Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1097 The cruel truth

What Harry said just now completely angered Bella. This slightly crazy female Death Eater obviously did not allow anyone to insult Voldemort and frantically fired deadly magic towards the hiding place of Harry and the other three.

The three of them quickly exchanged glances and waved their wands in unison, causing the fallen shelves around them to fly towards Bella, thereby causing trouble for each other.

They are not the main force in this battle. They only need to help contain the energy of one or two Death Eaters and create a greater advantage for other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Maybe it was because I had taken the Fuling Elixir beforehand, but the whole thing went more smoothly than expected. The members of the Order of the Phoenix successfully attacked in a sneak attack and knocked down several Death Eaters, instantly evening the numerical gap between the two sides. Now they had an absolute advantage, successfully suppressing the Death Eaters and controlling the situation.

Of course, this is largely due to the advantages brought by the Fortune Potion. Although the legendary lucky potion did not bring real luck to everyone, it greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"We must get the prophecy ball and we must not let them slip away."

Lucius Malfoy was almost desperate. He really couldn't bear the consequences of the failure of his plan. Only by getting the Prophecy Ball could he avoid the Dark Lord's punishment.

"How dare he..." the enraged Bella screamed incoherently, "I'm going to kill that filthy bastard..."

The next moment, the crazy woman was knocked out by a force and knocked over the shelf behind her.

"What a crazy woman."

"I dare say that being in Azkaban Prison for so long has caused her brain to become a little abnormal."

"Here comes the wand."

Hermione ignored Harry and Ron and tried to snatch Bella's wand.

The danger for a wizard who loses his wand will be greatly reduced. There is no doubt that the mad woman who has been hit by the three-person obstacle curse cannot prevent the flying curse from taking away her wand.

"Damn it!"

Lucius Malfoy obviously didn't expect Potter to be so mean. When he reacted and tried to stop Hermione from taking away Bella's wand, it was already too late, not to mention that Harry and Ron couldn't let each other. After succeeding, they all used magic spells to stop Lucius Malfoy.

After grabbing the wand, Hermione immediately broke it, while Harry grabbed the broken wand and threw it away, not forgetting to continue to stimulate Lucius Malfoy.

"You're done. I think Voldemort won't mind using the Cruciatus Curse to take special care of you."

"I think it's unlikely. He will probably be imprisoned in Azkaban, and maybe he can escape."

"Perhaps Malfoy should thank us for sending him to Azkaban."

The three of them stimulated Lucius Malfoy's mentality while throwing spells at him. Thanks to the Felixir, they could all use spells smoothly.

"Give me the Prophecy Ball, Potter!" Lucius Malfoy's roar rang in Harry's ears, just as Harry said, he could not bear the terrible consequences of failure.

Never allow failure!

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed. The prophecy ball was shattered by me."

Harry said as he casually picked up the fragments of the Prophecy Ball on the ground and threw them in the direction of Lucius Malfoy's voice. He continued to joke with a smile, "Your dear old friend Voldemort, if he knew that the Prophecy Ball was broken, , I will definitely be very dissatisfied!”

"No, this is impossible, the prophecy ball is coming! The prophecy ball is coming!"

Malfoy frantically tried to summon the prophecy ball, but to no avail. Fear and anger almost engulfed him.

"Nothing is impossible. When I know that Voldemort's goal is the prophecy ball, do you think I will let him get his wish?"

Harry glanced at the prophecy ball that was about to move in his hand, raised his wand and tapped it gently to completely destroy it. Harry's intuition told him that it was best not to let Voldemort get the prophecy ball.


Ron and Hermione were both surprised and couldn't understand why Harry wanted to destroy the prophecy ball he got.

"It's more important that Voldemort doesn't get the prophecy ball, and he's good at Legilimency, so I'd better not know the content."

After the prophecy ball was destroyed, a pearl-white figure slowly rose into the air. Harry directly used a spell to disperse the figure. He would never allow the Death Eaters or Voldemort to know the secrets in the prophecy ball.

As for the prophecy in the prophecy ball, Harry's intuition told him that Dumbledore must know it, and the magical Albert might also know it.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to take risks.

"I just lied to you, this one is the one."

Harry gave Malfoy the fragments of the Prophecy Ball in a playful manner, or used the Crushing Curse to completely turn the fragments into powder.

"From the moment you started scheming against me, you should have realized that one day, you might even have to thank me for sending you to Azkaban prison." Harry continued to use words to stimulate Malfoy. He felt that the other party was about to completely Lost my mind.

A crazy person, although dangerous, is also easier to deal with.

"Just because..."

Malfoy stared at the bunker ahead, just when he was about to rush forward, kill someone first, and then force Harry to hand over the prophecy ball. Harry, Hermione and Ron suddenly left the bunker and took turns attacking Malfoy.

Malfoy easily deflected Ron's disarming spell, but before he could dodge Hermione's obstacle spell, his whole body suddenly froze and was knocked to the ground by Harry's stun spell.

