Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1090 The little devil is angry

Umbridge's order made the Aurors hesitate. As long as they noticed the unkind looks cast by the students around them, it was not difficult to see that this was definitely not a good thing.

Most of the Aurors had heard of Albert Anderson, and even knew about it, because they had discussed this person together a while ago.

Who easily brought down the Auror team chasing Hagrid?

The Ministry of Magic has yet to find the attacker, but that doesn't mean they haven't identified a suspect.

Yes, the suspect is Albert Anderson.

As the most powerful violent organization in the Ministry of Magic, every Auror is very powerful and cannot be dealt with by ordinary wizards, let alone bringing down a team of ten Aurors in one go, even if they use It was a despicable sneak attack, but the attacker could easily do it using only a few common magics, which meant that the opponent was definitely a powerful wizard.

In the entire Hogwarts school, except for a few deans who may have the ability to do this, the only ones left are the newly born international dueling champions.

Albert has proven his strength to the world very early, whether it was the fire dragon that was easily subdued, or Barty Crouch Jr. who tried to sneak attack him in the maze, or even the dark wizards who were knocked down in the duel competition. , all of which set off his strong strength.

The most important point is that Albert rarely uses black magic, only extraordinary wizards can do it.

Gadwin Robards was not stupid enough to take action. He frowned and looked at Umbridge. He really couldn't understand why this woman would make such a stupid decision. Was it because the matter was not big enough?

Does she think that the authority of the Ministry of Magic alone can keep the opponent at bay?

Are you kidding me?

From the last time Albert directly disarmed the wands of Fudge and his gang, it is not difficult to see that once the two sides come to a standstill, it will definitely not end well.

Could it be that she still expected the Aurors to help suppress the entire Hogwarts Castle?

"There are some tranquilizers left at Poppy's place. Maybe you should drink some to calm down." Professor McGonagall said sarcastically. She really couldn't stand the toad in front of her. It was simply unreasonable.

"What are you waiting for?" Umbridge turned to the Aurors and roared: "Execute the order and arrest Albert Anderson."

The Aurors looked at each other and pretended not to hear, but Fudge and Umbridge naturally had a few close friends among the Aurors.

After the Aurors received Umbridge's gaze, they all raised their wands to recite the coma spell to Albert. As for the angry students around them, they did not take them to heart. I believe Umbridge Qi will definitely be able to deal with them easily.

No one thought that the Aurors would actually attack Professor McGonagall. They were caught off guard and hit Professor McGonagall with several stun spells, knocking her away and falling to the ground on her back, unable to move any more.

This scene not only shocked all the students watching, but also shocked the other Aurors present. No one expected that their colleagues would be stupid enough to take action here.

Is this crazy?

"Delix, are you crazy?"

Gadwin Robards looked angrily at the Aurors who suddenly took action.

"I'm just following the order." Delis said expressionlessly. He planned to take Anderson back for interrogation to find out whether that guy attacked him.

Because of that incident, Delis almost became a laughing stock.

"How dare you..."

Professor Flitwick's face turned red, he drew his wand and stood in front of Albert, staring angrily at the group of Aurors in front of him.

Professor Sprout hurriedly ran to check on Professor McGonagall, and was also angered by the Aurors' actions.

Probably only Snape remained expressionless, seemingly indifferent to all this.

The onlookers drew out their wands and prepared to join the ensuing brawl.

"I don't need help. Please send Professor McGonagall to the school hospital. She needs treatment now." Albert glanced at Professor McGonagall who was knocked down by the coma spell, took out the wand from his robe pocket, and pointed towards the surrounding people. The student and the professor waved to the students who were trying to fight alongside him to make room.

Everyone looked at Albert blankly, wondering what he was talking about?

Don't need help?

Does Albert plan to fight against all Aurors alone?

"You actually pointed your wand at the students and professors who were supposed to be protected by you. I'm really ashamed of you." After Albert easily deflected the spell flying towards him, he waved the wand in his hand suddenly, and he just said The two Aurors who attacked him were thrown away by a powerful force, hit the wall hard, fell to the ground and collapsed in a ball, passing out.

All the Aurors drew their wands and stared at Albert warily.

They all realized that today might not end well, and they had scolded Umbridge countless times in their hearts.

no way.

