Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1355 Can’t reach an agreement (Part 1)

Duke Alexander looked at Nikolai Milyutin and Li Xiao with a serious face. Since he had decided to face them calmly, he would let the other party know his determination from the beginning.

Not only did he let the two of them give up their unrealistic ideas, he also wanted to let them know that he would never compromise!

"Gentlemen, what happened to you in such a hurry to come to me?" he asked seriously.

Nikolai Milyutin took a deep breath and explained his purpose. He asked Duke Alexander's attitude directly without going around in circles, which shocked the latter greatly.

Although Prince Alexander did not work with Nikolai Milyutin for a long time, he was familiar with his character. This reformist leader who has been running for reform is actually a good man who lacks a firm will.

It is quite easy for him to break through his bottom line. As long as he comes up with the excuse of putting the overall situation first, he will usually give in.

But this time it was obviously different. He was so simple, direct and firm. It was not difficult to tell from his expression that this time he was serious.

This made Duke Alexander a little nervous, feeling that this level might not be as easy to pass as he had just thought.

"Gentlemen, I have no intention of getting involved in the contradictions and conflicts between you and Grand Duke Constantine. This is your internal matter, and it is not suitable for outsiders to intervene!"

After a slight pause, he emphasized his tone and said solemnly: "But if the issue between you involves His Majesty, as Prime Minister, I must safeguard His Majesty's authority and dignity. There is no room for negotiation!"

Li Xiao and Nikolai Milyuting looked at each other. The latter showed disappointment, while the former seemed to be saying: "It's not what I expected!"

Nikolai Milyutin was unwilling to give up just like that. He wanted to do the work of Duke Alexander again, so he said: "Duke, this is not an internal conflict, but a key choice involving reform... Constantine The various actions of the Grand Duke have seriously hindered the reform process. If he is allowed to continue to act recklessly, the reform will be abandoned halfway...our years of hard work and your long-cherished wish will not be realized! Are you willing to see such a thing happen? "

Duke Alexander was still indifferent, which disappointed Nikolai Milyutin. He begged: "Duke, what happened this time is by no means as simple as you said. It will greatly affect the reform cause and must not be taken lightly. Look at it! I think you must take it seriously and not take it lightly!"

Duke Alexander replied coldly: "Sorry, my friend, in my opinion this is just a small problem between you and Grand Duke Constantine. It is you who did not handle this problem properly and turned it into a big trouble." ! But no matter what, this is still your internal problem, and you should deal with it internally in a low-key manner!"

Nikolay Milyutin was anxious: "But Grand Duke Constantine's insistence on going his own way has aggravated the matter, and now it can no longer be handled in a low-key manner internally!"

Duke Alexander shook his head and said: "I don't care. As Prime Minister, I must be consistent with His Majesty. It is impossible for you to help you deal with Your Majesty after your poor internal handling caused a big problem. This is absolutely impossible!"

Nikolai Milyutin lamented, the situation he least wanted to see appeared. Duke Alexander made it clear that he wanted to be consistent with Alexander II and Grand Duke Constantine, which was almost equivalent to declaring war with them.

How to do this?

Li Xiao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up: "Duke, you have been saying that this is our internal conflict, and as an outsider you are unwilling to interfere... and you also said that this is a conflict caused by our poor internal handling, and as Prime Minister, you will not Help us deal with the aftermath... In my opinion, this statement is too hypocritical!"

Duke Alexander was stunned. He did not expect that Li Xiao would suddenly fire at him. His words were so fierce that they were almost an open expression of hostility.

This caught him somewhat off guard. He felt that young people like Li Xiao would still worry about the relationship and feelings between the two parties. After all, he had extended a helping hand when someone was in trouble some time ago. How could someone pull up his pants and not recognize him? People?

He was about to say something to Li Xiao, but the latter didn't give him a chance to speak: "Duke, whether you want to admit it or not, the reason why you became prime minister was mainly due to our promotion! If it weren't for the earl, Without the earl praising you all the time, it would be difficult for you to become prime minister so easily!"

Li Xiao glanced at Duke Alexander and pressed forward: "Let's put it this way, without the support of us people, especially the support of Count Nikolai Milyutin, you would never be able to become prime minister easily! At least I can't I think His Majesty is willing to support you and make you the Prime Minister!"

"And now, when the count hopes that you will support him and help him calm down the problems caused by the selfish Grand Duke Constantine who does not listen to advice and insists on going his own way, you actually tell him that you must be consistent with His Majesty who does not like you. Do you think this is really true? Is it appropriate?"

Duke Alexander was stunned. Not only was the explanation from this angle a bit novel, but more importantly, he heard a strong hint of threat!

Sure enough, Li Xiao immediately continued: "You can choose to betray us at this time, betray the people who have always supported you, and stand with people who don't like you or even hate you. But for us, this is an out-and-out betrayal." Judicial behavior! In this regard, we can only think that you do not sincerely support the reform, and do not intend to stand with us all the time to promote the great cause of national rejuvenation! Naturally, we will not continue to unconditionally support such a person, so I ask you, Are you really ready to go against us?"

Duke Alexander stopped talking. He knew that this was a threat, an explicit threat, but he had to admit that there was some truth in what he said.

Without the support of Nikolai Milyutin and others, it would be difficult for him to become prime minister, and it would even be more difficult for him to secure the position of foreign minister.

From this point of view, Li Xiao's words are absolutely correct. If he sided with Alexander II and Grand Duke Constantine, it would be tantamount to betraying the support of Nikolai Milyutin and others.

Naturally, it is normal for Nikolai Milyutin and others to give him some color.

However, although Duke Alexander admitted that Li Xiao's words were partially correct, it did not mean that he would give in.

For an old man like him, neither father nor mother has the most interests in the officialdom, so what if he came to power thanks to Nikolai Milyutin and others. Now that Nikolai Milyutin's methods are hindering his interests, of course he can't just sit back and watch!

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