Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 173 The Plan Hasn't Changed Fast

Betty Ross was more cooperative than Jordani and Deckard imagined.

On the one hand, Betty is indeed a kind person, on the other hand, the consequences of the spread of the devil potion are indeed frightening.

If General Ross really wanted to spread the Devil's Potion throughout the army, almost no one could afford that kind of result.

Jordani and Deckard's purpose was to save people and destroy the cooperation between Aideen's organization and the military, and they didn't mean to hurt General Ross, which meant no harm to Betty Ross.

Under the eyes of Jordani and Deckard, Leonard had no choice but to pick up the phone and dial the number of General Ross.

Not long after, the phone was connected quickly.

"Hello, is this General Ross? I'm Leonard Samson, Betty's boyfriend..."

"Just say what you want, I'm very busy, I don't have time to listen to your ramblings!"

"Okay, okay, I recently found out that Betty has been in frequent contact with a man who looks like a wanted criminal from the military, that Bruce Banner..."

"Where are you now? Where are Betty and that man?"

"Just across from where I live, there is a bar, the address is..."

The phone hung up quickly, and even through the phone before, Jordani and the others could hear the impatience and excitement in General Ross's words.

With Bruce Banner as the introduction, you will never worry about General Ross not being tempted.

Seeing Leonard's trembling face, Jordani patted him on the shoulder and said, "You did a good job. If General Ross arrives later, you should know what to do, right?"

Leonard nodded frantically, and said, "Understood!"

After Leonard was settled, Jordani turned his head to look at Deckard and Betty, and said, "Deck, you can go to the Culver Lab now, and retreat as soon as possible after you rescue Heidi and Ethan. Regarding the Aideen Group's cooperation with the military, we can wait until later."

"Miss Betty, as for us, we should go to the bar now."

Leonard has so many roles, it is enough to deceive General Ross out, and Jordan is the real candidate to pretend to be Bruce Banner.

It doesn't need to be very precise,

As long as it can hold General Ross for a while, it is enough.

Half an hour later, in a bar with mostly wooden furniture.

Jordani was in front of the bar, wearing a peaked cap, deliberately showing half of his figure, but covering his face tightly, pretending to be intimate with Betty Ross.

In a vehicle outside the bar, several soldiers in military uniforms had strange expressions on their faces.

"Are you sure this person is Bruce Banner? It seems that the information is higher!"

"It should be. I heard that General Ross's daughter used to be Bruce Banner's boyfriend. They are so close."

"Then report it!"

Accompanied by a piece of information being sent to the military laboratory of Culver University, soon, an armed helicopter lifted off from Culver University.

At the same time, more than a dozen military vehicles loaded with guns and ammunition filed in from a military camp near New York, forming a long convoy, heading towards the bar where Jordan and Betty were. .

"Joe, the people in the military laboratory have already started to move!"

In the bar, through the headset that Jordan covered, Deckard's voice soon came.

Jordani slightly adjusted his sitting posture, lowered his voice, and said, "Deck, after you succeed, retreat to the predetermined location and pay attention to safety."

The plan went smoother than expected.

Betty naturally also heard the conversation between Jordani and Deckard, hesitated for a moment, and said, "What about the devil's potion? My father..."

Even if they disagree, they are the biological father and daughter after all.

Considering the cooperation between the Aideen organization and the military, Betty was still a little worried about her father's safety.

Jordani frowned, and then said, "I can give you the information about the devil's potion. If you think it's necessary, I can even go with you to meet your father."

If there is enough information to prove the danger of the devil's potion, as long as Ross is not a fool, he will definitely be wary of the Aideen organization.

Betty took the information from Jordani, paused, and said, "This is enough."

After finishing speaking, there was some silence between Jordani and Betty.

At the same time, above the bar, the owner of the bar with some gray hair opened the door and entered a bedroom.

In the room, a man wearing sloppy clothes and a rough appearance, but with a gentle temperament, curled up in a corner of the bed like a baby.

Obviously, this man was extremely insecure.

The bar owner sighed, then woke up the other party, with a little excitement, said: "Bruce, your lucky day is here!"

The man who was woken up was a little wary at first, then he calmed down and took out his glasses and put them on.

The bar owner shook his head, pulled him up, walked downstairs, and said, "Bruce, look who's here!"



Watching Betty Rose beside him suddenly get up and run towards a gentle man with glasses, although Jordani didn't feel the sadness of being robbed of his girl, the pain in his heart was still greater than that.

Is it such a coincidence that I chose a bar at random, and happened to meet Bruce Banner here.

Wo Nima, the current General Ross is coming here to encircle.

"Ahem!" Thinking of this, Qiao Danny had no choice but to interrupt the pair of fateful couples, and said, "This is Mr. Bruce Banner, Miss Betty, your father should be here soon!"

Sure enough, Betty's complexion changed drastically after being reminded by Jordani.

In an instant, Betty pulled Bruce Banner up and said anxiously: "Bruce, you hide quickly..."

At this moment, Jordani suddenly turned his head to look towards the direction of the street, and said, "It's too late!"

The next moment, on an avenue outside the street, a group of military vehicles was seen from a long distance, driving mightily towards the bar. In addition, in a box car outside the bar, three people in military uniform The soldiers rushed towards the bar.

The scouts arranged by General Ross outside the bar have discovered the existence of Bruce Banner at this moment.

Jordani glanced at the soldiers rushing over, and said to Betty and Bruce, "I'll block these soldiers, you two, run quickly!"

In any case, Bruce Banner was exposed because of Jordani, Deckard and others.

Although Jordan didn't want to have any conflict with the military, Jordan couldn't do it just by watching Bruce Banner being caught.

What's more, if Bruce Banner is going crazy and turning into a Hulk or something, wouldn't he be guilty of a big crime?


PS: Happy National Day, on this joyful day, please ask for a monthly ticket and a subscription~

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