Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1165 A hair

In mid-September, the rainy season in the UK seemed to have come a little earlier. Sparse light rain began to fall on the streets of London, which were originally filled with cold fog. Pedestrians holding umbrellas walked in a hurry, and it seemed that it was a tacit understanding among everyone not to linger on the road.

Since thick fog appeared across the UK in July, everyone has obviously felt that something is wrong. Especially after two months of frequent strange events, the dark clouds hanging over everyone's hearts have never dissipated.

Among the hurried pedestrians, a middle-aged man holding an umbrella and carrying a briefcase stopped, put the briefcase on his left hand under his right shoulder, reached out and took out a note from his suit pocket, and carefully After reading the name above, he raised his head and looked around again, seeming to be looking for something. Soon, his eyes lit up, he put the note back into his pocket, took his briefcase and walked quickly forward, and soon turned into a coffee shop two shops away.

With the help of folding his umbrella and putting it on the umbrella stand, Bill, disguised as a middle-aged man, looked around the store and found a blond man in the corner. He smiled at the waitress and nodded, indicating that he had an appointment and then walked towards the corner. Go to that table.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Bill said hello to the strange man in front of him who was reading the newspaper.

In fact, this is a password exchange between the two parties. No matter who is late, he will say this sentence.

"No, I just arrived."

The man put down the newspaper and made an inviting gesture to Bill with a smile: "Then let's get started!"

After matching the passwords, Bill couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He sat down in front of Albert, who was disguised as a blond middle-aged man.

"You should take a look at this information first!"

Albert took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to the man opposite.

Bill admired Albert's disguise ability from the bottom of his heart. Even if the Death Eaters were watching here, they would probably not be able to recognize their identities.

No matter who sees this scene, they will think that they are just two ordinary salesmen discussing the company's cooperation business.

Bill looked at the document and found that it was indeed a company document. He quickly saw the writing printed on it with very light ink at Albert's signal.

It’s on every page, and the content is very simple:

Albert hoped that Bill could help him deliver a few letters to the therapists at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. In the process, he needed Bill and Fleur to pretend to be pregnant couples when they went to the hospital for a check-up. Send the letter.


Bill put down the document in his hand and looked up at Albert, but he seemed to realize something and quickly suppressed the surprise on his face.

To be honest, Bill really couldn't figure out what Albert wanted to do?

"Actually, if you really need it, I can directly..."

"What would you like to drink?" Albert interrupted politely.

"Just like you."

Bill said with a smile when he spotted the waitress next to him.

"Please bring this gentleman a cappuccino," Albert said to the waitress.

After the waitress left, Bill lowered his voice and asked, "Can't you just send it over?"

"That would arouse suspicion, and I don't want to get them into trouble. You know I'm not in a good situation. Oh, by the way, that's a letter from Mrs. MacDougal to an old friend."

"Okay, no problem, I'll take some time this weekend to help you finish it." Bill hesitated for a moment and agreed to help Albert. Although he felt that what Albert did was completely unnecessary and that he could just let the owl deliver the letter, there must be a special reason why Albert arranged it this way.

Maybe it would be more secretive and less likely for people to spot the flaw?

Bill did not refuse. This matter was not difficult for him. Anyway, it was just a one-time trip. I believe Fleur would be willing to cooperate.

"By the way, I will get married next summer. Remember to come to the wedding then." Bill said another thing.

"I will. However, I think you may have misunderstood just now,"

Albert took a sip of coffee and explained to Bill with a smile.

"I just need a few hairs from you and a loan of your identities. Then at a certain point in time, I hope you won't show up outside so as not to arouse suspicion. It only takes about two hours."

After hearing Albert's words, Bill was stunned.

He never expected that things would turn out like this. He originally thought...

"Oh, okay! Of course it's no problem." Bill nodded stiffly and agreed. He was really a little dizzy from Albert's tricks.

I thought that the other party wanted to ask me for help, but I didn't expect that they just wanted to borrow their identity.