With the help of the Elixir of Fortune, the three of them cooperated very well and easily knocked down the famous Lucius Malfoy.

Hermione immediately waved her wand to conjure a rope and tied Lucius Malfoy tightly.

"I really want to see what Draco Malfoy's face will be like after knowing that we personally sent his father to Azkaban Prison." Ron happily summoned Lucius Malfoy's wand, and completely Eliminate the possibility of resistance by the other party.

"You guys did a great job!"

Sirius removed the Disillusionment Curse from his body, reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, and did not hesitate to praise him.

Relying on the huge boost brought by the Felixir, the members of the Order of the Phoenix were able to knock down all the Death Eaters almost unscathed in a short period of time.

However, most of the prophecy hall was destroyed due to the battle just now.

"Now how to do?"

Tonks looked at the stunned and tightly restrained Death Eaters, frowned and asked, "Hand them over to the Ministry of Magic?"

"I always feel that Fudge is very unreliable, and he might regard us as enemies and ask Aurors to arrest us. He is capable of such a thing."

"Anyway, I don't trust the Ministry of Magic. Why don't we kill a few first? They are all fugitives anyway, so it's normal for a few to die." Sirius suggested murderously, "Azkaban Prison is not reliable. Dementors may betray the Ministry of Magic and join Voldemort at any time."

Harry also felt that Sirius was right. The Ministry of Magic was unreliable. Even if the Death Eaters were imprisoned, they might still escape. With Voldemort, this possibility was too high.

If you want to catch them then, you will have to pay a higher price.

"Do you think the Ministry of Magic will offer a reward if we catch these fugitives?" Ron asked coldly.

The three of them worked together to defeat Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. Although Lucius Malfoy did not have a bounty on his head, Bellatrix Lestrange's The bounty is not low. If the Ministry of Magic gives a bounty, it will undoubtedly be a huge reward.

"I don't know, there might be a bounty, but I don't think the Ministry of Magic can afford that much bounty." Kingsley glanced at the subdued Death Eaters. Most of them were on the bounty list. .

"Oh, the reward from the Ministry of Magic is indeed a joke."

"Ron." Arthur frowned and looked at his son.

"There is a precedent for this." Ron curled his lips and stopped discussing the matter.

"I think Dumbledore will arrive soon. Let him decide how to deal with these guys then!" Lupine suggested.

He actually felt that Sirius's proposal was right, but he still felt that these scum should be allowed to face legal justice.

When everyone left the hall and prepared to wait for Dumbledore outside, they bumped into the person they least expected to meet.

"Voldemort," Harry screamed.

"A bunch of trash."

Glancing at the subdued Death Eaters, Voldemort became even more angry.

There was nothing he could do, his lair had just been bombed, and now he saw his servants being fucked up, which made his already bad temper even worse.

"Avada Kedavra."

Voldemort raised his wand, and under everyone's stunned gaze, fired a fatal killing curse at everyone.

He wants to kill someone now.

Harry Potter and the members of the Order of the Phoenix happened to be here, and now they were all killed in one go.

The green light of death filled everyone's eyes, and when it was about to engulf everyone, Harry had already stepped in front of everyone and recited his best spell.



Sirius was stunned by Harry's actions, but what shocked everyone even more was what happened next.

The red and green spells collided in mid-air, causing the two wands to be connected by a dazzling golden light.


Voldemort stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, and some unpleasant memories from last summer kept coming to his mind.

Yes, Potter was like this at that time, and then, the guy took the opportunity to escape.

Damn it!

Following the last experience, Voldemort directly forcibly disconnected the wand and stared at Harry Potter.

"I heard you wanted to get my prophecy ball."

Harry took out the fake prophecy ball from his pocket and pointed it with his wand, the threat was self-evident.

"You broke my prophecy ball?"

Voldemort stared at Harry with scarlet, cold eyes. He saw that Harry was lying and that Harry had just destroyed the prophecy ball. The purpose was to prevent Voldemort from having the chance to obtain the prophecy ball, and in his hand That one is fake.

"I hate Legilimency."

Harry muttered and threw the false prophecy ball to Voldemort.

"After months of hard work... Harry Potter, you have hindered me again." Voldemort's cold voice was filled with murderous intent.

"Yeah, I ruined it." Harry admitted straightforwardly.

"But you deserve it. Who told you not to get it yourself? You have to do such a stupid thing to fool me. Do you really think everyone is a fool?"

"It's a boring trick. Do you really think Dumbledore will come to save you if you delay?"

"I think this is a good idea. Good evening, Tom." Dumbledore raised his wand and stood beside Voldemort, his tone as calm as if he was greeting an old friend.


Voldemort spat disdainfully and fired a fatal spell directly at Dumbledore.

"The Aurors are on the way. I think they will regret that you escaped tonight." Dumbledore waved his wand gently, and the golden centaur on the fountain pool jumped up to block the fatal blow.

", it's not you."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes and stared at Dumbledore in front of him. He was sure it was not Dumbledore.