Wherever the guy stood in front of them, he put a lot of pressure on them. Even those vicious dark wizards had never given them such oppression.

Not only the Aurors, but also the surrounding students who were watching the excitement all held their breath. Everyone realized that an extraordinary duel was about to break out here.

Those arrogant Aurors had obviously annoyed Albert.

In everyone's limited memory, they have almost never seen Albert getting angry. However, the less angry people are, the more terrifying it is when they do get angry.

The pressure emanating from Albert even made them take a few steps back.

When Albert took a step forward, the battle between the two sides began.

Although it was an unequal battle from the beginning, Albert was never intimidated by the number of enemies. When he took the first step forward, he also waved his wand and directly defeated the other opponents with astonishingly fast spell casting. Two Aurors who attacked Professor McGonagall brought them into close contact with the marble floor.

As for the spells used by other Aurors, they were all deflected or blocked by Albert waving his wand.

The crackling sounds continued in front, but they could not stop Albert's footsteps. With every step he took, several Aurors were knocked down by the spell.

This scene directly shocked the onlookers.

The level of Aurors is definitely not bad, and their combat experience is very good. However, they have never encountered an enemy like Albert.

Albert's spell casting speed was so fast that no one could understand how he could cast a spell so quickly in a short period of time. He didn't even recite the spell, he just waved his wand to easily deflect the spell or break it. Break the spell and give them the feeling that this is adults playing with children.

As for using those powerful black magic?

They don't dare to use it at all, they don't have the time to use it, and they are not dealing with dark wizards. What's more, once black magic is used, terrible things will happen regardless of whether the opponent is completely subdued or not.

No one is stupid enough to really think that Albert doesn't know black magic if he doesn't use it. Every wizard with extraordinary strength has mastered a lot of black magic.

What's more, using powerful black magic takes time, and few people can use silent spells to cast them. Directly chanting spells can easily be interrupted by the opponent in such a fast duel.

Albert's wand waved stopped, and he suddenly raised the wand upwards. The indestructible marble suddenly cracked, and an invisible force directly plowed through the marble floor, spreading towards the Aurors in front, and hitting the Aurors. There was a deafening explosion on the unfolded magic barrier. The barrier deployed by multiple Aurors actually had cracks. Fortunately, the force was completely blocked.

This is strength in numbers, and wizards at the Ministry of Magic are very good at taking advantage of numbers.

Albert ignored the group of Aurors, but suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction. Two members of the investigation team who tried to sneak attack him were directly knocked away by a huge force.

"And in Slytherin style!"

Albert's voice was cold, and if he hadn't been wearing enough protective gear, he might have been tricked.

Therefore, he directly dealt a heavy blow to the sneak attacker.

Maybe it was just a barrier spell, but it made the two of them feel as if they were hit by a speeding carriage. They vomited blood and flew backwards, falling heavily to the ground and fainted.

While everyone was still angry about the attack by Montaigne and Warrington, they were shocked by their miserable fate. Albert undoubtedly acted cruelly, and the two of them looked like they might die at any time.

After checking the injuries of the two men, Snape looked extremely ugly because he found that Montague and Warrington had multiple fractures all over their bodies and looked like they might die at any time.

It was obviously just a barrier spell, but it caused such terrible injuries.

Moreover, Albert was undoubtedly merciful, otherwise Montague and Warrington would probably die here on the spot.

This is a stark warning.

After dealing with the sneak attacker, Albert moved his wand forward, and the gravel and dust formed a shield directly in front of him, blocking the incoming spell.

A deafening sound sounded in the foyer, like someone beating a drum hard, causing the surrounding students to stretch out their hands to cover their ears in pain.

Montaigne and Warrington's sneak attack was not meaningless.

They successfully disrupted Albert's offensive rhythm, giving the Aurors the opportunity to use their own advantages instead of rushing to deal with Albert's fast break.

The next moment, Albert suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain, something penetrated the barrier in front of him and acted directly on his body.

Albert moved his gaze to Umbridge, who was pointing his wand at him. The new principal's ferocious face suddenly froze, and he stared at Albert with disbelief. He couldn't believe that the Cruciatus Curse was actually used. Unable to subdue the opponent.