Naturally, Albert would not let Bill deliver the letter. He would take Mrs. McDougal directly to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries to find a therapist. He would directly use Mrs. McDougal's relationship with Gallon to settle the matter and avoid any problems in the meantime. Any moth.

As for pretending to be Bill and Fleur, it was naturally to avoid suspicion. What's more, the two were already engaged. It wasn't actually a strange thing to accidentally do something before the wedding. The last time the mysterious man gained power, there were people everywhere. Someone elopes.

Bill was confused by Albert and told Fleur about it when he returned.

"Could it be that Albert's wife is pregnant, so he plans to secretly contact the therapist at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Maladies." Fleur expressed her guess, "Albert is being raped by those dark wizards. There is a reward, if he appears directly in a crowded place like St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies, he will be easily spotted."

"It makes sense, maybe it's true," Bill suddenly realized, kissed his fiancée on the forehead and said, "You are so smart, why did I pretend to be pregnant when I was depressed at the beginning."

"However, that guy is really cautious." Fleur said softly.

Bill will get the hair from Fleur, put it into a glass bottle with his own hair, and plan to give it to Fred and George when he goes to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters tonight. He will stay at home during the weekend anyway. Tutoring English to Furong.

"By the way Bill, I have something to discuss with you." Fleur said suddenly.

"What's up."

"I plan to join the Order of the Phoenix?" Fleur said seriously.

"You want to join the Order of the Phoenix, but... wouldn't that be too dangerous?"

Bill hesitated. He didn't want to drag Fleur into this endless war. It would be too cruel for Fleur. Although the Order of the Phoenix needed more allies, he really didn't want to...

"If we get married, I don't think my situation will be much better than joining the Order of the Phoenix." Fleur looked at the hesitant Bill and reminded her pretending to be angry, "Don't forget, I also participated in the Triwizard Tournament. Sai is not as fragile as you think."

"Okay, you've convinced me, let me help you ask Dumbledore about it."

Bill kissed Fleur's forehead again and pulled the pretty girl into his arms. He knew that this matter had nothing to do with Furong, but she decided to join in because of him, which made him feel deeply guilty, especially since he could also see that his sister and mother didn't like Furong very much. , and the other party did not complain about it.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Mrs. Weasley appeared outside.

"I hope I didn't disturb you."

After opening the door, Mrs. Weasley said to her eldest son: "Lupine just told me that the evening meeting has been moved forward. It seems to be due to some action. I heard that it was Fred and George who came up with the idea."

"By the way, Mom, Fleur also plans to join the Order of the Phoenix." Bill said suddenly.

"Ah, this..."

Mrs. Weasley stopped, turned her head and looked at Fleur in surprise, frowned slightly and said: "It is very dangerous to join the Order of the Phoenix, and you must first obtain Dumbledore's consent."

"I will." Bill nodded.

After a brief dinner with Fleur at home, Bill hurried to No. 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius's side had just finished dinner. Mrs. Weasley was helping to arrange the tableware. When Bill walked into the hall, Kingsley He was distributing documents to everyone: "Scrimgeour has agreed to the plan and plans to use this opportunity to ambush the Death Eaters. I think he is more eager than anyone else to reduce the power of the mysterious man."

"This is good news, isn't it?" Fred muttered, "It's more reliable than Fudge. Cooperating with the Ministry of Magic can greatly reduce the threat of Death Eaters. Although those guys from the Ministry of Magic may not be reliable, Sk Lin Jie seems to be aware of this problem.”

Of course, this is all thanks to Albert.

Until now, many members of the Order of the Phoenix are curious about how Albert persuaded Scrimgeour. This was a very difficult thing.

Who makes the relationship between Scrimgeour and Dumbledore so ordinary?

"The success rate of this plan is very high. Even if it fails, it will only take time to perform a show." Sirius agreed with this plan. He felt that those who tried to influence Albert would be in trouble again.

"Did he say anything?"

Moody put down the parchment and looked at Fred and George. He believed that it was definitely not Fred and George's idea. It was probably Albert's idea.

Well, it really fits that guy's style of doing things. He doesn't even need to take revenge himself, others will enthusiastically do it for him. In the whole process, he only has to pay a hair for it.

