Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1136 Get your wish

Late at night, Harry sat at the desk in his bedroom, casually flipping through the pile of latest newspapers thrown on the table. He had been sitting here for nearly four hours, until the street outside gradually darkened because of Dumbledore's owl letter. Yes, I will pick him up at 4 Privet Drive at 11 o'clock and take him to 12 Grimmauld Place to spend the rest of the holiday with Sirius. This is undoubtedly good news. The only problem is that the second hand moves too slowly and he cannot Don't distract yourself by reading the newspaper, lest the wait becomes too much.

The first newspaper headline read: Scrimgeour succeeds Fudge

Most of the front page was taken up by a large black and white photo of a man waving to Harry as he read the newspaper.

The second edition extols Scrimgeour's heroic deeds of leading the Aurors against dark wizards, as well as his series of policies after taking over as Minister of Magic.

However, Harry was more concerned about the previous battle. It was said that eight Death Eaters were killed on the spot by Aurors in the wedding ambush. Three Death Eaters were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban.

The most incredible thing is that the Aurors also captured and killed hundreds of dark wizards, creating an unprecedented legend.

This matter has completely spread throughout the British magical community.

However, Harry saw something unusual behind this incident.

The wedding mentioned in the newspaper obviously refers to Albert's wedding.

Then the truth of this whole matter must be different from what was mentioned in the newspapers, and it is not surprising that it will turn into a big victory.

Harry, who had experienced it once, was all too familiar with this.

Albert was not easy to mess with. He had long been prepared for Voldemort and the Death Eaters to come and cause trouble at his wedding. After Albert predicted the Death Eaters' conspiracy against the wedding, the guy directly joined forces with Skrein. Jay turned the wedding into a deadly trap for Death Eaters, giving those guys who wanted to go to the wedding to cause trouble an unforgettable lesson.

"But what about this letter?"

Harry looked at the letter Scrimgeour had written to him and frowned slightly.

The content of the letter is very simple. Scrimgeour hopes that Harry can support his policy of combating dark wizards, so as to promote everyone's determination to fight against dark wizards.

The reason why Harry was so troubled was that this letter was sent by Mr. Weasley, Kingsley and Percy together. The content is that he hopes that he can give a premeditated interview in the Leaky Cauldron while going shopping in Diagon Alley, and take photos by the way. The only thing Harry had to do was express his support for the Ministry of Magic's policy against dark wizards in an interview with reporters, and the other party even thought of his lines for him.

Harry read out the lines in the letter softly: "I very much agree that the Ministry of Magic takes tough measures to deal with dark wizards. When facing these evil guys, you must not be merciful or merciful, because it is for yourself, your family, and We are irresponsible for our lives.”

Well, this still makes sense.

He also felt that it was right to kill those dark wizards, because being soft-hearted and showing mercy would be irresponsible to himself, his family, and everyone's lives.

It is said that several Ministry of Magic Aurors were killed in the previous ambush.

However, this statement was completely unlike what a politician from the Ministry of Magic would say, and Harry suspected that this was Albert's brilliant idea for Skrein.

Mr. Weasley and Kingsley were rapidly promoted in the Ministry of Magic, and it seemed to Harry that the new ministers were obviously interested in showing favor to him.

Otherwise, Mr. Weasley and Kingsley would not be allowed to inform him about the latest policies of the Ministry of Magic and the subsequent use of veritaserum to determine the crimes of dark wizards to ensure that innocent people would not be affected.

Harry's thoughts stopped because the alarm rang.

Eleven o'clock arrived.

He opened the window and squinted at the sidewalk below. A tall figure wearing a long cloak arrived as promised, walking along the garden path.

The doorbell rang below, and Harry hurried downstairs and opened the door almost as soon as the bell ended. His luggage had already been moved to the entrance hall, and the Dursleys were happy to see him get out of here.

Dumbledore stood outside the door, smiling at Harry who opened the door.

"Shall we go now, sir?" Harry asked excitedly.

