsons are clean. Previously, they had arranged tidbits about you, Your Majesty, and painted you as a shameless and dissolute king.

If this trend is allowed to go unchecked, and other newspapers and periodicals follow suit, wouldn't the world be in chaos? !

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