Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1027 Jumping

Umbridge was already annoyed enough by being knocked unconscious for no apparent reason on the Quidditch pitch.

He originally planned to announce to McGonagall that Porter had been banned for life and appreciate the opponent's annoyed, unwilling and angry expression to relieve his irritated mood. However, he did not expect that he was made worse by McGonagall's remarks that Porter had been banned. Annoyed.

From Professor McGonagall's attitude towards this matter, it can be seen that the other party may have guessed that he planned to punish Potter and deprive the other party of the right to participate in the Quidditch match. He knew that he could not change the final result, so he did it deliberately. Disgusting yourself?

McGonagall is not an idiot. Umbridge is not surprised to think of this.

But would the other party really do that?

That's not like her character.

Umbridge thought this was a bit weird, and she even suspected that McGonagall said that out of a temporary thought to disgust her.

No matter what, nothing can change the ending of Porter being banned forever.

She believed that the expression on Potter's face would be quite wonderful when he heard the news.

When Umbridge was about to return to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, she suddenly smelled a burning smell in the corridor, and that burning smell... seemed to come from her office.

Outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, administrator Filch was holding a bunch of keys, trying to open the door of the office and break in to extinguish the already burning flames and avoid causing serious damage to the school.

Floating behind Filch was Peeves, whose face was full of schadenfreude. He was holding his stomach and laughing at Filch who couldn't even open a door. "It's burning. The flames are burning Filch's ass." "

"Professor, something seems to be on fire in your office." Filch couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Umbridge coming back, and quickly stepped forward to remind him of this matter.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!"

Umbridge looked at the smoking door, the expression on her face completely distorted.

"Suddenly the office is on fire." Peeves said in a sinister tone. "It's on fire. It's on fire. Filch's head is on fire."

"Is it your fault?" Filch glared at the gloating Peeves.

Umbridge didn't care about the bickering Filch and Peeves, so she directly took out her wand, used the opening charm on the door handle, and then slammed open the office door. She was instantly stunned by the blazing flames in the office. , even the blanket on the ground was ignited by the flames.

"Cough cough, cough cough... Put out the fire, come here and help put out the fire." Umbridge completely forgot that she was a wizard, holding a wand in her hand and shouted towards Filch.

"There is a toad here, stupidly jumping into the fire..." Peeves happily hummed a self-composed tune, floating in the air.

Filch glared at Peeves, and at the urging of Umbridge's scream, he took a wet mop and slapped the flames on the table hard, trying to extinguish the flames on the table. Unfortunately, this was completely It didn't help, but only caused Peeves to chuckle and laugh.

"...Pick up the mop and pat it into the fire...Pick it harder...Pick up the mop and pat it into the fire..."

Umbridge's scream attracted many students. Everyone stood outside the corridor, curiously looking into the smoking office and pointing inside, but no one was willing to help put out the fire, and no one reminded them. Fires in a room should be extinguished using charms, not swatted at with a damp mop.

A few people even hummed along with Peeves' song.

In the end, a Slytherin student couldn't stand their stupid way of putting out the fire, so he awkwardly pointed out that the fire should be put out with the Fountain of Water spell.

An awkward atmosphere spread in the corridor outside the office as the thick smoke rose. Students left one after another and carried the news everywhere.

Umbridge's worrying way of putting out fires really makes people wonder if she is an idiot. She even needs to be reminded of such a simple problem?

Of course, some people say that there is something wrong with Umbridge's brain, and the messy Defense Against the Dark Arts class is the best proof.

Many people doubt whether it is true that Umbridge graduated from Hogwarts with honors. As for the Ravenclaw students, she has long been expelled from their own house.

Fortunately, there were no Gryffindor students in the crowd watching, otherwise they would definitely sing along with Peeves' stupid-sounding song and disgust Filch and Umbridge together.