"Without a doubt, I beat you again."

Dumbledore waved the others around him to move away, leaving them plenty of room. In a fight of this magnitude, the involvement of others would only distract him.

"You, no, not you, it's that damn Mudblood."

Voldemort had actually guessed who was plotting against him. Although he didn't have any evidence, he didn't need any evidence, because there were very few people in the entire wizarding world who could do this.

Dumbledore is barely one, and the other is the Mudblood named Albert Anderson.

After failing to kill the opponent in the last duel competition, Voldemort realized that the mudblood named Anderson would become his trouble.

"Oh, that surprises me, what are you worried about."

"Worried, do you think I need to worry?" Voldemort narrowed his eyes and sneered, "You should be the one to worry."

Harry reached up to cover the scar, feeling an unimaginable pain engulf him.

Driven by instinct, Harry tried to close his brain, and he soon found that the pain was quickly fading.

Harry struggled to stand up from the ground, looked at Voldemort and said, "I know you want to control me, but it's useless."

Just now, Harry did feel a crisis, but the effect of Felixir enhanced Harry's Occlumency level, allowing him to quickly block the influence of Voldemort on him.

"Your plots are always very unreliable." Dumbledore seemed satisfied with the result.

"Don't think you've won, Dumbledore."

Voldemort waved his wand and attacked Sirius and the others, trying to save several captured Death Eaters.

"I dare say your servants would shed tears of excitement if they knew that you were desperately trying to save them." Harry stood in front of Voldemort and used the coma spell on Voldemort, trying to restrain Voldemort through the resonance of the two wands. Once the situation just happened, Dumbledore would definitely seize the opportunity to kill this guy.

"Potter, your tricks cannot always be reliable." Voldemort used the devil's flame to form a serpent and let it rush towards Harry.

"I've never been a loner like you."

Members of the Order of the Phoenix worked together to drive away the Flame Serpent.

"If you dare to use the Killing Curse, I will use them as a shield, and don't call me mean. They all deserve to die anyway." Harry said coldly, using his wand to levitate a Death Eater in front of him. "What, do you want to try it?"

"Why does it feel like we are the villains?" Ron muttered.

Hermione felt the same way, but she knew very well why Harry did this. Instead of letting the members of the Order of the Phoenix sacrifice, it would be better to let the Death Eaters die in their place. They were all extremely vicious guys anyway.

Voldemort looked Harry Potter up and down, seeming to have a new understanding of his mortal enemy.

"You won this time, but you can't win forever." Voldemort suddenly raised his wand, and a green light flew out of the wand and shot in the direction where the Aurors appeared, leaving only half of them. The golden centaur was blown to pieces.

A gust of wind blew past, and Voldemort disappeared.

"Oh my god, you saved me, you saved me."

The Auror was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, but no one would laugh at him because just now, he had a brush with death.


Scrimgeour looked at the subdued Death Eaters and looked at the old man in front of him with a complicated expression.

What the Ministry of Magic failed to do, Dumbledore and his gang did.

"Oh my god, what happened."

Cornelius Fudge pushed aside the Aurors blocking the way and looked at the messy Ministry of Magic. His eyes fell back on Dumbledore in front of him. Almost without thinking, he shouted to the Aurors on both sides: "Catch him." !”

However, Fudge was greeted by a long silence.

"Voldemort is back." Dumbledore said calmly, "I told you more than once this year. Now is the time for you to learn to use your brain."

"What is going on?" Fudge's mind was in confusion. He had not seen Voldemort just now, but judging from the reactions of the Aurors, this was undoubtedly true.

"Your old buddy Mr. Malfoy led a group of Death Eaters and tried to break into the Ministry of Magic to do bad things." Harry suddenly took a step forward, looked directly at the panicked Fudge, and showed a bright smile, "Oh, by the way. , and your dear deputy minister, who was so cruel as to use the Cruciatus Curse to torture me. As far as I know, any use of the Unforgivable Curse on a human being is enough to be imprisoned in Azkaban for a lifetime."

"Also, if you are not sure that your old buddy is a Death Eater, you can come to me and ask for an accurate list of Death Eaters. Although it has been a year, I believe my memory is still good."

Fudge's eyes had never been so wide, his mouth was open, and his whole face was red.

"Come on Harry, I'll take you back to school."

Dumbledore took the centaur's arm and turned it into a portkey.

"I thought I needed to be interviewed." Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, but still took his arm and said.

"If you are willing, but I think you should have more questions that need to be answered." Before Fudge could respond, Harry and Dumbledore disappeared, leaving everyone looking at each other.

"I'll leave them to you." Sirius shrugged, "I'll take them back to school."

"Mr. Minister, we caught the prisoner on the reward list, can we get the reward?" Before leaving, Ron stopped hesitantly and turned around to ask.

What was received, however, was silence.

"Kingsley, you..."

Fudge found it hard to accept that his right-hand man was actually Dumbledore's man.

"I'm an Auror," Kingsley said.

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