Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 105 Unexpected wealth

In the Quidditch match at the end of November, the Hufflepuff team was defeated miserably in the snow. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are now competitors for the House Cup.

In order to win, captain Charlie has been increasing the intensity of Quidditch training, which makes the regular team members miserable. As the team's substitutes, Fred and others can always find good excuses to ignore the hardships in the wind and snow. training.

"Charlie must be crazy!" Fred muttered, looking out the window at the snowstorm.

"He is just too eager to win the Quidditch trophy." Albert can understand Charlie's efforts. After all, it is the responsibility of the Quidditch captain. If even the captain relaxes, the Gryffindor team will probably never No chance to hold up the trophy.

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"Are you going home for Christmas vacation?" Li Qiaodan looked up and asked after reading the letter from home.

"Go back for the holidays." Fred and George looked at each other and said without thinking.

"I will also go home for the holidays." Albert looked at the potted plants by the window and asked, "We have all gone back, what should we do with the things in the pots?"

"If you leave it here and don't water it for a month, it shouldn't matter, right?" George looked at the lush pot of garlic by the window, but there was not much confidence in his tone.

"Actually, you can make it when you go back, I mean...during the Christmas vacation." Albert tentatively talked about it.

In fact, Albert knew very well that several people no longer had much enthusiasm for making garlic crosses.

There was no way, the patience of children was always very limited, and Albert even wondered if they had forgotten about this matter.

"Oh, this!" Fred and George looked at each other, as if... they no longer had the same enthusiasm for making so-called amulets.

A few people were even a little confused, not knowing why they were so enthusiastic about making such a thing in the first place.

"Well, you can give it a try. However, we don't quite know how to make...garlic crosses. Do we really need to soak the crosses in crushed garlic?" Fred asked tentatively, he was not sure that he was wasting it like this. Will Garlic be spanked with a broom by his mother?

"You can mash the garlic, soak it in alcohol, and then soak the cross in it." Albert has never practiced it, and the suggestions he can give the two of them are very limited.

"This is a good idea. But..." Fred paused, seeming to have forgotten what he wanted to say.

"However, we are not sure whether we can get alcohol." George continued. It was difficult for them to come across ordinary beer, let alone alcohol. It was very difficult to get it.

"What are you going to do with your bowl of white fresh food?" Li Qiaodan quickly changed the subject. His actual situation was not much better than that of the twins.

"Stay here, if you die, there's nothing you can do!" The other potted plant by the window is the white branch that Albert got from Hagrid. The branches are buried in the soil bag. If you take care of it carefully, it is not too difficult to re-cultivate new white flowers.

However, white flowers are easily affected by the weather. If they are not transplanted in a greenhouse in winter or find a warmer place, they will easily wither.

In fact, Albert didn't have much confidence that he could feed this pot of fresh vegetables in winter.

After entering December, the weather becomes colder and colder.

Although there was a roaring fire in the Gryffindor common room, the cold wind blowing in the corridors made it even colder due to the wind and snow. The glass of the windows rattled due to the biting wind and snow, and everyone had to wrap themselves up more tightly with clothes.

Christmas is approaching and everyone is looking forward to the holidays.

However, professors subconsciously leave students with a lot of homework.

"This makes it difficult for people to have a good Christmas vacation!" Looking at the sharp increase in homework on the parchment, Li Jordan once again threw the quill in his hand on the table.

"Just accept your fate. You have to do it anyway, or you can come back after the holidays and let the professors take turns giving you solitary confinement." Albert put away the parchment and had to admit that there was indeed a lot of homework during the Christmas holiday, even for him It cannot all be completed in a short period of time.

"Don't mention this, you are simply a devil." Li Qiaodan leaned on the armchair.

Today, students in third years and above have all gone to Hogsmeade, otherwise they would not have the opportunity to comfortably use the common room.

"Albert!" George's words contained a bit of vibrato. He pointed at the front page news of the Daily Prophet and urged: "Look at this, look at this quickly!"

"What's wrong?" Fred asked weakly, "What's the big news in the Daily Prophet?"

"Millicent Bagno has decided to retire in February, and his successor has been confirmed to be Cornelius Fudge." George's breathing became rapid.

"Cornelly Fudge?" Fred repeated, his thoughts paused for a moment, and his voice suddenly increased by eight points, "You mean... Cornelius Fudge?"

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with Cornelius Fudge?" Li Jordan looked at the twin brothers in confusion, and suddenly came back to reality, "Wait, Cornelius Fudge seems to be..."

The three of them turned their heads in unison and looked at Albert with strange eyes. When they saw this report, they suddenly remembered something. They met Albert on the Hogwarts Express... …

"I remember..." George said incoherently.

"...You seem to have spent 25 Galleons pressing..." Fred continued what he had not finished.

"Cornell Fudge will become the next Minister of Magic!" Li Jordan's eyes gradually widened.

At this moment, the three of them opened their mouths wide and looked at Albert in shock.

"I remember that this happened." Albert nodded and said, "At the beginning, I asked you if you wanted to participate in the quiz together."

"My heart... hurts so much." Fred stretched out his hand to cover his chest, his breathing becoming rapid. If I had... watched Galleons slipping away from my hands, the feeling would have been so terrible, it would have hurt my heart...

"What are the odds for Cornelius Fudge?" Li Jordan suddenly asked.

"I remember it was like 4 times."

"Twenty-five Galleons is... 100 Galleons!" Li Qiaodan's breathing became heavier and heavier, like a panting old cow.

"100 Galleons." The twins murmured with dull eyes.

100 galleons, this large amount of money, for several people, they have never even thought about it.

"I said, my luck is usually not too bad." Albert winked at the three of them and said, "But did the Daily Prophet mention when the money will be paid?"

"This... shouldn't be too late. I think when Cornelius Fudge announces that he will take over as the next Minister of Magic, the guessing activity will be over. They should soon tally up the numbers and award rewards to the winners. "

Albert nodded and said, there is no need to worry about running out of money recently.

To be honest, he didn't like asking family members for money to buy things. It was not pleasant to ask people for money.

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