At this moment, Gryffindor students were holding a Quidditch celebration party in the common room. When the news that Umbridge's office was burned reached the Gryffindor common room, everyone was talking about it excitedly. Who did it? After hearing the good news, Harry had an even bigger appetite and ate an extra piece of pie for this reason.

Umbridge initially suspected that some students were up to something, but it wasn't until Filch found a nest of ash snake eggs in the fireplace that they found the real "culprit."

Umbridge suspected that the fire-ash snake eggs were the work of Professor Wilmina Grupplan of the Care of Magical Creatures class. After all, anything related to magical creatures was related to Professor Care of Magical Creatures, but Umbridge quickly I received news that Professor Wilmina Grapeland had ended her temporary job and left Hogwarts yesterday.

Hagrid will return to school on Monday to take over the Care of Magical Creatures class again, and Umbridge suspected that Hagrid was behind this matter, but the cruel fact told her that Hagrid was not at Hogwarts at all, and in the end she He also suspected the Gryffindor students, thinking that this was the revenge of the Gryffindor students. However, what was even more cruel was that it was said that Gryffindors had been using the extra money they won from Slytherin students in the common room. Long held a celebration party.

For some reason, Umbridge always felt that everyone was a suspect, but she ignored one person, no, it should be said that it was not a human being.

This thing was done by Peeves. This naughty guy put a fire-ash snake egg under Umbridge's desk, and then it turned into what it looked like inside. The most embarrassing thing is that it really didn't exist. People suspected that Peeves was causing mischief.

Furious at not being able to find the culprit, Umbridge summoned Harry, Fred and George to her office the next day.

Lifetime ban?

Confiscated broomstick?

Facing Umbridge's heavy iron fist, Harry not only did not feel angry because of the injustice of the other party, but actually wanted to laugh.

In order not to laugh out loud, the three of them tried their best to hold it in, so that they could face Umbridge expressionlessly.

"They don't know where I keep my Firebolts."

Gu Huan

Harry did not ask Hermione and Ron to hand over the broomstick, and he did not want them to be embarrassed by it. He generously said that Umbridge could go with them to get the broomstick, but considering that he needed to enter the Glen In the Findor Common Room, Umbridge finally gave up. She was afraid that as soon as she entered the Gryffindor Common Room, she would be attacked and knocked unconscious by the Stunning Curse again.

Harry, Fred and George finally handed their broomsticks to Umbridge in person under the watchful eyes of most of the Gryffindor students. As for Draco Malfoy and his group who were gloating and watching the fun, they were simply ignored.

Harry never worried about his Firebolt.

In the words of Fred and George: "If a broom gets broken, just ask the Ministry of Magic to replace it with a new broom."

Sooner or later, Fudge will step down, and sooner or later Umbridge will get out. The new Minister of Magic will inevitably need to win over Harry Potter, the savior.

Do you really think that the new Minister will just pat his butt and forget about the mess left behind by the previous Minister of Magic?

There is no such good thing in this world. Even if the "Daily Prophet" dare not report it, Sirius's "Defense Guide" newspaper will publish the relevant news.

As for the pile of bad things that Umbridge is doing now, everyone sees it. It's hard to say how much deterrence it can bring to everyone.

At least Fred and George didn't care. Harry was a little annoyed at first, but after taking a tranquilizer, his head became calm.

Everyone only saw Umbridge targeting Gryffindor and shielding Slytherin. The Slytherin student who started the trouble was not punished, and the victim was actually suspended?

Even if the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students could hold back their anger, it would be a good thing for them to completely anger the Gryffindor students.

Now Harry also hopes to see the scene described by Fred and George. All the students are resisting Umbridge. Maybe such a prospect is difficult to see, but at least let Gryffindor get into chaos first. This is definitely Interesting.

After Umbridge left with the broomsticks of the three Harrys in a victorious manner, Gryffindor exploded.

"It's really unfair, we have to go find Professor McGonagall." Some students who couldn't stand Umbridge suggested loudly.