Without giving the Aurors time to react, another "boom" was heard, and the cracked shield in front of Albert suddenly exploded, and the shock wave spread in all directions.

Albert waved his wand suddenly, rolling the explosion forward and covering the Aurors.

Umbridge was also pushed back a few steps by this force, directly interrupting the Cruciatus Curse.

Before she could regain her footing, Albert raised his wand and punched the air hard. A huge force hit Umbridge hard on the face, sending her completely flying out.

"The Cruciatus Curse, the Ministry of Magic really dares to use all kinds of vile spells." Albert's eyes fell on the Aurors again.

The Aurors looked at Umbridge, who had fallen so hard that her eyes were filled with stars, and fell into a brief silence.

This fight was a mistake from start to finish, and it's all this stupid guy's fault.

Before anyone could stop him, the fight continued.

Albert, who was annoyed by the sneak attack and the Cruciatus Curse, no longer showed mercy.

In other words, he accurately grasped the inner vacillation of the Aurors and prepared to end the battle directly.

Several spells flew directly towards the remaining Aurors. The explosion spell did not fly directly towards the Aurors, but hit the marble floor under the Aurors' feet and bounced towards the Auror's location.

Before the Aurors could react, they were overwhelmed by a series of explosions. It was a disaster. Maybe the Aurors never thought that the explosion curse could be used in this way?

From the beginning, this battle was inevitable, and Albert had already planned to use these Aurors to build his reputation.


Looking at Albert walking in front of him, Delis raised his head and looked at Albert.

"You're not dead, are you?"

Albert raised his wand and directly immobilized the Auror who still had the strength to resist.

The explosive spell he just used was not very powerful, otherwise the wizard's fragile body would have been blown to pieces, instead of just being blown away or knocked unconscious.

Seeing the Auror lying on the ground, all the students were so shocked that their eyes widened and they still couldn't believe their eyes.

Albert actually brought down all the Aurors by himself, it was like he was dreaming.


Before Umbridge could finish her words, she was thrown away by an invisible force, and a tooth fell directly to the ground.

Albert ignored Umbridge, but waved his wand and hung the Aurors who were knocked down and immobilized by him on the wall one by one.

To be honest, it was shocking that the entire corridor was neatly lined with Aurors, and there was a whole row of Aurors, and Li Jordan was already taking photos with a camera.

In order to teach the Aurors a profound lesson, and to make the scene before him a sight in Hogwarts, Albert directly used the permanent adhesive spell to keep their clothes in Hogwarts forever, becoming this Decoration on the corridor.

If the Ministry of Magic was not about to collapse, Albert would not actually do such an offending thing, but the era of chaos is coming, and he does not mind giving those guys an unforgettable lesson. Let them understand that if they want to cause trouble for him, they should first think about the consequences.

Umbridge covered her cheek and looked at Albert who looked up at her in horror.

"I remember telling you that I don't have a good temper like Dumbledore."

Albert looked down at the frightened Umbridge and said calmly, "And the Cruciatus Curse you just applied was actually quite painful."

As he spoke, he waved his wand gently, and a chain of smoke wrapped around Umbridge's arm, hanging her in the air.


"Don't worry, I'm not you, I can't use the Cruciatus Curse, but..."

Albert showed a cruel smile and raised his hand. The whip originally held in Filch's hand disappeared and appeared in Albert's hand.

"If you use the Cruciatus Curse on me, I'll give you one hundred and twenty-three lashes. It's not too much! It's exactly the same as the education order you issued." Albert raised the whip and slapped Umbridge hard on her body. A shrill scream echoed through the castle.

However, Umbridge's screams were quickly covered up by the sound of warm applause and fireworks explosions, and there were other students around cheering for Albert.

I don’t know who started it. Whether it was the Anti-Toad Alliance or other students, they were shouting loudly: “Kill her, beat her to death, beat that toad to death!”

Everyone is happy to help Albert share the pressure and guilt.

However, Albert did not accept everyone's kindness. Although Umbridge's Cruciatus Curse was partially offset by various defensive talismans on her body, it still hurt.

Without lashing Umbridge hard, it would be difficult to eliminate Albert's anger. As for the so-called one hundred and twenty-three lashes, it was just an excuse to arouse everyone's emotions, and the effect was quite good.

