Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1352 It’s too difficult

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Leonid has always had doubts about reforms. Even after a year of "investigation" abroad and seeing the prosperity of London and Paris and the new technologies of Britain and France, he still felt that the reforms were a bit too much.

In his opinion, Russia's backwardness is only inferior to others in technology, and there is no problem with the system. Therefore, if he wants to make Russia rich and strong again, wouldn't it be good to introduce technology?

Of course, he still has a brain and knows that things may not be that simple, but this does not prevent him from having opinions on the reform.

In the past, he had always thought that Alexander II wanted reforms and that reforms were a manifestation of the tsar's will. But now he suddenly discovered that the tsar did not like reform and was even more resistant to reform than he was. This gave him a new idea - maybe reform is not necessary after all?

When he told Duke Alexander this idea, he was immediately severely criticized. Although the Duke did not necessarily support the reform line proposed by the reformists, he still agreed with the reform from the bottom of his heart. He believed that Russia did need to reform. Otherwise, regaining prosperity and greatness will be a joke.

"Why?" Leonid asked in confusion: "The only thing we are worse than Britain and France is that our technology is inferior to others. In other aspects, we have no problems!"

Duke Alexander shook his head and said decisively: "Lyonia, you are wrong! Big mistake!"

He took a breath and said loudly: "Not only are we inferior in technology, we also have a lot of problems in every aspect. Compared with Britain and France, we are like old rotten wood. If we don't carry out comprehensive reforms, there will be only a dead end in the future!" "

Without waiting for Leonid to ask questions, he said to himself: "I know you don't agree with my judgment, but I want to tell you that whether it is the education system, the land system or the legal system, we are all in a mess. The reforms are just introducing some new technologies that you think are important, but they are nothing more than putting new wine in old bottles and changing the soup without changing the medicine!"

However, Leonid obviously disagreed, because he could not find the reason why new technologies could not be implemented in Russia, and did not understand why the introduction of new technologies could not solve the root causes of Russia's problems.

Duke Alexander patiently explained this: "The simplest thing is, the introduction of new technologies requires talents, right? It requires a large number of engineers and technicians. Do we have these? If the serfdom system is not smashed, a large number of laborers will be tied to farmland. , do you think those serf owners will take the initiative to hand over these precious labor resources?"

Leonid was stunned. He had never thought about this. Both industry and agriculture require labor. Especially in a country with very backward technology like Russia, both work and agriculture require a large amount of labor.

Let's put it this way, 89% of Russia's labor force is locked up in farmland. If they are not liberated, where will there be enough labor force to work in factories?

What's more, factories are very picky about labor requirements. People who are illiterate and can't tell the difference between their left and right feet are most likely not suitable to work in factories. The more advanced the industry, the more high-end talents are needed.

But how many high-end talents are there in Russia? Ninety-nine percent of serfs were illiterate, and it was impossible for them to work in factories without training.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

But the question is, how many serf owners are willing to let their serfs receive training? Not to mention allowing serfs to freely enter factories to work.

Leonid stopped talking. Some things just can't be considered in detail, otherwise you will find a lot of problems. It is not ordinary to decorate an old house and turn waste into treasure.

If you really want to work hard, you will find that it is more cost-effective to tear down and rebuild!

For example, if we want to renovate this old house in Russia now, we must first tear down the most decadent pillar of the serfdom system. But if this thing is torn down, what will be left of this old house in Russia?

Duke Alexander looked at the silent Leonid and sighed, patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely: "I know you have doubts in your heart. This is normal. Anyone is suddenly faced with the need to change thousands of years of tradition. This will always be the case, but my son, please recall, isn’t the reason why Russia became one of the most powerful countries in Europe originated from the reforms of Peter the Great?”

Leonid was moved. Peter the Great was his idol. It was his resolute reform that made Russia become strong. Otherwise, Russia today would still be a northern barbarian bullied by Sweden. Not to mention shocking the European continent, even Sweden would be afraid. , Poland's bunch of scum are no match!

Thinking of this, he finally changed his negative opinions on the reform and felt that although the reform was a bit awkward, there was no harm in giving it a try.

But he was stunned immediately. If he supported reform, wouldn't he have to support the reformists, and if he wanted to support the reformists, wouldn't he have to stand against the tsar?

Suddenly he felt awkward again. As a loyal minister, how could he go against the emperor?

Well, Leonid is down again. His single-core, single-threaded brain could not handle such a complex problem at all. To be honest, it wouldn't be surprising if his brain was smoking.

At least Prince Alexander wouldn't find it strange. If Leonid could learn to be flexible, he would be happy to live five years shorter.

"Supporting reforms does not mean that you are against His Majesty!" Duke Alexander said earnestly: "My son, you must abandon this kind of thinking. Supporting a certain faction does not mean that you must be consistent with them in everything. You must have the ability to distinguish! There are some things You can be consistent with them, but there are some things you don’t have to do!”

Duke Alexander knew that Leonid would definitely ask: when should we be consistent and when should we not support it?

"You have to look at whether what they want to do is necessary for the reform. If it is an indispensable step for the reform, of course it must be supported... On the other hand, if it is dispensable for the reform, then it needs to be considered! For example, if it is an indispensable step for the reform now, The conflict between Grand Duke Andrei, Count Nicholas Milyutin and Grand Duke Constantine is something that can be supported or not supported. However, considering that His Majesty is on the side of Grand Duke Constantine, we should side with him. It’s with His Majesty!”

Leonid thought for a long time, and finally turned a corner from the downtime. Although he still didn't fully understand the logical relationship, since his old father said that he should stand on the side of the tsar, and he himself wanted to be a loyal minister, there was no need to support Li Xiao and Nikolai Milyutin.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Duke Alexander looked at Leonid who was secretly delighted and couldn't help but sigh again. His son was really difficult to educate. If he needs to be so patient in everything from now on, then why not exhaust him to death? !

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