Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1121 Legacy

After separating from Dumbledore, the two quietly came to the house where the Flamel couple lived. The wooden door was ajar. When they entered, they found a house elf who seemed to be waiting for them.

Albert and Isobel looked at each other, lifted the phantom spell and disguise on their bodies, and stunned the house elves.


"Long time no see, teacher, how are you?" Albert asked.

"The master is very good. He is waiting for you." The house elf closed the half-open wooden door, bowed slightly to the two of them and said, "Please come with me."

The two followed the house elf through the layers of protective magic and entered the real residence of the Flamel couple. They met the Flamel couple in the living room who were drinking tea and chatting.

The two old men are still in very good health and show no signs of imminent death.

If the remaining elixir of life had not been enough to sustain the Flamel couple through this summer, they could have continued to live longer than most wizards.

"Albus just left, we were just guessing when you would arrive."

After seeing Albert and Isobel, Nico showed a gentle smile on his face and warmly invited them to sit down and drink tea together.

"We met him halfway. Something happened over there in England." Albert and Isobel sat on the sofa next to him.

"It's really not peaceful in the UK recently. Maybe you can consider staying in France for a while." Nico Flamel also knew that Voldemort had been resurrected. The famous Dark Lord had also defeated the Philosopher's Stone. idea.

"I'm afraid not." Albert refused. He had no intention of staying in France, and he didn't feel it was safe to stay in France. Albert preferred to believe in the safe house he had built.

"That guy named the mysterious man is crazy, you have to pay attention to your safety." Perenal placed the milk tea and dessert in front of the two of them, and pulled Isobel to sit down and talk.

Nico stopped trying to persuade him and took the initiative to bring up the reason why Albert came to France: "Are you ready for the wedding?"

"Everything is ready. It's in a certain manor in France. It will be protected by the Loyalty Charm. You don't have to worry about anyone running to cause trouble." Albert knew what Nico was talking about, so he continued, "The mysterious man I have already taken care of the matter. The Aurors from the British Ministry of Magic will disguise themselves as us and hold another wedding in the UK. They plan to use that wedding to attract the attention of the mysterious person and the Death Eater, and try to They caught them all."

"That's it. No wonder I saw such a scene in the prophecy." Nico Flamel nodded happily and said, "You are always very reassuring."

"The wedding is tentatively scheduled for the 13th." Albert hesitated for a moment, then asked: "How long can the elixir last?"

"There are still some left, and they can probably last for more than a month." Nico did not have any fear of death. Instead, he smiled and comforted Albert, "Actually, you don't have to care too much about us who have lived for a long time. For me, death is just another great adventure."

Albert was silent. He actually didn't know what mood to face the LeMays.

Perhaps, for the Lemay couple, this is the best ending!

The only thing they can do is accompany the two old people on their last journey.

"Oh, by the way, I have something here for you." Nico smiled and changed the subject. He didn't want Albert to be sad because of them.

"Oh, what is it?"

Albert deliberately made himself seem interested in what Nico mentioned, but in fact he didn't care about Nico's legacy at all.

In Albert's eyes, the Flamel couple's most valuable legacy is the Philosopher's Stone and the knowledge they have accumulated over hundreds of years.

The Philosopher's Stone was destroyed a long time ago, and the knowledge that Albert wanted most has been gradually received by him over the years. The remaining wealth is nothing to Albert.

Who left Albert lacking almost everything.

"You'll definitely be interested."

As he spoke, Nico Flamel mysteriously placed a notebook in front of Albert.

Albert looked at the notebook that was many times older than him, and turned to look at the smiling old man, "This is..."

"The manufacturing notes of the Philosopher's Stone." Nico said what Albert was thinking.

"The manufacturing notes of the Philosopher's Stone." Albert was very surprised. He didn't expect Nico to give this thing to him.

Isobel also cast a curious look, obviously quite surprised by Nico's decision.

"Dumbledore would rather I take the secret of the Sorcerer's Stone to the grave forever, but I still decided to leave it to you." Nico made a shushing gesture and reminded softly, "Remember to keep it a secret, don't let Dumbledore Knowing this, he never likes it..."

"I will." Albert nodded.

Nico was very satisfied with Albert's reaction and said with a smile, "Open it and take a look."

Albert hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the notebook recording the creation of the Philosopher's Stone. The content inside was very similar to the manufacturing methods of the Philosopher's Stone that he had collected before, but - the Philosopher's Stone is a miracle that cannot be replicated in the history of alchemy. Its source due to an accident.

"Accident?" Albert murmured softly.

"Are you disappointed?" Nico asked looking at Albert.

"It's not an accident." Albert said softly, "It is indeed a miracle."

"The miracle of the Philosopher's Stone cannot be replicated, but if it were you, you would definitely be able to do it." Nico said firmly.

"Do you think I can create the Philosopher's Stone?" Albert couldn't understand where Nico's confidence came from. "If the creation of the Philosopher's Stone was an accidental miracle, it would be very difficult to recreate it."

"You are the most talented wizard I have ever seen. Even Dumbledore can't compare to you. Sooner or later, your attainments in alchemy will surpass mine." Nico told the reason for giving this notebook to Albert, " However, no one who is a good alchemist can resist the temptation to study the magic stone."

"It feels unbelievable and unreal." Albert sighed softly. The thing that countless alchemists dreamed of was actually placed in front of him like this.

Although Albert didn't think anyone else could replicate this miracle, he was confident in himself because he, Albert, cheated.

Thinking of this, Albert suddenly understood why Nico gave him this notebook.

If one day he really wants to study the Philosopher's Stone, even if he doesn't have this notebook, he will still try his best to study it, and this notebook can help him save a lot of trouble. If Albert doesn't need it, he will naturally not go there. Research.

"When I created the Magic Stone, I couldn't believe it either." Nico reminded softly, "One thing you have to remember is that the elixir of life is not as perfect as you imagined. Although it can keep us alive... Go on, but you have also seen the consequences. When you create the magic stone and choose to use it to create the elixir of life, you must be cautious. It is a kind of 'immortal curse'."

Albert closed the note and put it on the table. He did not immediately rush to read it, but asked curiously, "What does it feel like to live for hundreds of years?"

"What does it feel like? It's a bit boring," Nico recalled. "I remember we went traveling around the world together at first, and then we continued to live a similar life over and over again."

Albert and Isobel looked at each other.

"Actually, I think it is better to seize the happiness now than to place our hope in the future." Perenal looked at Albert and Isobel with a smile and gave them kind advice.

"We think so too." Albert and Isobel looked at each other and smiled.

"By the way, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to." Nico suddenly said, "Don't get involved in Albus's plans. I dare say he must have invited you, right?"

"Yes, but I refused."

"This is a very wise choice. Albus is only interested in those greater interests, especially in this period, it is easy to get involved in big trouble." Nico sighed softly, "Live well and live your own life." That’s the most important thing.”

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