Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1366 Full of Confidence

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Alexander II didn't know that Pobedonostsev was going to hold back. He was in a good mood now and felt that the situation was under control. This battle would not only completely defeat the reformists, but at least suppress the reformists' increasing arrogance. arrogance.

In a good mood, he had two mistresses for the first time and even had the energy to spend the night in the queen's room.

This kind of performance has really disappeared in the past three years, at least since he ascended the throne.

"Peter Andreevich, look! Everything has changed since Alexander Ivanovich came back. As expected, only he can help me. I can't imagine what I would do in this mess without him! "

Count Kleinmicher agreed submissively, but in fact he did not particularly agree.

He did not deny that Duke Baryatinsky was very capable and influential, but the situation at hand could not be solved by just being capable and influential.

In his personal opinion, reform is an inevitable trend and cannot be stopped by one or two people.

What's more, Baryatinsky's ability is not that powerful, and his opponent is too powerful. There are piles of powerful bosses waiting there, and there are also hidden bosses waiting behind the scenes.

Who can beat Baryatinsky with his small arms and legs?

However, there were some things that he could not explain. After all, the relationship between him and Count Rostovtsev could not be explained clearly.

Naturally, he really had a lot to say to the proud Alexander II. How much he wanted to tell the tsar: "You'd better take it easy! Your opponent is too strong! If you continue to screw around like this , sooner or later you will fall into a pit and you won’t be able to get up!”

He could only say: "Your Majesty, although Duke Alexander Ivanovich can greatly change the balance of power, considering that the reformists have many supporters and strong strength, they still need to be fully prepared, especially in face-to-face situations. Be prepared for difficulties!”

Alexander II looked at Count Kleinmicher and felt a little displeased, because he heard a deep disapproval from the other person's words. The other party obviously feels that the reformists are more powerful, and even with the help of Duke Baryatinsky, his chances of winning are not particularly good.

Alexander II felt that his power was underestimated, that is, Count Kleinmicher was one of his own, otherwise he would definitely lose his temper.

How annoying it is to have such a lack of eyesight and still wandering around you!

Considering that Count Kleinmicher has always been known for his "loyalty" and "uprightness", he can be forgiven for saying a few indifferent words.

So he waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, Count. Everything is under control. The people Nikolay Alexeevich (Milyutin) can find and the strength he can muster is there. He can We know exactly what they are doing, but he still doesn’t know anything about Prince Alexander Ivanovich having returned to St. Petersburg, so they will definitely lose if they have calculated it mentally or not!”

Count Kleinmicher kept laughing in his heart, saying that if you knew how strong the reformists really were and how outrageous the surprise soldiers were, you wouldn't be so optimistic.

He could only persuade again: "Even so, you still have to be prepared to deal with unexpected factors. After all, anything can happen. What if Nikolay Alexeevich still has a trump card?"

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

But Alexander II obviously couldn't listen. He believed that he had a huge advantage and could not lose. He increasingly felt that Count Kleinmicher was out of touch.

In view of this, Count Kleinmicher stopped trying to persuade him. As the saying goes, it is hard to persuade a damned person with good words. He had already said what he needed to say, so he had fulfilled his obligation.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Alexander II didn't want to bring up this topic anymore. He suddenly asked: "I heard that you have been very close to Count Rostovtsev recently?"

Count Kleinmicher was taken aback, thinking that Alexander II had discovered his private connection with Count Rostovtsev, and he immediately became nervous.

But before he could explain, Alexander II continued with a smile: "Count, he has always been withdrawn and rarely makes friends with others, but you can actually get along well with him. Is there any secret to this?"

Count Kleinmicher was stunned. What kind of problem is this? How could he get along with Count Rostovtsev? It was obvious that the old fox was coercing him to use him, so he had no choice but to deal with him.

How does he know how to get along with that old bastard!

However, when Alexander II asked, he couldn't explain it without giving an explanation. He thought for a moment and replied: "To be honest, Your Majesty, I don't know how I got the favor of that count, and I am also confused about it. I I think it may be that the earl thinks it’s easier for me to talk less and communicate!”

Alexander II was stunned for a moment and then laughed, because this answer was really nonsense. How could Count Rostovtsev like you because you talk less. Although the count was a bit withdrawn, he was not a dull person. When it was time to talk, he could talk at length and talk one thing after another.

No matter how you look at him, he is the kind of eloquent and talkative person. How could he like a mute friend?

Alexander II felt that this was definitely not the reason. He felt that the reason why Count Kleinmicher could get along with Count Rostovtsev was probably due to their common loyalty.

In his eyes, these two people were loyal and loyal ministers, people who regarded the emperor's interests as more important than his own. Completely different from other profit-seeking philistines.

The reason why Count Rostovtsev disliked those people was that he saw through their nature.

It was precisely because he saw that Count Kleinmicher was the same kind of person as him that he naturally felt close to him!

Alexander II naturally hopes that the more people who are absolutely loyal to him, the better. If the courtiers in the government and the public are like Count Rostovtsev and Count Kleinmicher, then he, the emperor, will really have peace of mind.

He doesn't even need to look like Count Rostovtsev. It would be much easier for him if he looked like Count Kleinmicher.

But the problem is that there are too few ministers in the government and the public like these two people. The vast majority of them have evil intentions like Grand Duke Constantine, or they are full of tossing ideas like Nikolay Milyutin.

He really didn't like these two people, so he asked Count Kleinmicher jokingly.

His move was unintentional, but it shocked Count Kleinmicher. As the saying goes, a king's heart is unpredictable and a tiger is with him, so he had to think more and guess Alexander II's mind.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

He now doubted whether Alexander II had discovered something...

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