Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1020 Times have changed

"Please come in!"

A low knock on the door sounded outside. Dumbledore, who was behind the desk, put down the quill in his hand and raised his head to look in the direction of the door.

"Good evening, Professor."

Albert pushed the door open and walked into the principal's office, greeting the old man with a smile.

"Good evening, Albert." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Sit down, what would you like to drink, milk tea?"

Albert sat opposite Dumbledore, glanced at "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" and the parchment manuscript on the table, and said softly, "It seems that I came at a bad time. You seem to be working."

"The Tales of Beedle the Poet, have you read this book?"

Dumbledore put a cup of steaming milk tea in front of Albert, looked at "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" on the table and said, "This is the original text. How many copies of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" in the bookstore? There are signs of modification, do you want to take a look?”

With that said, he handed the book to Albert.

"Are you going to re-translate it?" Albert took the book and flipped through it casually, discovering that this old book was written in runes, and most wizards' runes were average.

"Yes, I plan to re-translate it and write my own evaluation." Dumbledore added a tablespoon of honey to his teacup, stirred it slowly and said, "I heard that you also wrote a book recently."

"Yes, many people will need it in the future."

Albert did not deny this, and had nothing to deny. He took out his wand from his pocket and tapped it on the milk tea in front of him. After it disappeared under Dumbledore's confused gaze, he changed it again for himself. A new cup of milk tea.

To be honest, this was extremely rude behavior, but Dumbledore was not angry because of it, just a little surprised and puzzled. .

"Sorry, ever since Umbridge handed me a cup of milk tea, I've been a little...averse to other people's drinks." Albert explained to Dumbledore.

"It seems that time left a bad impression on you." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So be it." Albert took a sip of the milk tea and said, "After all, no one wants to drink a drink that may have added ingredients."

"Did she really do that?"

Albert put down the teacup and said calmly: "No, I won't give her a chance."

"Maybe, we shouldn't talk about her, it's not a pleasant topic." Dumbledore changed the subject, obviously not wanting to discuss Umbridge's problem with Albert, "Would you mind sending me a copy of your new book? Well, after I finish compiling it, I will give you a copy as well."

"Oh, of course no problem."

Albert flicked his wand, and after a crackling sound, a book was summoned out of thin air. He reached out to catch the book and placed it in front of Dumbledore.

"It seems that you are not optimistic about the future prospects."

Dumbledore took the book, carefully flipped through the table of contents in front of him, and understood what was going on.

"It's very unfavorable. Many people will die, especially Muggle-born wizards." Albert's tone was very calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"What a terrible future."

Dumbledore put down the book in his hand and sighed softly, "I once taught him, but it's a pity that I couldn't guide him to the right path..."

"The right way?" Albert asked with a strange expression: "What do you think is the right way?"

"At least, it's definitely not right to do what he did." Dumbledore did not answer Albert directly.

"Everyone thinks they are right, especially some people." Albert didn't care about Dumbledore's vague answer, nor did he mean to argue with the other party, but calmly stated the facts, " When You-Know-Who and his minions take control of the Ministry of Magic, and when they become the final victors of this war, they will be right and you will be wrong."

"Do victors write history?" Dumbledore understood what Albert meant, took a sip of milk tea and said softly, "You are right, it is still up to people to judge whether it is correct or not. I think this topic is enough for people to discuss. long time."

"I heard that something unpleasant happened between you and Severus." He finally mentioned the reason why he was looking for Albert today.

"Not very pleasant?" Albert tapped the tea cup with his wand, refilled himself with a cup of steaming milk tea, and said calmly, "Maybe, he thinks so! I won't make myself unhappy because of him. "

"He's a little angry." Dumbledore said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, he should drink some sedatives and calm down." Albert didn't pay attention to Dumbledore's words. He waved his wand to conjure a plate of biscuits out of thin air for himself. He picked up one and put it in his mouth, bit it into pieces, chewed it and swallowed it. , said with a smile, "Look at Potter, his bad temper is much better than before. You can recommend to Snape the calming candy I prepared for Potter a while ago."

