Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1129 We are not like each other

"Tom, it's not a pleasant thing to go to someone else's wedding and cause trouble."

Dumbledore pulled out his wand and looked at Voldemort, who was standing fifty feet away, with a faint smile on his face, as if he was standing in front of an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, rather than a life-or-death enemy.

Judging from Voldemort's reaction, Dumbledore was already sure that the other party was probably here to block him. It's amazing to say that he was actually here to block Voldemort, and the goals of both parties were surprisingly consistent.

The reason is not difficult to guess.

Whether it was the Ministry of Magic, the Death Eaters, Dumbledore himself, or Voldemort in front of him, they were all part of someone's plan.

When Voldemort and the Death Eaters planned to go to Albert's wedding to cause trouble, they probably wouldn't let it go according to their personalities.

Therefore, with the help of the Ministry of Magic, Albert planned to teach the Death Eaters a lesson. The Death Eaters obviously also guessed that there might be a trap, so they planned to use the trick and made sufficient preparations.

Dumbledore wasn't angry.

Neither he nor the Ministry of Magic suffered a loss.

Albert achieved multiple wins.

Before coming here, Scrimgeour told him that the Ministry of Magic would use Anderson's wedding to conduct an ambush against Death Eaters, hoping that he could delay the mysterious person who might appear at a critical moment.

As long as the plan succeeds, the Ministry of Magic will gain great prestige, and the relationship between Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic will also be eased. More importantly, Voldemort's power will be dealt a severe blow. I believe that the wizarding world will face a huge blow in the future. Come to a period of stability.

"Stop being so hypocritical. It's really disgusting."

Voldemort spat disdainfully and fired a fatal curse at Dumbledore. An ominous green light lit up around him, as if to engulf the person completely.

Dumbledore effortlessly dodged Voldemort's fatal blow. He raised his wand lightly and counterattacked, firing a fatal spell at Voldemort as well.

Killing curses and black magic are not the only things that can kill people.

When the golden curse was about to hit Voldemort, a silver shield was summoned from the void by Voldemort, directly deflecting the scalp-numbing fatal spell.

This is not the first time the two have dueled.

Both sides tried to kill each other a long time ago, but they failed.

Even though Dumbledore has the upper hand most of the time, Voldemort is also very difficult to mess with. As long as one party is negligent in the duel, his life may be taken away by the other party.

If possible, Voldemort actually didn't mind exchanging himself for Dumbledore's life. Even if both parties died together, Dumbledore would always be the loser.

Because as long as he still possesses Horcruxes, Voldemort can continue to be resurrected. I believe that in a world without Dumbledore, the group of Death Eaters would be willing to help him restore his body.

As for Harry Potter, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Voldemort's offensive became more and more fierce, making Dumbledore secretly vigilant.

After the stone in front of him was penetrated by the spell, Dumbledore took the opportunity to turn the surrounding ground into a swamp, creating a terrain that was favorable to him.

Voldemort immediately apparated to avoid being trapped by Dumbledore's magic.

His move was completely expected by Dumbledore.

Because most of the surrounding environment has turned into a swamp, when Voldemort reappeared, he stepped directly into the swamp. He made a momentary mistake and was dragged into the swamp by the mud climbing up to his ankles. Even chanting the curse was temporarily blocked. Interrupted, he could only put the silver shield in front to prevent Dumbledore's magic.

Dumbledore instantly caught the opportunity, pointed his wand towards the swamp ground, and a strong current was injected directly into the swamp from the tip of the wand. In the blink of an eye, a strong electric current spread to Voldemort along the muddy and wet swamp, causing his body to be temporarily paralyzed, and a large amount of black smoke came out of his robe.

A large amount of soil rose up from under the swamp, and with Dumbledore's wand, it climbed up and covered Voldemort in the blink of an eye, trying to imprison Voldemort.

Dumbledore had not thought of directly using a spell to kill Voldemort, but it was most likely that he would be blocked by that silver shield.

If you can capture Voldemort alive, it is actually a good choice. You can try to eliminate him through the stone arch in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries.

