Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1168 A battle of wits and courage

While several people were discussing in low voices, Lupine, who had been standing by the window using a telescope to observe the streets outside, suddenly reminded his companions in a sharp voice: "The target has appeared, but... I didn't see the person following it."

After saying that, Lupine handed the telescope to Arthur and quickly turned his head to look at the large looking glass on the table.

The black magic detector didn't respond.

In fact, Sirius also looked down at the detection pocket watch in his hand at almost the same time. There was also no reaction. Only the sneaky figure in the demon mirror by the wall seemed to have some reaction.

Sirius and Lupine exchanged a quick look.

Could it be that the Death Eaters weren't tracked at all, or was there no so-called stalker from the beginning to the end?

Are these just figments of their imagination?

"How likely is it that Kenneth is under the Imperius Curse?"

Sirius walked to the window, took the telescope from Arthur, and looked at Kenneth who was walking towards "Albert"'s residence with his suitcase.

"It's impossible. The Ministry of Magic has been watching him the whole time, and the person now is not the same person as the one who delivered goods to Zuko last time." Arthur looked at Kenneth's back and explained to the two of them: "In order to prevent accidents during the period, the current Kenneth is actually Kingsley in disguise. He has also taken Felixir, which is enough to deal with any accidents that may occur within half an hour."

"I think the Muggles over there are suspicious."

Sirius noticed Kingsley's actions, moved the telescope towards the middle-aged man who had just got out of the car, frowned slightly and said, "Do you think that guy is the stalker?"

"If Death Eaters disguise themselves as Muggles, they should be detected." Lupine turned his head and looked at the looking glass, and then looked at the Marauder's Map in his hand. There were no strange names on it, and there were various signs that That's just a normal Muggle.

What's more, they don't think that Death Eaters can evade detection by detectors by using compound potions to disguise themselves.

"There might be something wrong with the looking glass, too," Arthur said.

"I don't know, but I think it's impossible for other dark magic detectors to go wrong at the same time." Anyway, Sirius felt that the passerby was suspicious, so he murmured softly, "Kingsley's intuition should be quite sharp after taking the Felixir. What happened just now He must have felt like he was being watched, so he looked around subconsciously... Could the Muggles be controlled by the Imperius Curse?"

"By the way, how could I forget this thing?"

Sirius took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, opened the seal and poured it into his mouth, using the effect of the potion to quickly clarify his thoughts.

"If the Death Eaters have confirmed that Albert is hiding in this village, then what they have to do is to find Albert's specific location. When they know that people from the Ministry of Magic are watching Kenneth, they will definitely Try to avoid a direct conflict with us and find out where Albert is hiding first."

"Remus, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the Muggle, and Arthur is responsible for monitoring the surroundings. I will contact Kingsley to see what he found." Sirius quickly made a series of arrangements and entered the house. Kingsley delivers the message.

"Here we come, Kingsley also felt like he was being watched just now." Sirius said quickly.

"We are monitoring him."

"No, Kingsley suspected that Death Eaters were nearby, and he also felt that there might be something wrong with the Muggle." Sirius corrected.

"Should we let the Ministry of Magic catch the Muggle?" Arthur asked.

"No, I think we should let him go. Only then will the Death Eaters know the specific location of Albert." Sirius shook his head and said, "Maybe they will come tonight."

"If I were a Death Eater, I would definitely do something to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic, and then sneak up to attack Albert."

"The effect of the intelligence enhancer is even better than expected!"

Lupine also began to consider whether he would have to carry some potions with him in the future. Judging from Sirius's clear thinking, it was obviously the magical effect of the potions.

"The effect is really good, my thoughts become clearer immediately."

Sirius never really considered the efficacy of these potions before. Ever since Albert asked Harry to take potions and go to trial last year, everyone seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Just as Sirius guessed, the middle-aged Muggle who passed by "Albert's" house just now was indeed controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse.

However, even with the help of intelligence enhancers, Sirius still couldn't figure out the truth of the whole thing.

This matter was actually arranged by Albert a few days ago.

No matter how idiotic a Death Eater is, he will learn to learn lessons. It is impossible to attract Bella to bite the bait just by relying on Kenneth, the so-called "bait", but that does not mean that Albert has no other options.

From the last time Kenneth went to deliver goods to Zuko, Albert, with the cooperation of Zuko and Alecto Carlo, successfully convinced Bella that they had used veritaserum and got it from Kenneth. Where Albert might be hiding.

As for why it is possible?

That's because Alecto Carlo claimed to Bella that due to the magical contract, even if Kenneth was given Veritaserum, he still couldn't let him leak the news about Albert. Obviously, the other party had been prepared for it, but It doesn't mean that they can't find the specific location. She has left a tracking mark on Kenneth so that they can follow up on Kenneth's whereabouts.

As for why he didn't just use the Imperius Curse to control Kenneth, it was naturally to prevent the mudblood from seeing any flaws. Albert is undoubtedly a very sharp guy. Once he senses something is wrong, he will definitely disappear again. When the news stops, it will be difficult to find other clues.

In fact, the whole plan was quite successful. The only troublesome thing was that delivering goods to Zuko did not happen every day, and Kenneth stayed at home all the time, with people from the Ministry of Magic watching around him, which made Bella never found a suitable opportunity to recapture Kenneth for torture.

