Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1040 No Peace

One night, Umbridge discovered that she had suddenly turned into a toad and almost went crazy because of it. Her temper became even more irritable and irritable. Madam Pomfrey had to provide her with a large amount of sedatives to prevent Umbridge from being disturbed by her appearance. And completely collapsed.

However, what bothered Madam Pomfrey even more was that she not only had to find time to comfort the annoying toads, but also had to deal with those curious students.

After the news about Umbridge turning into a toad spread, in order to see the toad with their own eyes, groups of students used the fast-acting skipping candy provided by the Weasley brothers and sent themselves to the school hospital for treatment. Get a glimpse of what a toad really looks like.

Madam Pomfrey had to take out the curtains and hang them around Umbridge's bed to prevent others from seeing the toad, lest she be ashamed and lose control of her emotions. However, the effect was not good, because the curtains could not block everyone's voices, let alone the students who liked to commit suicide.

For this reason, Madam Pomfrey suggested more than once that Umbridge go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Injuries to receive more formal treatment. However, this proposal was rejected by Umbridge. She did not want others to know that she had changed. It looks like this.

Umbridge knew that if she showed up at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries looking like this, it would make headlines the next day.

She would never allow this to happen.

However, Umbridge didn't know that some evil guy had already filmed her transformation into a toad and planned to publish it in a magazine.

On the third day after Umbridge turned into a toad, Minister of Magic Fudge personally went to Hogwarts to visit the patient, and had a quarrel with Dumbledore over the matter, which fully displayed his lustful inner feelings.

Dumbledore reluctantly said that this was probably the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. As we all know, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts is always having bad luck. Everyone knows about this matter. Even Dumbledore clearly mentioned this matter to Umbridge before she took office.

However, Fudge didn't think so. He believed that Umbridge became like this because of Dumbledore's fault. This was Dumbledore's conspiracy.

Faced with such unreasonable accusations, Dumbledore did not get angry, but gently stated that Madam Pomfrey would do her best to treat Umbridge. Or transfer Professor Umbridge to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies for better treatment.

In the end, Fudge asked Umbridge for her opinion and allowed her to stay at Hogwarts for treatment.

For Umbridge, staying in school was not the best option.

The bad consequences left behind soon emerged.

Since then, Umbridge has often received gifts from strangers, including chocolate frogs, very realistic cockroach skewers, singing greeting cards, and small statues.

These nasty gifts, like a group of uninvited guests, occupied the table beside Umbridge's bed.

At first, Umbridge didn't notice anything was wrong. It wasn't until she took a bite of a chocolate frog that had been added with Ariote leaf extract that she realized people's malice.

Cockroach skewers are very realistic gummy candies that look exactly like cockroaches. They are also enchanted and always pop into other people's mouths. It is said that they taste particularly disgusting when eaten.

Those greeting cards will sing "The Song of the Toad" to the tune of a lullaby. Even if you try to burn them, the sound will still remain for a long time until the entire song is sung. The model of the puppet statue is like Umbridge turning into a toad, jumping up and down, and those who didn't know better thought it was a humanoid toad.

Umbridge was so angry about this that she told Madam Pomfrey to throw away all the gifts. However, those things would appear on the table next to Umbridge's bed the next day, and the cockroaches would even crawl into Umbridge's mouth, leaving an indelible memory for Umbridge.

After a few times, Umbridge did not dare to let Madam Pomfrey throw away the things again, for fear that she would wake up with half a cockroach in her mouth.

She could only do the next best thing now and get a piece of white cloth to cover the things so as not to be an eyesore.

This still doesn't solve the problem.

If Umbridge did that, she would have cockroaches crawling all over her face the next day.

She gave in completely.

Although Madam Pomfrey believed that if she had been willing to go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Maladies, this would not have happened, but this still did not change Toad's decision to stay at Hogwarts.

However, Umbridge didn't know that her persistence was meaningless.