"Don't be stupid, do you really think Professor McGonagall doesn't know anything?" Lee Jordan shook his head and reminded.

"How dare she do that? The whole thing was clearly instigated by the Slytherin students. How dare she protect the Slytherin students... We have to go to Principal Dumbledore and we can't let the toad continue to mess around." Hermione She looked like she was going crazy, especially when she saw Harry handing over his most beloved Firebolt, her anger almost burst out of her eyes.

"It's useless. Do you really think Dumbledore doesn't know anything? Toad has an education order from the Ministry of Magic. Just watch, there is probably a new education order coming out." Lee Jordan was very calm. He was one of the few here. One of them still remained calm. As for Harry, Fred and George, they were hiding somewhere and snickering. They were probably secretly discussing how to deal with Umbridge and the Slytherin students.

"Is that all?"

Angry shouts from Gryffindor students came from the common room.

"Otherwise, what do you want?"

"Look for Mr. Anderson. He is the president of the student union. He must have a solution." A sixth-grade boy suggested.

"Are you a fool? Professor McGonagall can't do anything, so what can Albert do?" Lee Jordan doubted their IQ and couldn't help but want to laugh: "Do you want him to take you to drive away Umu?" Richie? Even if he dares, do you really have the courage to wave your wands at those annoying people like Umbridge and Slytherin?"

"Don't treat others as fools, you are nothing." Lee Jordan sneered.

"We are nothing, so what are we?" Several boys were angered by Li Qiaodan's words and asked sharply.

"The galleons you enjoyed at the celebration banquet last time were won by the four of us from Slytherin. Do you understand now?" Lee Jordan took out a piece of parchment and slapped it on the table: "Twenty-seven people The money paid is less than two galleons, do you understand what I mean?”

He didn't care about other people's eyes, pushed aside the crowd and left the common room.

Now someone needs to step in and give them some kick.

Otherwise, they are too cowardly.

Zannah picked up the parchment, read the contents inside, and fell into a brief silence. The largest payment was two silver Sickles from Ginny, and the rest were one Sickle or several Knuts. Gallon was not at all You can't see that, despite the large number of people who paid for it in the first place, the total amount is only one galleons, three kilos and five kats.

Everyone was silent. Maybe some people wanted to argue, but this was the cruel fact. No wonder Lee Jordan despised them.

"It's over. There are no seekers and batters. This is no different from banning us from continuing the game. It's just to see us lose and make us look bad." Angelina's voice was hollow and tired.

"Don't forget, Professor Trelawney had already predicted that Harry would be banned." Zannah posted the parchment on the bulletin board and came to Angelina's side to remind her kindly. "Albert also reminded you a long time ago to stop the Quidditch match this year. I dare say he had expected it to be like this."

The parchment was eventually torn into pieces and thrown away, but it appeared on the bulletin board again the next day. It was the most naked mockery.

This incident spread throughout Hogwarts that day. As if to calm everyone's anger, Umbridge finally punished several Malfoy people.

Penalty to write an education order.

It was like a slap in the face to Gryffindor, and now the whole school knew that Umbridge was targeting Gryffindor students.

Gryffindor's revenge came the next day. The members of the Slytherin team were the first to suffer bad luck. Malfoy and two of his followers were found on the toilet in the bathroom, and Umbridge was hung from the hanging wall. A notice wall full of education orders.

Everyone knew that it was the Gryffindors who did the good deeds, and they even suspected the imprisoned Harrys, but all signs showed that it was impossible for them to do that.

Umbridge was going crazy, and she even planned to interrogate all the Gryffindor students one by one. If Dumbledore was not the headmaster, maybe Umbridge would consider asking Snape to provide the vomiting potion.

After Professor McGonagall received protests from a bunch of students, she reluctantly said that she was helpless and suggested that they send a letter to the Ministry of Magic. The Head of Gryffindor completely ignored it.

That's interesting, after the head of Gryffindor started to ignore it, God knows what will happen next.

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