Those damn education orders have long made everyone breathless, but now they have turned into whips, hitting Umbridge again and again, making Umbridge also feel the pain caused by the education orders. If she had known before, there would be On such a day, so many educational orders would never be issued.

No one sympathized with Umbridge, and even Hermione followed everyone in shouting "Kill the toad."

After each whipping, Albert would stop to rest, thereby extending the duration of the whipping, allowing the pain to spread throughout Umbridge's body, and allowing everyone to appreciate Umbridge's painful appearance.

After being whipped twenty-five times by Albert, Umbridge fainted.

"Peeves, help me wake her up!" Albert said to Peeves, who was floating in the air watching the fun.

"Grrrrrrrr, the little devil is angry, how scary!"

Peeves got a large bag of salt from nowhere, grabbed a handful and sprinkled it on Umbridge, causing Umbridge to wake up again from the pain.

Peeves' action of rubbing salt into Umbridge's wounds stunned the surrounding students, and then a burst of cheers and applause broke out. Everyone felt that Peeves had done a great job.

Professor Flitwick didn't stop him, he just watched silently, watching Albert whip Umbridge again and again.

This is a punishment more terrible than the Cruciatus Curse.

As for worrying about an accident on the way?

It was completely unnecessary, because after every ten lashes, Albert would use magic to heal Umbridge's wounds. However, the situation did not get better because Peeves sprinkled salt one after another, causing the salt-stained whip to hit, and the pain penetrated deeper into the bone marrow than before.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the new principal, everyone felt extremely happy, even the Aurors who were pinned and hung on the wall, wishing Albert could slap him harder.

It was only thanks to Umbridge that they ended up like this.

Thanks to her, the entire Ministry of Magic's Aurors would become a laughingstock.

What did you do to provoke him?

Do you really think others have no temper?

Looking at Umbridge who had been whipped for more than a hundred times, they had seen the anger of Mr. Anderson.

Of course you are a little angry, but as long as you have some brains, you will know that the other party will be merciful.

Look at Umbridge who was still beaten for half an hour, and her anger was gone.

There was no way, Umbridge's appearance could only be described as horrific.

After being repeatedly stimulated by pain, the whole person became in a trance.

The clothes he was originally wearing became torn due to Albert's continuous whipping, and there were even hideous whip marks on his body.

Everyone was gloating over Umbridge's misfortune, pointing at Umbridge's embarrassed appearance, and even shouting encouraging words like: "Come on, hold on, the fight is almost over".

There were also people who were helping Albert count the lashes, and even wanted to deliberately report mistakes so that Umbridge could continue to be whipped.

"121, 122, 123!"

After giving the last whip, Albert threw away the whip in his hand. Without looking at Umbridge, he said to Professor Flitwick next to him, "Professor, don't break the curse for those Aurors. After two days, God, the spell will be lifted automatically."

"I see."

Professor Flitwick nodded in agreement, but he had not forgotten what happened to Professor McGonagall.

"Then I'll leave first."

"Where are you going?"

People had already surrounded Albert, cheering loudly around him.

"Where to go? Of course we are leaving Hogwarts. Can we stay and wait for the Ministry of Magic to send more people to catch me?" Albert shrugged.

"We are not afraid, we can fight with you and drive those damn bastards out of Hogwarts completely." Cedric said loudly.

"Yes, drive them away," others echoed.

In the eyes of all students, as long as they work hard, they can achieve unprecedented victory.

"It doesn't mean much to me to continue to stay in school, and maybe I will come back to take the ultimate wizard exam with you." Albert smiled and pushed aside the crowd, escorted by many students, and walked towards the school gate. go.

"I'm proud of you," Professor Flitwick said.

"Don't worry about Toad, I'm afraid she will have to recuperate for a while, and she will be gone soon. There should be no time to trouble you." Albert walked out of the school gate, waved to everyone, and disappeared directly by phantom. Gone.

However, Albert did not go far, but appeared near the Forbidden Forest, and took out a pocket watch from his pocket. After estimating the time, he took out a metal box from the deformed lizard skin bag, opened it and took out the holding time turner.

He never fights alone.

Tomorrow I will spend a day re-reading what I have written in the past few days to see if there is anything that needs to be revised. That’s it for now.

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