"Go, of course I have to go. However, there are a few things I need to discuss with your aunt and uncle." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I think it's best not for us to talk about these things outside."

"Sir, they have rested. Do you need me to wake them up now?" Harry didn't think this was a good idea, but he still asked.

"I can only disturb them."

In fact, the Dursleys were not asleep, but they were not in a good mood to be woken up to face the wizard they hated most. They had thought that Harry would leave quietly.

"This must be Petunia." Dumbledore introduced himself with a smile, "I'm Albus Dumbledore. We wrote by letter."

This statement made Harry feel very funny, if the roaring letter could be considered a letter.

Probably seeing the fear and uneasiness on the faces of the Dursleys, Dumbledore got to the point directly.

"Harry will be an adult in another year."

"In the wizarding world, one becomes an adult at the age of seventeen," Harry explained to his aunt and uncle.


Uncle Vernon muttered, but Dumbledore ignored him and continued: "The wizard named Voldemort has returned to this country. The wizarding world is currently at war. Harry is in a better situation than I was fifteen years ago. It’s even more dangerous to have him on your steps.”

"When Harry becomes a man, the powerful protective spell I cast fifteen years ago will cease to function. I hope that you will allow Harry to return to this home again before his seventeenth birthday and bring that kind of It’s important that the protective power continues until then.”

None of the Dursleys said a word. Judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they hoped they would finish talking and leave quickly.

"Okay, Harry... we should set off. See you next time." Dumbledore stood up, straightened his black cloak, put on his hat, and walked out of the living room quickly.


Harry said goodbye to the Dursleys and followed them out. He wanted to ask Dumbledore's opinion on something.

With a bang, the door behind was slammed shut.

Harry thought he heard the Dursleys sigh in relief.

"It seems that we are not welcome here." Dumbledore joked with a smile.

"Sir, I have received a letter from the new minister."

Harry glanced at Dumbledore secretly and talked about the letter he received yesterday.

"This was originally Fudge's idea." Dumbledore laughed. "He once wanted to see you and hoped that you could support him - before Voldemort warned and the Brockdale Bridge broke."

"After Umbridge did all those stupid things?" Harry mocked with a strange expression: "He actually wanted to get my support. Did his brain get caught in the door?"

"Then again, no one accused Fudge of colluding with the Death Eaters and sent him to Azkaban."

"Scrimgeour needs a smooth transfer of power." Dumbledore explained: "Moreover, the accusation of colluding with the Death Eaters may not be established."

"He helped exonerate Death Eaters in previous cases, and he also had financial connections with Death Eaters. The Ministry of Magic can easily find ten different reasons for convicting him." Harry dragged his suitcase and walked. explain.

"Although Scrimgeour successfully used those Death Eaters as a stepping stone, it doesn't look like it was his handiwork. It's more like Albert used the Ministry of Magic to retaliate against the Death Eaters."

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"Being spotted when you get married, backhandedly teaching the other person a lesson is very similar to what Albert would do." Harry muttered.

"That makes sense."

"Sir, how was Albert's wedding?" Harry said suddenly, "I heard that Snape was the only one in the school who didn't receive the invitation?"

"In order to prevent anyone from sneaking in and causing trouble, the wedding site was strictly protected by the Fidelity Charm." Dumbledore changed the subject and said, "Moreover, many famous wizards in the magical world were there, so I think you can probably imagine the atmosphere at the scene. "

"Very depressing?"

“It can only be said that everyone went to the wedding to send blessings to the young newlyweds,” Dumbledore recalled with a smile, “However, the food at the wedding banquet was delicious and received unanimous praise from everyone. "

"Do you think I should be interviewed, sir?" Harry brought the topic back up.

"What do you think?" Dumbledore asked.

"I wonder what Scrimgeour wants to use me for?" Harry saw sincerity in the new minister's letter, sincerity directed at the dark wizard, but there must be some reason why the other party did that.

