Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 Christmas

The Anderson family's original skiing plan for Christmas vacation was cancelled. Luke and Sansa would come over to spend Christmas together. No one in the family complained about this. They were not too enthusiastic about skiing itself.

On Christmas Eve, Albert saw Herb lingering outside Nia's room door, seemingly considering whether to put the gift in front of his daughter's bedside table.

"Santa Claus is not popular anymore." Albert motioned to Herb to put the Christmas gifts next to the Christmas tree downstairs.

"I told him about this a long time ago." Daisy, who was wearing pajamas, looked at the two people in the corridor helplessly, shook her head and reminded, "Go back to bed quickly, don't stay up late, you have to get up in the morning to unpack Christmas There’s a gift.”

The next day, Albert was woken up by Nia early in the morning.

There was nothing he could do, Tom's cat face was leaning towards his face, which suddenly made Albert lose all his sleep.

"I didn't find the Christmas gift you gave me." Nia asked for it.

"Here it is, not ready to put it next to the Christmas tree." Albert stretched out his hand to push Tom's face away. After doing so, he took out a neatly packaged box from the drawer and handed it to Nia.

"Where's mine?" he asked. The two siblings have long given each other Christmas gifts.

"Next to the Christmas tree downstairs." Nia opened the package, picked up the badge and asked, "It's very beautiful. By the way, what kind of bird is this?"

"Phoenix, you can also call it a firebird or a phoenix. It is said that Principal Dumbledore raised one. However, I haven't seen a phoenix." Albert took out a small dried fish from the drawer and handed it to Tom said in front of him, "And your Christmas gift."

As he spoke, he tore open the wrapping paper, took out a small dried fish, and waved it in front of Tom's face, easily attracting his attention.

However, when Albert was about to put the dried fish into his mouth, Tom's face came close to him and he made an anxious meow.

"This guy is so bad, Tom, we won't play with him anymore." Nia put the badge in her pocket, reached out to pick up the cat, took the bag of dried fish and went downstairs, leaving Albert alone. , holding a small dried fish alone.

"White Christmas!" Albert got out of bed and came to the window, stretched out his hand to open the curtains, looked at the falling snowflakes outside, and sighed.

When going downstairs, Albert couldn't help but look under the Christmas tree, where there was a pile of small packages. Nia is already sitting at the dining table unpacking her own parcel, so... the rest is all hers?

Albert walked under the Christmas tree and began to unwrap the packages:

A few books, a few greeting cards, and a Quidditch poster, well, it was given by the Weasley brothers. Although Albert didn't know who the guys were in this poster, he already planned to take it back to school. Posted in the dormitory, the poster should be the team the twin brothers support. Albert looked at the small bag of candy. It was a gift from Shanna, thanking him for his help when school started. Li Qiaodan gave him a box of Bibi's multi-flavor beans.

There was also a copy of Today's Transfiguration Magazine, but it was from a previous issue. Albert looked at the sender and found that it was from Professor McGonagall.

Albert was curious, Professor McGonagall would also give him a Christmas gift?

And a scarf?

"How is it?" Nia asked nervously, "I picked this color."

"It's very beautiful." Albert wrapped the scarf directly around his neck. It was still warm. It was a gray-white children's style, okay! He was only twelve years old, a child, so he had nothing to complain about.

The rest were either candies or books. Albert was not surprised at all to receive books. It had always been like this.

The breakfast was extremely rich, but the Anderson family did not eat immediately. Instead, they waited until Luke and Sansa came over. Around 10:30, the family of six enjoyed breakfast with Christmas songs. After eating, they settled on the sofa and watched TV. show while chatting about some light topics.

Nia originally hoped that Albert could perform magic, but Albert still didn't agree after thinking about it.

To be honest, he still doesn't know what the Ministry of Magic's traces are about. Although he has asked other people, they don't quite understand how the traces work.

Normally, you would not receive the notice that the use of magic outside the school is prohibited until the first year's summer vacation.

However, Albert does not want to take risks. It is undoubtedly unwise to exploit legal loopholes without preparation.

Although he doesn't use magic, he can still do many things, such as playing wizard chess or chatting about interesting things.

However, in wizard chess, obviously no one is Albert's opponent.

After Herb lost another game, he temporarily gave up playing wizard chess with his son.

Fortunately, Daisy brought out a large bowl of freshly fried chips from the kitchen at this time, giving him a good excuse to end the chess game.

"Tom, don't tease Sheila, you might get pecked." When Albert went to wash his hands, he took the short-haired cat away from the owl and muttered: "Did I name it wrong?" It should be called Jerry, Tom and Jerry, what a great combination.”

"Sela sounds better." Nia couldn't help but remind her.

When Albert came back from washing his hands, he heard a scream, and Tom, who had cheap claws, was finally pecked hard by the owl.

Sheila obviously didn't want to let Tom go, and she chased him and pecked him fiercely. She was so full of fighting power that Tom finally had no choice but to hide under the sofa in embarrassment.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Sansa got some owl food for Snow, then bent down, picked up Tom from under the sofa, and used small dried fish to soothe his wounded heart.

"Tom is getting fatter and fatter." Nia took out the birthday gift Albert gave her for others to appreciate.

"It would be nice for the cat to be fatter." Sansa smiled and scratched Tom's chin. "Tell me if it's Tom."

"When will it fly?" Nia raised her hand and poked the griffin, "And, does this kind of creature really exist in our world?"

"Yes. However, it is said that they are all in unknown places." Albert was putting the fries dipped in ketchup into his mouth.

"Those people in the magic world are like this, why do they hide like mice?" Daisy sat next to Herb, and the two sat close to each other.

"After all, the number of wizards is small, and most ordinary people are afraid of power beyond their understanding." It was Luke who answered.

In fact, many people are afraid of magic and at the same time envious of other people's possession of magic. Then, for various reasons, they regard magic people as monsters and find reasons to persecute them. Humans are such creatures.

Tom was lying on the table, staring at the toy with its wings spread out, and playing with it with a claw.

"Albert, have you read the book I chose for you?" Daisy suddenly asked.

"I've finished reading it. It's a very good book." Albert nodded, "It's a pity that what's in the book is just what's in the book."

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