As he spoke, Albert took out a vial and placed it in front of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked a little stunned, looking at the medicine bottle in front of him suspiciously.

"But, you know, he is a professor, and you should give him the most basic respect." Dumbledore's tone was very casual, he picked up the bottle and looked at the pills inside, poured out one and tasted it, and then really The medicine bottle was taken away.

"Respect is mutual." Albert said gently. "I can get along very well with most of the professors, students, ghosts, and portraits at Hogwarts. Even Peeves, who likes to play tricks on others, can't get along very well." Except, I'd say all the other Gryffindors combined have less Slytherin friends than I do."

"Why don't you ask why Snape is an exception?" Albert looked at Dumbledore and asked with a smile.


The sound of crunching cookies softened the unfriendly atmosphere inside.

"Obviously, most of the problem is not with me, but with himself."

"Maybe he does have some minor problems." Dumbledore looked at Albert and sighed softly, "You know, everyone has some..."

"I know." Albert nodded to show that he understood. He pushed the plate towards Dumbledore and asked, "But why do I have to tolerate his little problem instead of him changing it himself?" What's wrong?"

"In this world, except for your parents who will accommodate you, I never think anyone will accommodate you." Albert's words were obvious. He was not Snape's father, so he had no intention of accommodating him.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly. Albert's words were serious, but that was the reality.

"I admit that I don't like Malfoy, nor do I like Snape, but I never like to take the initiative to cause trouble." Albert reminded.

"It's Professor Snape," Dumbledore corrected.

"I said, respect is mutual." Albert corrected, "The reason why a professor is respected is not to respect the professor himself, but to respect the knowledge he possesses. Knowledge is worthy of respect."

Gu Miao

"As for people, I don't find much in Snape that deserves special respect."

"I really failed completely." Dumbledore said helplessly.

"You didn't fail, it's just that times have changed." Albert didn't shy away from this. "If it was a long time ago, I would never mind calling him professor because of need, but now I no longer need to force myself, both sides The relationship is equal. If Snape wants to gain my respect, he must first learn to respect me, instead of always using the ridiculous teacher-student relationship as an excuse."

"If you can't do that, you can tell him to stay away from me and just ignore me. I think the two parties will definitely not have those unpleasant conflicts." Albert took a sip of tea and said gently: " After all, I will graduate at the end of June next year, so it will be difficult for us to have anything to do with each other in the future."

"Please forgive me that young people tend to have bad tempers. I really don't have as good a temper as you."

"No, you have a much better temper than most people your age."

The whole school knew that Albert was gentle with others, and it was rare to see him lose his temper.

Dumbledore was not struggling with this matter. Albert had already made it very clear. It was enough for both parties not to interfere with each other.

"I heard Professor Umbridge fell today." He changed the subject to a lighter note.

"Yeah, she's a lot older, and she's still careless." Albert smiled and shook his head: "It's the first time I've ever encountered her throwing herself into the school hospital. She's almost transformed herself out of Hogwarts now." She's the butt of jokes, I really wonder what Fudge asked her to come to Hogwarts for, to add a happy atmosphere to Hogwarts?"

"You dislike Professor Umbridge very much?" Talking about Umbridge's misfortune, Dumbledore had a smile on his face. He also disliked Umbridge, although he would not show it directly.

"It should be said that I hate politicians." Albert shrugged, "By the way, it was Umbridge who asked the dementors to attack Harry Potter."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised that Albert mentioned this matter.

"Do you have evidence?"

"Do you think I need evidence?" Albert asked back: "I did Professor Trelawney's divination. You should have guessed it. If you think about the final outcome of the pink toad, you will know how bad she has done. Things on my mind.”

"The future may not be as predicted." Dumbledore reminded gently: "You should be very aware of how complex and changeable the cause-and-effect relationships of people's actions are!"