"I dare say that when Toad sees this "Defense Letter", he will definitely faint with excitement."

Fred held up a newspaper he got from Albert and suggested with a smile: "We should send a copy to Toad."

"I've asked the house elf to send it to me. She will be very excited when she receives it."

"I was so excited that I jumped out of bed."

"I think I should share it with everyone. Anyway, Toad is in the hospital now and no one will come to trouble him. Now is the best opportunity. I think this magazine will definitely impress everyone." George said what Albert wanted Things to do.

"Also, we should rearrange the broadcast." Lee Jordan liked the Wizard's Watch station broadcast very much.

"We can arrange for her to write a blessing letter to Umbridge." Albert was quite satisfied with this. "When the time comes, take the radio to Umbridge's bedside and play it, and let the toad listen to everyone's messages. Blessings to her.

The four of them looked at each other with unconcealed malice on their faces.

On that day, a large number of free copies of "Defense Letters" appeared in Hogwarts Castle, and they were quickly known to the curious students.

Umbridge's toad appearance even appeared on the cover of the magazine. The only regret is that the Umbridge on the cover of the magazine does not have her head.

According to some people involved, the toad's face resembles that of a toad.

Everyone blamed her fate on the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's curse, and many people said that Toad would soon be gone from Hogwarts.

The most outrageous thing is that the Anti-Toad Alliance said it was responsible for the incident and claimed that the alliance had achieved preliminary results in the fight against toads, which won unanimous praise from everyone.

For a time, the number of students who claimed to be members of the Anti-Toad Alliance increased significantly.

"Defense Express" has become a must-read newspaper for the Anti-Toad Alliance.

As for the education order?

Umbridge was still lying in the school hospital and had no time to cause trouble for everyone.

The Wizard's Watch Station is also popular among everyone. Students often gather together to listen to the broadcasts of the Wizard's Watch Station and discuss the contents.

However, people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

After discovering the latest issue of "Defense Letter", Umbridge was so angry that she jumped up from the hospital bed and tore the "Defense Letter" into pieces. In the end, Madam Pomfrey had to use a coma spell to put her into a deep sleep. Successfully prevent the other party from getting too excited.

No way, the cover of this magazine shows Umbridge turning into a toad. Although she has no head, it is not difficult to recognize the person on the cover from the way she is dressed.


A scream broke through the night.

The cubicle next to the school hospital was suddenly opened. Madam Pomfrey, who was holding a wand, walked into the school hospital vigilantly. When she saw Umbridge running toward her in embarrassment, she almost knocked him down by mistake.

"what happened?"

Valley owl

Madam Pomfrey raised her wand and looked towards the hospital bed, but saw nothing. She suppressed her anger and looked at Umbridge who was almost hiding behind her.

"Giant, giant, there is a giant..."

"There are no giants here!" Madam Pomfrey interrupted impatiently, "You just had a nightmare. I told you to take sleeping potion."

"I'm sure it's a giant." Umbridge retorted loudly: "I just saw a giant!"

"You are having a nightmare." Madam Pomfrey raised her wand and walked around the campus hospital, and said to Umbridge expressionlessly: "Look, there are no giants here except you."

Being woken up in the middle of the night, it was no wonder that Madam Pomfrey was in a bad mood.

Umbridge was speechless because the giant she had just seen had disappeared, but she was sure that it was definitely a giant.

But why did it disappear?

"What's going on? I just heard screaming."

Professor McGonagall, wearing pajamas and holding a wand, appeared at the door of the school hospital. Looking at the two people inside, his expression became a little strange.

"Umbridge is having a nightmare." Madam Pomfrey explained helplessly.

"Peeves, I bet it's Peeves' fault."

Filch did not forget to put the blame on Peeves. Recently, Peeves could not continue to harm Umbridge and could only harm Filch and other Hogwarts students.

Not long ago, Peeves even opened a can of herring in Filch's office and dumped the can on the ground. The smell was so...his Lady Norris wouldn't even go back even to death.

