Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1050 Social Death Dafa

The badge of the Anti-Toad Alliance was welcomed by everyone as soon as it was released, especially since it was distributed free of charge to members of the Anti-Toad Alliance. Many students who hated Umbridge ran to the Weasley brothers to get a badge to wear on their chests after learning that it cost one galleon to purchase.

As for the need to sign to get the badge, that's not a problem at all. Most members of the Anti-Toad Alliance are actually members of the DA. They have already signed once, and the signature is only to give badge holders a 10% discount on purchases.

For a time, it was popular among Hogwarts students to wear such a badge on their chests to easily identify their respective houses and identities.

When everyone saw others wearing the badges of their respective colleges, they would smile meaningfully at each other, leaving those students without badges confused.

In order to integrate into this mysterious group, many people began to ask where they could get the academy badge.

As a result, some students blindly joined the Anti-Toad Alliance.

Today's Anti-Toad League is no longer just a verbal organization, but a real anti-Umbridge club, and it has quickly become the largest club in the entire Hogwarts.

Students who were originally worried about getting into trouble if they joined the club soon discovered the benefits of joining the anti-toad club.

Here, they can get a lot of secret information, buy joke props from Fred and George that have not yet been sold publicly, and even get the "Wizard Express" magazine at a relatively low price, even past issues. It can be obtained.

Among them, relatively expensive magical candies such as tranquilizers, intelligence enhancers and vitality tonics made by Albert have become the items that fifth and seventh grade students rush to buy.

Many students now like to pop intelligence enhancers into their mouths when reviewing, so that they can review the key points of the exam in a fuller state.

Some students also learned about the existence of the "Defense Association", the black magic defense organization that teaches everyone, through this channel.

This pile of secret information makes most students who have just joined extremely excited and feel like joining a secret organization.

Since the establishment of the Anti-Toad Alliance, the atmosphere in the entire school has become lively.

Albert could always see students gathering in twos and threes in the corridor, whispering about the various rumors spread by Lee Jordan. Every time they saw students passing by without wearing badges, they would stare at them with vigilant eyes, which made the Slytherin students a little stunned and didn't understand what the other people's anti-thief eyes were about.

What’s even more funny is that some Slytherin students got the snake-shaped badge that symbolizes Slytherin from nowhere, but the situation still hasn’t improved, so many Slytherin students doubt the other three The academy intends to target them.

What makes Albert most interesting is that the Anti-Toad Alliance is discussing how to put Umbridge, who is about to recover, back on the hospital bed. Many people believe that Toad will leave school completely after the end of this semester, so how to keep her in the hospital and ensure that she will not interfere with everyone's normal schooling has become a priority goal of the alliance.

"So, what good ideas are you discussing now?" Albert was curious about what new tricks these people would come up with.

"They're going to cast an amnesia charm on Umbridge so that she forgets that she's a professor, and then... well, we bumped into Lockhart at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies over Christmas, and that guy has already Complete idiots. You know, they are timid. "Fred didn't agree with using the Oblivion Curse on Umbridge, and they didn't want to do it themselves.

"That's a totally bad idea." George was counting the joke props sold today. "I think the best they can do is use joke props to fight Umbridge. For this reason, we plan to provide them with greater discounts. If they buy a lot of joke props from us at once to deal with Umbridge, we plan to give them a 20% discount.”

"It's better to count on them than to count on Peeves to work harder." Albert also didn't think highly of those students unless they could really let go of their worries and confront Umbridge. And there is another reason that the Anti-Toad Alliance's task is stuck at 51%. It is obvious that some students do not really want to join.

"What can you do?"

"Discuss with Peeves and let him follow Umbridge all day long to cause trouble for her." Albert reminded, "Umbridge is recovering soon. I doubt she will be discharged from the hospital before Valentine's Day."

"This is a good idea. I hope the toad won't go crazy because of this!" The three of them mourned for three seconds of silence for the toad and then continued, "We plan to hang the toad in the hall on Valentine's Day to act as a little angel for Valentine's Day. I’m giving her a bowel cleansing pill.”

"Aren't you afraid of disgusting other people?" Albert's expression became quite wonderful.

"After discussion, we decided that the best way is to make Umbridge lose the face to stay in the school." George explained, "I don't believe that Umbridge still has the face to stay in the school."

"Although this move is a bit cruel, it's better than it is easy to use." After seeing Albert's expression, Lee Jordan cleared his throat and said helplessly, "Umbridge's skin is thicker than a toad's. We feel we need to take drastic measures to make it effective."

"If you really do it, you have to be careful of Umbridge's revenge. Even if she kills you secretly, I won't be surprised." Albert can actually understand why the three of them do this. There is no way, Umbridge Qi's face is so thick-skinned that no matter whether she turns into a pink toad or a humanoid toad and hangs it on the Christmas tree, she can't be forced to leave. If she were an ordinary professor, she would have resigned and left. However, Umri Qi still insisted on staying in school and refused to leave.

"Actually, you can mobilize the Anti-Toad Alliance to help find a solution. Everyone's imagination is rich, and there is no need to be so extreme." Although Albert said this, he was increasingly looking forward to what interesting things would happen next.

"We will also be preparing a few records, which will at least come in handy if Harry's toad plan fails."

"Potter hasn't given up on that idea yet?"

"No, he originally wanted to turn Umbridge into a cat, but then he thought it might be better to continue to turn into a toad, and he could still claim that it was the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Fred explained.

"You seem to be very dismissive of this matter."

"Umbridge is not a fool and cannot be defenseless." Albert suggested.

"We'll keep Harry on his toes, and Toad is a fool."

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