"I know that the predicted future can be changed, but it is difficult and requires a high price." Albert shrugged, "But I don't think Umbridge's prediction will have much impact. Variety."

"Maybe you already know some things, but I think it's best to remind you." Albert paused and continued, "Potter recently established a defense organization against the dark arts called DA. I think you should know it. I mean. Fudge was always worried that you would form an army, and I think that's why you were driven away."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment. He seemed to have something in his mind but did not say it out.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first."

"I wish you could teach Harry Occlumency."

When Albert stood up and prepared to leave, Dumbledore finally spoke.

"I once taught Fred and the others Occlumency, but it's a pity that they didn't learn it. I don't think I can teach Potter Occlumency." Albert shook his head and said, "You'd better teach him yourself."

"Perhaps, you should have noticed something. It is not appropriate for me to teach Harry." Dumbledore's lenses flashed with light.

"Believe me, Snape is even more inappropriate than you. Some things are just wishful thinking on your part." Albert said to Dumbledore, "And I predicted Sirius's death."

"Is what you said true?"

Phineas, the portrait who was pretending to be asleep, finally couldn't help but speak. He couldn't tolerate the bloodline of the Black family being cut off.

"have no idea."

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore's expression became serious.

"Although Peter Pettigrew is dead, as you said, who can say clearly what will happen in the future?" Albert reminded kindly, "I suggest you prepare some elixirs, anyway, you are There’s no shortage of money. Of course, if you can get the elixir, remember to get one for me, and I’ll pay for it, you know, I’m not short of galleons.”

"Wait Anderson, let's talk," Phineas said loudly.

"What I can do is very limited. The most I can do is give you a warning." Albert opened the door and left.

As soon as he came out of the gap in the monster statue, he met Potter standing outside.

"Go in, Dumbledore is inside." Albert helped Harry enter the principal's office.

"Harry, what do you want from me?" Dumbledore was a little surprised that Harry would appear here.

"Sir, I have been having a dream recently, about a long and dark corridor. Albert told me that my dream is related to Voldemort." Harry looked at the old man in front of him, waited for a moment and then continued. : "He suggested that I learn Occlumency from you, saying that as long as I master Occlumency, I won't have the same nightmare again."

"Mr. Anderson's judgment is quite correct." Dumbledore stared into Harry's eyes. "He believes that there is some special connection between you and Voldemort, and that the master of Occlumency can prevent himself from being affected."

"Can you teach me Occlumency?" Harry asked expectantly.

"I'm afraid I won't have much time to teach you in the near future." Dumbledore was silent for a moment, but finally refused, "If you want to learn, I can find someone to teach you."

"Who?" Harry asked curiously.

"Mr. Anderson, he is a very powerful master of Occlumency." Dumbledore said gently, "If I can convince him."

"Anderson said he couldn't teach me and asked me to find you." Harry shook his head.

"I will try to convince him," Dumbledore said to Harry. "If that doesn't work, I will find another one for you."

Originally, Harry wanted to ask Dumbledore, who seemed to be avoiding him intentionally, but in the end he did not say anything. He knew that if Dumbledore was unwilling to tell him, even if he asked, it would only increase the embarrassment.

"Then I'll go first, Professor." Harry turned and left. He could see that Dumbledore was not ready to reveal anything more to him.

Maybe the time hasn't come yet.

Although Harry was annoyed at being kept in the dark, he had been able to barely control his emotions recently, not to mention that he had just taken a tranquilizer.

"I think you should consider Anderson's proposal." Phineas said to Dumbledore after Harry left.

"I will."

"No, you won't. No wonder Anderson directly refused to join your Order of the Phoenix." Phineas turned and disappeared. He planned to talk to Sirius. Maybe he should let his unlucky great-great-grandson pay attention to his safety. Perhaps he should have found someone he liked to marry and left a direct descendant to Black, so as not to eliminate the Black family's direct heirs after his death.

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