It doesn't matter whether Kenneth is tortured or not, what matters is the whereabouts of which mudblood, so they can only wait patiently for Kenneth to "pick up the goods" again before sending them to Zuko, and the place where they pick up the goods is their goal. .

However, according to the news from the Ministry of Magic, Kenneth's move was watched the whole time, and the Ministry of Magic seemed to intend to continue to use him as bait to lure them into taking the bait.

This news almost made Bella's nose crooked with anger, because the Ministry of Magic's actions directly treated them as fools.

"Do they still expect any idiot to be fooled by this?" Bella wanted to kill everyone who stood in his way.

"We need someone to help find the way. It's best not to attract the attention of the Auror of the Ministry of Magic." Alecto Carrow looked at the village not far away and suggested to Bella.

This is completely nonsense, because they have not found any other helpers at all. There are only Bella, Alecto Carrow and Narcissa Malfoy. They have locked the village where Albert may be hiding through tracking magic.

"Perhaps, we can use the Fire Spell to burn down the village and force the Mudblood out." Bella's eyes were filled with anger, and the successive setbacks made her lose her patience. She originally thought she could easily kill the Mudblood, but in the end I found that I couldn't find the other party's whereabouts at all.

Bella's promise to Voldemort had almost become a laughing stock, which made her particularly irritated. He didn't want to disappoint the Dark Lord.

So, that mudblood must die.

"That just scares people away."

Narcissa Malfoy felt that Bella must be crazy to think of such an unreliable method.

If possible, she didn't want to be an enemy of Albert at all, such a guy was too scary.

Narcissa Malfoy now just wants to live with her husband and son, but this has almost become the most luxurious wish.

"Narcissa, what do you think we should do?" Bella looked at her sister anxiously.

"Perhaps, we really should... find a cannon fodder." Narcissa Malfoy looked at the Muggle cars driving towards this direction. She thought of a wonderful idea and briefly described it to the other two people. They quickly got the idea. With the approval of others, the unfortunate Muggle gentleman was soon controlled by the Imperius Curse and asked to go to the village.

After the middle-aged Muggle left the village, Bella couldn't wait to use Legilimency to peek into his memory and find Albert's possible hiding place.

After Bella cast the Avada Kedavra to send the other party to see God, she excitedly announced her decision: "We plan to take action at three o'clock in the morning tonight, and we must kill that mudblood this time."

"Bella, do you feel that the whole process went too smoothly? Don't forget that the Mudblood can predict the future." Narcissa Malfoy was still a little worried, "Could this also be a trap?"

"There are so many traps." Bella said sharply, "Narcissa, when did you become so timid."

"If we don't track them, they will just wait. Moreover, I don't believe that he can predict everything, otherwise he would not have people deliver goods to that store. I don't know that the store owner named Joko has already Controlled by us."

"But, he can predict the future, and he may also predict our next actions." Narcissa argued that her husband Lucius was in trouble like this. Even if they still had backup plans, they still entered Ah Zikaban.

"Ahem, I think there is little chance of catching that Mudblood." Alecto Carlo said his guess, "I think the two who are hiding somewhere are probably those two from the Weasley family. "Little cub."

"Even if it wasn't that Mudblood, I would have pried the news out of their mouths." Bella said murderously, and she suddenly felt that Alecto's guess was probably right.

"I think you need more help." Narcissa didn't like reckless actions, but she still suggested, "That mudblood is quite cunning. We can't rule out that this is a trap."

"Narcissa is right, we are facing a cunning and dangerous guy, and we must be prepared for this to be a trap." Alecto nodded, "Don't forget the painful lessons of others."

However, Bella and the others did not know that they had been seen through.

Sirius and his group, who had just used intelligence enhancers, discussed the matter carefully. They all agreed that there was something wrong with the Muggle. The reason was very simple. When the middle-aged Muggle left the other side of the village, he actually left his car behind. In the village, this matter is suspicious no matter how you look at it. At least Arthur, who once owned a car, has a lot of say in this regard.

"Perhaps, we may have been busy in vain."

At the Ministry of Magic's operational meeting, Kingsley said to the Minister of Magic and the Director of the Auror Office, "But the worst-case scenario is just to stay up all night, and the loss to us will be small. What's more, we have found evidence now, and we have succeeded." The probability is very high.”

"Are you referring to the irrational behavior of that middle-aged Muggle?" Gadwin muttered. Kingsley made him feel threatened. There is no doubt that the other person is more suitable for the position of head of the Auror office than him.

"Very well, Kingsley is right. Even if we fail, we have nothing to lose." Scrimgeour interrupted.

"I suspect that the Death Eaters are likely to cause trouble for us in order to divert our focus." Kingsley did not pay attention to Gadwin's words and continued, "I suggest that we better take precautions in advance to prevent the situation from happening. "He was in a hurry."

"Gadwin, I need you to keep your most elite Aurors. Once Kingsley's prediction happens, you will probably need to lead some Aurors and the crisis response team to deal with it."

"I understand." Gadwin nodded.

"Very good, let the people involved in tonight's operation stay and listen to the lecture." Scrimgeour quickly arranged the matter. In fact, he never worried about the failure of the plan, since Albert planned to use the Ministry of Magic to target him. The group of dark wizards must have predicted the entire plan long ago.

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