Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1149 Taking great pains

"Even Avada Kedavra was used."

Looking at his leaving figure, Albert turned his head to look at Fred and his group who were knocking out the thugs with last-ditch blows. He shook his head helplessly and laughed at himself: "I didn't expect that I am so hated by people now!"

The purpose of coming here tonight was basically achieved, except for the last sneak attack, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

However, it’s not a loss, after all, the mission was triggered.

Albert was not angry because of this. He could borrow a knife to kill someone, and others could borrow a knife to kill him. There was no problem at all.

This sneak attack can be regarded as a reminder to him that no matter how powerful he is, he may capsize in the gutter.

Although Dumbledore had given him a warning with his life, this kind of thing still had to be experienced first-hand to be deeply impressive.

"It seems like I'm pretty lucky."

After stabilizing his emotions, Albert glanced at the newly triggered task: anger.

"Revenge doesn't last overnight, but this mission panel is more anxious than me." He couldn't help but laugh at himself.

By ingesting the attacker's memories, Albert easily got what he wanted.

Tonight's attack was not an accident, but a premeditated attack.

A group of guys who covet the big cake in the field of defense against dark arts unite, hoping to seize this fat cake by getting rid of them.

So they spent a lot of galleons to hire the mysterious man's minions to carry out the robbery. The Death Eaters happened to be planning to retaliate against the Ministry of Magic, and the two sides hit it off and organized the operation.

However, something happened that neither of them expected.

Young Malfoy, who accepted the responsibility of assassinating Dumbledore, in order to divert everyone's attention, announced that the last reward his father had offered was still valid (a reward of 10,000 Galleons for Albert), and secretly revealed that Fred , George and Lee Jordan's relationship with Albert, he was the one who released the news about store No. 93.

After receiving the news, Yaxley immediately asked his thugs to conduct a test. It also proved that it was because this group of people helped to connect that so many people came to participate in the robbery.

"Sure enough, it was Galen who was to blame!" Albert sighed.

Although it cannot be said that wizards living in the gray area are all a group of extremely vicious guys, those who can work under the command of Death Eaters are definitely not good people. Sometimes, just for a few Galleons, one can commit murderous acts, not to mention a bounty with a clearly stated price of 10,000 Galleons.

In the eyes of this group of desperadoes, it doesn't matter who Albert is, what matters is that he is a mobile money bag. As for those hearsay rumors, few people will believe them until they are really broken, especially when the other party is still a kid who just graduated from school.

Everyone knows what Defense Against the Dark Arts is like at Hogwarts.

"Draco Malfoy is a bit cruel!" Albert murmured, "I saved Lucius Malfoy's life, but his son is not grateful, but wants to kill me for revenge?"

It seems like you provoked me in the first place, why do you act like you are the victim now?

After all, the Malfoy family is really rich.

Ten thousand Galleons, even he couldn't help but be tempted.

Albert once considered whether to pretend to claim the Galleons. After all, he had the compound potion in his hand. It seemed that it would not be difficult to pull out a hair and make a fake.

The only problem is that doing that makes it easy for people to find out that he did it.

In the end, Albert gave up this bold idea because he didn't think the Malfoys were all fools.

The other party would definitely not give him the Galleons in the first place. Once the delay lasts for a long time, it would be easy for loopholes to appear.

"Oh! What a pity."

Although doing so would disgust Draco Malfoy, it was not a wise idea to expose yourself directly.

Sure enough, let’s find another way to take revenge!

If you really can't find any good solution, just set fire to the Malfoy family. Anyway, their family is very rich.

Albert actually disliked the Death Eaters' methods.

Because of his intrusion, the future has changed.

The situation of Fred, George and Lee Jordan will only be worse than in the original novel, and being targeted by Death Eaters is basically a certainty.

There is no way, who made Albert pull the hatred is indeed a bit big.

Just like Hermione and Ron are Harry's best friends.

Fred and George are undoubtedly Albert's best friends, and basically anyone who is willing to investigate can find this out.

Especially the shop No. 93. The poor Weasley family obviously did not have the financial resources to pay the rent of the shop, so the real owner of that shop was self-evident.

As a good friend of Albert, it is not surprising that he becomes the target of revenge by the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters may not be able to defeat Albert, but they can certainly lay a conspiracy against his friends, and tonight is just a simple test.

If Fred, George, and Lee Jordan continued to wander outside, there would definitely be a huge safety risk, and Ms. Bones or Peter Pettigrew would probably be their fate.

Albert didn't want to follow in the footsteps of James Potter, so it was necessary to keep them hidden, and it wouldn't delay making money anyway.

As for the job of opening a store, isn’t there another Joko?

Another advantage of hiding yourself is that you are less likely to be targeted by Death Eaters.

There is no way, who makes Gryffindor students more "brave".

Being brave is not a bad thing, but in the current situation, Albert hopes that they can be "more cunning and cunning".

It is very troublesome to convince others verbally. Only when they feel the need will they try to imitate and change. Over the years, Albert's subtle influence was undoubtedly successful, and Fred, George and Lee Jordan all tried to imitate and learn from him.

So, tonight, he showed Fred, George and Lee Jordan how to deal with the crisis easily. Although the sneak attack was not on the stage, it was safe and practical!

Of course Albert could overturn an enemy head-on, but Fred, George, and Lee Jordan couldn't. Even if their abilities are not weak, when facing a certain number of wizards, they can only gain points by running away directly.

Albert can't set a bad example for them.

Those who always think that they are very powerful will capsize in the gutter sooner or later, especially when their opponent is a dark wizard who does not respect "martial ethics".

The owner of the Elder Wand is the best example. If he can't hit him head-on, he can use outside moves. Isn't that how the boss in the legend of the three brothers died (his throat was cut while sleeping).

You can never expect a Death Eater to be willing to fight you fairly. All you can do is be less "martial" than them.

Albert believed that he had experienced tonight, and it would be much easier to convince them to suspend sales in the store and disappear for a while (Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would definitely be worried about their lives).

This is necessary.

Who makes the exclusive business of black magic defense tools so profitable?

Albert plans to use the power of the Ministry of Magic to dig out the guys who are secretly behind the scenes, and also ask the Ministry of Magic to help clean up a wave of potential enemies.

The next time someone wants to cause trouble with "Fun House" again, they have to consider whether they are stepping into another damn trap.

Albert believed that Scrimgeour would be willing to let him owe a favor.

Who doesn’t like a win-win!

Especially Scrimgeour, who has more than tasted the sweetness, Albert is very confident about this.

After all, this time Scrimgeour was able to follow the clues and clear out some of the Dark Lord's minions.

Why don't you let Scrimgeour come along... Forget it, let's dig a hole for Yaxley first.

Albert remembered that it was this guy who designed and ultimately killed Scrimgeour. Let them fall in love and kill each other.

As for the Malfoy family's reward... to be honest, the attack just now really shocked him.

Although Albert was confident that he could evade the sneak attack, he would not risk his life, so he used a time turner and asked other "thugs" to help block it.

As for the life and death of the unlucky guy, Albert didn't care at all. He wouldn't take the initiative to massacre others, but he wouldn't care about their lives either.

As long as the person he kills with his own hands is not himself, that is enough.

"Well, how can we give them a big surprise?" Albert murmured, looking in the direction of Malfoy Manor.

He didn't want to continue to be targeted in the future, and he had to make that damn Galleon bounty disappear.

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