Although it was Albert's suggestion, Dumbledore had long ago thought of using this method to destroy Voldemort.

Once you pass through the stone arch, you will be taken to the world of the dead.

Even if Voldemort possesses a Horcrux and the main soul cannot be easily destroyed, it does not mean that he will not die.

The only problem is how to tie up Voldemort and throw him in. This is undoubtedly impossible. Even Dumbledore cannot accomplish this feat.

He knew very well that Albert mentioned this matter mainly to give Scrimgeour confidence. Having confidence would prevent despair, and it was important to have hope.

With a bang, all the shackles wrapped around Voldemort exploded. When he broke free from the restraints, he quickly summoned a silver shield to resist Dumbledore's spell.

The wand in his hand did not forget to slip under his feet. The soil that originally wrapped around his ankle turned into a snake. It swam away from Voldemort's feet. The moment he fell into the swamp, it actually expanded into a giant snake and headed directly towards Deng. Bullido pounced, buying precious time for Voldemort.

When the giant snake was easily torn apart by Dumbledore's spell, the weeds around the two of them were turned into thin snakes by Voldemort, and they swarmed towards Dumbledore crazily with Voldemort's hissing.

At the same time, Voldemort raised his wand almost at the same time, preparing to strike hard at Dumbledore.

Regardless of whether Dumbledore cleared the surrounding venomous snakes, resisted the venomous snakes' counterattack, or evaded by apparating, he could not easily avoid Voldemort's next attack.

In the end, Dumbledore chose to apparate to avoid Voldemort's subsequent attack. When he reappeared, he was holding Fox's paw and floating in the air.

Voldemort obviously did not expect that Dumbledore would actually appear in the sky, and his reaction was half a beat too slow. By the time the wand drew an arc and pointed at the figure in the sky, the best opportunity had already been missed.

There was a loud bang, like a cannon, and a terrifying red light shot straight towards Dumbledore in the sky.

Fox seemed to have expected it, and nimbly dodged Voldemort's fatal blow, and led Dumbledore down.

Dumbledore waved his wand, spraying out a large amount of flames, completely turning the ground into a sea of ​​fire, and all the poisonous snakes were swept away by the blazing fire.

When Voldemort turned his wand and pointed it at the target again, Dumbledore and the phoenix transformed into a whirlwind of gold and red and disappeared.

As a result, the fatal green light failed again, and Voldemort almost instinctively moved the wand in a certain direction.

When Dumbledore appeared again, he saw a spell flying towards him. He raised his wand and used a spell to directly block it, and the two sides once again entered into a wrestling match of magical power.

As for the blazing flames around him, with a wave of Dumbledore's free hand, it was like a raging ocean wave rushing toward Voldemort.

The next second, Voldemort opened his mouth and spit out a wisp of demonic flames, and the surrounding flames were saturated with demonic flames, turning into countless monsters surging in the sea of ​​fire, quickly engulfing the surrounding sea of ​​flames, and transforming into more terrifying demonic flames.

Voldemort laughed triumphantly and let the devil's flame attack Dumbledore directly. Seeing that the black flame was about to engulf Dumbledore, the other party's free arm suddenly waved, and part of the devil's flame actually rolled back and spread to Voldemort's body.

"Damn it!"

Voldemort couldn't laugh anymore and extinguished the devil's flames on his body as soon as possible, otherwise even he might be burned to death by the devil's flames.

Dumbledore took advantage of Voldemort's distraction and waved away the devil's flames that were coming towards him.

"It seems that you are going to be doomed!" Voldemort waved his wand, causing the devil's flames around him to surge towards Dumbledore.

"It's getting out of hand!" Dumbledore said suddenly.

"Do you think I care about this?" Voldemort attacked Dumbledore again: "Or are you afraid?"

The two sides once again entered into a struggle for magical power, but Voldemort found that his magical power was once again suppressed by Dumbledore. He really couldn't understand why, as an old man who had lived for a century, Dumbledore could still retain his magical power. So powerful.

When most wizards get old, their magical power, even if it does not decline significantly, should be much less powerful than before. At least it is impossible to be more powerful than himself, but the reality is that he lost the wrestling.