"Poppy, you should prepare some sleeping pills for her."

Professor McGonagall looked at Umbridge, who looked like a toad, with a dark face, and said coldly, "It's not okay to be woken up again and again."

"Go back and rest, tonight is still very long." Madam Pomfrey said to Umbridge, "I'm going to get you some sleeping potion, how can everyone sleep then."

"No, I don't drink that stuff." Umbridge refused directly.

Once, after she drank the stuff, she woke up and found a bunch of cockroaches stuffed in her mouth, which frightened her out of her mind.

After the last experience, Umbridge was unwilling to drink that thing even to death, for fear that someone would stuff something strange into her mouth while she was asleep.

"I still recommend that you go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies to receive more formal treatment." Professor McGonagall shook her head and walked outside, and stopped meeting with Umbridge.

That toad face made Professor McGonagall feel sick to her stomach.

"Professor, over there in Classroom 11..." Filch quickly caught up and reminded him.

"Classroom 11?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Filch in confusion. If Filch hadn't come to her just now and said something about Classroom 11, she would never have come over to see what happened.

"Yes." Filch said firmly, "The sound of someone talking over there, I suspect someone is in Classroom 11."

Professor McGonagall followed Filch towards Classroom 11. Shortly after she gently knocked on the classroom door, she heard the classroom door being opened from the inside.

"Is something wrong?"

Firenze's voice sounded inside.

"Professor Firenze, have you seen other students...?" Professor McGonagall stared at another person in the classroom with wide eyes and asked, "Mr. Anderson, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Professor, I am discussing astrology with Professor Firenze." Albert raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not expecting to be disturbed. When he saw Filch behind Professor McGonagall, he roughly guessed the reason. .

Crystal ball divination has its limitations. If you can master the astrology of the Centaur, it might not be a bad choice.

After all, divination can indeed bring him a lot of convenience.

"Communicating astrology?" Professor McGonagall thought it was a bit ridiculous.

"Astronomy and astrology are both conducted at night." Albert explained kindly. "If possible, I actually want to come during the day. By the way, what happened just now, I think I heard a scream."

"Anderson has a gift for astrology."

Firenze was actually very happy for Albert to come to communicate with him. He didn’t have many friends in school, except for Hagrid, but Hagrid rarely came to him.

Firenze didn't have a good time at school. He didn't have many friends.

Professor McGonagall suddenly didn't know what to say. Finally, she nodded towards Firenze, said "Excuse me", and turned around and left with Filch.

She had also exchanged academic knowledge with Albert, and knew that it was obviously inappropriate to use the school's rules to discuss matters at this time, especially after Umbridge's incident, she was too lazy to take care of it. "

"Professor, this..."

Filch didn't know what to do. He didn't expect Professor McGonagall to ignore it.

"Don't worry, Firenze will keep an eye on him, not to mention Anderson won't cause trouble." Professor McGonagall said calmly: "It's not good to disturb other people's exchange of academic knowledge."

Filch's mouth gradually grew larger, his eyes became confused, and he chose to pretend not to see anything and not care about anything.

In fact, Filch's impression of Albert was not too bad.

Although he always stayed with those two annoying Weasleys, he rarely got himself into trouble, not to mention he was the student council president.

Moreover, Professor McGonagall obviously didn't want to care.

"Academic exchange?" Filch shook his head and walked away, "What a hell."

"They're gone," Firenze said.

"Well, it's still early, let's continue!" Albert took out his pocket watch, looked at the time and said.

"It's getting late. Go back and rest early." Firenze said, "We'll continue another day."

"Oh, okay, bye." After Albert said goodbye to Firenze, he prepared to return to the common room.

"Goodbye, it was nice talking to you."

Firenze told Albert a lot about the discoveries of the Centaurs in astrology. What surprised him was that Albert's understanding of astrology was not much inferior to that of the Centaurs, and sometimes he even came up with unique insights. Giving Firenze an original feel.

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