"No, Albert has been very busy, and he seems to be planning to compile another Defense Against the Dark Arts book recently." Fred seemed to have thought of something, and added: "We are also very busy, and the next Defense Against the Dark Arts training will not be Went to attend.”

"By the way, we have something good here that should come in handy."

George continued what Fred said. He smiled and took out a few ordinary bags from his pocket, and then pulled out a metal rod-shaped object from the bag in full view of everyone.

"The Traceless Stretching Spell?" Kingsley couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this scene: "You really like to abuse this spell."

This was not the first time. He could always see traces of the Seamless Stretching Curse on Fred and George. There were various signs that they were abusing this spell.

"What is this?" Sirius was more interested in the thing in George's hand.

"Communication pen, probably," George said uncertainly: "This thing is one of Albert's latest research results. Its purpose is similar to the magic coin, but it is more advanced than the magic coin and can be used to deliver messages in time."

Fred unfolded the metal rod, and there were long strips of metal on it, about five inches in length.

"This is an integrated version of the communication bookmark." George introduced to everyone: "You can use magic to change the text on the metal strip to achieve the effect of mutual communication. Although it is not as convenient as a double-sided mirror, this thing is easier to carry, and at the same time You can send a message to a lot of people.”

"The disadvantage is that once it is obtained by others, it is easily exposed. Of course, as long as you take care of things, others usually won't notice this little bag that has been cast with a traceless stretching spell, just like this." George motioned to Fred Show others the wonders of this little bag with the Invisible Stretch Charm on it.

Just use the sticking spell to pinch it on your clothes, put it in after using the communication pen, and you can easily pick it up with two fingers.

When Albert took out this thing, they were all surprised. They didn't expect that the communication bookmark could be used in this way. Although they had seen Albert make a communication bookmark into a book before, it was very troublesome to use.

Now this thing is undoubtedly a simplified version, the cost is cheaper, and it can easily send messages to each other.

"If you want to add other communication strips, you only need to dismantle it and add the matching communication strips inside." George indicated that everyone could pick it up and try it out.

"It is indeed very convenient!" Sirius guessed the manufacturing principle of this thing, but there are actually very few wizards who are as proficient in the transformation spell as Albert.

The difficulty of changing numbers on ordinary coins is much simpler than this thing.

Several communication pens were quickly divided up by Sirius and his group, which happened to come in handy in this operation.

"If you think there's anything wrong, you can tell us."

"Are you planning to sell this thing?" Kingsley asked with a frown.

"After this war is over, a low-end version should be sold." George did not hide this fact. He believed that this thing would be very popular.

At least couples would definitely like it. He remembered that Albert used to use this thing to chat with his girlfriend.

"I always feel that things have really changed a lot now." Moody fiddled with the communication bookmark in his hand and sighed softly: "There weren't so many auxiliary props before, and it wasn't so convenient."

Even if you use a double-sided mirror, you are not always able to find the person in the first time. This thing will heat up after receiving a message. You will notice it as long as you wear it on your body, and the message will still be retained, so you will definitely receive it.

If they had used these things in the last Wizarding War, maybe the situation would have been much better.

Albert brought many changes in their thinking, but the Death Eaters knew nothing about it. This was why the Death Eaters had been suffering after Voldemort's resurrection.

"Okay, it's almost time, the Snotlout Man should be here!" Sirius reminded him as he glanced at the clock.

The meaning is obvious, that is, this matter must be hidden from Snape.

Everyone's distrust of this Mr. Spy had been led astray by Sirius. In his words, there was no need to let Snape know.

Everyone hurriedly put away the parchment on the table, then brought cups and poured butterbeer for everyone, chatting casually about some light and trivial matters.

Bill also mentioned in passing that his fiancée Fleur planned to join the Order of the Phoenix, which was not opposed by others.

It was Mrs. Weasley who looked a little depressed.

During the last Wizarding War, her two brothers both joined the Order of the Phoenix and died doing so. However, now almost all of their family has joined the Order of the Phoenix.

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