It didn't matter because Dumbledore was going to die here.

"It's surprising, you actually want to drag me to death together?" Dumbledore looked at Voldemort up and down and said in a surprised tone.

"Only you will die here!" Voldemort sneered.

"No, I won't die. You forgot, I actually have helpers." Dumbledore reminded with a smile, "This is never a fair fight."


Suddenly, all the demonic flames around him were extinguished, and Voldemort had a bad premonition because he actually smelled the breath of death.

There was a loud "boom" sound, and the silver shield seemed to be hit hard with a heavy hammer, making a buzzing sound like a big bell.

Voldemort quickly swung his silver shield to block Dumbledore's spell and disappeared.

When Voldemort appeared again, he had appeared near Albert and shot an Avada Kedavra directly at him.

The killing curse exploded an iron shield that appeared out of thin air, and Albert behind the iron shield had disappeared and appeared directly beside Voldemort. He waved his wand like a knight, and the ground cracked directly and spread toward Voldemort, as if someone was there. He was swinging his sword, ready to cut him in half.

Voldemort dodged easily, but when he reappeared, he was covered by a large-scale explosion spell, and there were violent explosions.

"You guy..." Before Voldemort could finish his words, he quickly bent down to dodge, because an Avada Kedavra flew directly towards him.

As Albert waved his wand, more Avada Kedavra flew towards Voldemort as if they were free of charge. Voldemort probably didn't expect that someone would use the Killing Curse for free, so he had to let the silver shield help block the Killing Curse. The impact of the explosion directly knocked Voldemort away.

Voldemort disappeared again. He did not use magic to resist the aftermath of the explosion, because the next moment, another Avada Kedavra flew towards Voldemort. If he had not apparated immediately, he would probably have been directly hit by the Killing Curse.

Before Voldemort could wave his wand, Dumbledore's magic flew towards him, forcing him to apparate again to dodge.

If they weren't skilled, ordinary people would probably be killed before they could Apparate.

Albert waved his wand, and a spell exploded in mid-air. A large number of light spots directly covered an area. This is another use of the obstacle spell, which can slow down the movement of creatures within a range.

Most ordinary magic can actually be used in many ways after being developed.

When Voldemort appeared again, he realized that there was something strange about those light spots and could only apparate again. However, Dumbledore's magic appeared in his sight appropriately, and Voldemort had no choice but to let the spells collide with each other. If it is just an ordinary spell, you can definitely use the spell to miss it, but some dangerous spells are difficult to do.

The two wands were linked together again through magic, and Albert obviously would not give Voldemort any chance to breathe, so another Avada Kedavra flew towards Voldemort.

Voldemort was forced to apparate again, and this time it was Albert's turn to wrestle with him.

He was angry to find that he was suppressed, and the mudblood's magical power was actually more powerful than him.

"To be honest, I'm very angry." Albert warned in a cold tone: "If you dare to disturb my wedding again, then I will kill your servants. Don't think you can protect them forever. I am not Dumbledore." Lido, I don’t mind exchanging Death Eater heads for bounties. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try.”

Voldemort suddenly said: "We are very similar."

"I have a lover, but you don't. I have a lot of galleons, but you don't. I have a lot of friends, you just have a bunch of servants. I'm handsome and popular, but you turned yourself into a noseless, ugly person. "You are so ugly that people hate you." Albert sneered, "You actually have the nerve to say that we are similar?"

After being ridiculed by Albert's poisonous tongue, Voldemort's cheeks were completely twisted with anger, and his scarlet eyes stared at Albert, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

"Albert is right. You should have had a better future. It's a pity that you took the wrong path and made yourself look like this."

Dumbledore did not take the opportunity to attack, but stopped to talk to Voldemort, because he knew very well that it was impossible to keep Voldemort.

"Albert Anderson, don't think that Dumbledore can always help you. You will always be alone, and you will never be Voldemort's opponent." Voldemort apparated and left, knowing that he could not kill him That mudblood was gone, and Albert and Dumbledore put a lot of pressure on him.

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