"That's an interesting question," Dumbledore said softly. "Scrimgeour has been working on dealing with dark wizards, and judging from the promulgated wartime policy, he is still doing that. Scrimgeour obviously hopes that we can support him. Policies against Death Eaters and enhance everyone's confidence in the Ministry of Magic."

"Do you think Scrimgeour will succeed?" Harry asked curiously, "leading everyone through the current difficulties."

"Scrimgeour is capable and more decisive and courageous than Cornelius." Dumbledore commented.

"But Albert's evaluation of Scrimgeour is that he is unlucky. He believes that Scrimgeour is likely to die during his tenure, and the wizarding world will collapse as a result and be controlled by Voldemort." To be honest, Harry is more willing to believe that Scrimgeour is Bert's prophecy.

I had no choice but to understand how scary that guy was only through personal experience. That guy's mouth was so accurate that it was no wonder that Voldemort wanted to find an opportunity to kill him.

"It is undeniable that Scrimgeour inherited a mess. The Ministry of Magic is indeed in trouble now, so Mr. Anderson's assessment of the unlucky guy is actually right." Dumbledore frowned slightly. This was not the first time he heard Albert Predicting the collapse of the Ministry of Magic.

In his opinion, there was only one way for the Ministry of Magic to collapse.

He was dead, powerless to stop it.

Thinking of Albert saying that the next search for Horcruxes might be dangerous, foreseeing that he would be severely injured and might even kill him?

"I think Scrimgeour should hire Albert as the Minister's special adviser. Maybe the Ministry of Magic can turn around."

"Scrimgeour tried, but was flatly rejected."

"It's just like him," Harry said.

"I almost forgot." Stopping at the intersection of Privet Drive, Dumbledore turned to Harry and said, "I hope you have your wand and invisibility cloak ready."

"Don't we go directly to 12 Grimmauld Place?" Harry was quite surprised by this, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of excitement. Dumbledore was obviously going to take him there for adventure.

"We are going to visit our old colleagues today." After Harry took out the invisibility cloak, Dumbledore waved his wand and made the box, cage and Hedwig disappear.

"I'll take your luggage to No. 12 Grimmauld Place so that you won't get in the way with them."

"Old colleague?"

"We are short of professors again, and we need to persuade one of my retired colleagues to return to Hogwarts to continue serving."

"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Harry guessed.

"No, he is the Potions Professor." Dumbledore said.

"So, Snape finally got what he wanted?" Harry frowned slightly, surprised by Dumbledore's decision to make Snape the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"It's Professor Snape," Dumbledore corrected.

"That's really good news," Harry said cheerfully.

"Good news?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

The position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was cursed by Voldemort a long time ago. Each professor will not hold the position for more than one semester, which means that Snape will have an accident and leave Hogwarts next year.

He did not think that Snape, a former Death Eater, could be immune to the effects of Voldemort's curse.

Couldn't this be good news?

"How can I help, sir?" Harry changed the subject.

"I think you'll come in handy." Dumbledore raised his arm and said, "Okay Harry, grab my arm, we're going to go."

"Okay, sir."

After Harry grabbed Dumbledore's outstretched forearm, his whole body was dragged in by a suction force, and the squeeze from all directions almost made him suffocate.

"Are you okay?" Dumbledore looked down at Harry who was retching with concern, "You need to get used to this feeling slowly."

"I prefer flying on a broomstick."

Although Harry said he didn't like it, he also knew that he must master Apparition as soon as possible so that he could grow up quickly.

"This way."

Dumbledore led Harry through the town with brisk steps and stopped in front of a neat little stone house in the garden.

The door of the house was hanging crookedly, as if someone had broken in violently.

"Oh my God!"

"Sir, there is no Dark Mark." Harry looked up at the sky and found no Dark Mark. "If the Death Eaters had really come, they would have left the Dark Mark over the house."

"You are right." Dumbledore looked around both sides of the street and said softly, "It seems that my old friend does not seem to welcome other guests."

"Maybe it's because we came so late," Harry muttered.

"Draw your wand and follow me, Harry," Dumbledore whispered. "I hope our trip will not be in vain."

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