Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1170 The Despicable Ministry of Magic

Back to a few minutes ago, after the Death Eaters led by Bella came to this remote village with a group of people, Kingsley, who was waiting for news in the Ministry of Magic, received a message from Tonks. information.

"The Death Eaters showed up, more than fifty in total."

Kingsley immediately reported the news to Scrimgeour. Although the group of dark wizards were causing trouble in England and trying to distract the Ministry of Magic, Kingsley had expected that the Death Eaters would act tonight, but after receiving the news, Kingsley was still relieved, which meant that Albert's prediction was still as accurate as ever, which was very important.

This news was undoubtedly good news for Scrimgeour, who had been waiting patiently all night. The Aurors who had been chatting in low voices picked up the vitality tonics prepared in advance and took them. After eliminating the fatigue of waiting all night, they started walking in an orderly manner. Go to the fireplace and use Floo powder to get to the temporary base in the village.

As for direct apparition, it can easily attract the attention of Death Eaters and be detrimental to their subsequent plans.

"Our number is smaller than that over there, but don't worry!" Scrimgeour listened to the sharp sounds over the village and said to the Aurors in the living room. "Next, we will follow the plan and fight with the Order of the Phoenix. Cooperate with us to launch a surprise attack on the Death Eaters, and I don’t want to cause any casualties when our side has the advantage.”

After speaking, he nodded towards Kingsley.

Kingsley took out a double-sided mirror from his pocket and contacted Sirius. Twenty of the most elite Aurors from the Ministry of Magic used the Disillusionment Curse on him, preparing to go out first to clear out the wizards in Knockturn Alley who were responsible for guarding the perimeter.

"These guys are all villains hired by the Death Eaters with Galleons. Many of them have become minions attached to the mysterious man, so there is no need to show mercy to them."

Half a minute later, Kingsley led a team of crisis response teams to use the cover of the Aurors to quietly leave the safe house. Scrimgeour led another team to follow closely, and they would cover the Aurors against the Death Eaters. Carry out the first round of sneak attacks to create an advantage for subsequent actions.

"No need to be polite to them."

Scrimgeour raised his wand and fired fireballs at the dark wizards near "Albert's House".

The members of the crisis response team also raised their wands and threw fireballs at the target as they had been trained to do. Maybe they did not have direct experience in fighting dark wizards, but it did not mean that they were useless. Projecting firepower and disrupting the enemy was undoubtedly a good idea. best choice.

Fireballs streaked across the sky, flying towards "Albert's house". Their goal was not to blow up the house, but to target the dark wizards who were on guard around the house.

Boom boom boom!

The successive explosions tore apart the quiet night and startled the wizards involved in the action.

However, this round of sneak attacks was very powerful, but the effect was surprisingly mediocre. Although the dark wizards who were bombarded indiscriminately fell into temporary chaos, they did not achieve any outstanding results.

The only function is probably to alert the enemy, attract the attention of the dark wizards, and create opportunities for the Aurors to launch surprise attacks.

The effect was pretty good. There were many people outside who were attracted by the explosion, but were soon attacked by Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix, and were knocked to the ground.

When everyone was about to continue their efforts, the roof of "Albert's House" was suddenly overturned by something. With the help of the surrounding street lights, they could vaguely see a black whirlwind of flames.

"What a bunch of lunatics!" Kingsley muttered, looking at the raging devil flames.

The devil's flame was very difficult to control. He didn't think that many of the Death Eaters could handle it. These guys actually dared to use such dangerous magic unscrupulously. They were really not afraid of burning everyone to death if they were not careful. ?

"A bunch of lunatics to begin with," Scrimgeour sneered.

Fortunately, the residents in the village were evacuated in advance. Otherwise, if the devil's flames spread, I wouldn't know how to deal with it!

"Concentrate your firepower and blow up that house first." Scrimgeour immediately changed his target.


Kingsley felt a little uncomfortable facing Scrimgeour's brutal order, but he did not refuse. There was no doubt that this was a good idea. As long as the Devil's Flame gets out of control, the group of Death Eaters around the house will be the first to suffer misfortune. By then, they may be able to save a lot of trouble, or at least significantly reduce casualties.

As for the devil's flame being out of control, Scrimgeour is not worried. The Ministry of Magic is already very experienced in how to extinguish the devil's flame, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix will definitely be able to completely extinguish it in a short time.

As for those unlucky ones who were accidentally burned to death by the out-of-control devil's flames, it has nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic.

Facts have proved that the probability of the spell hitting a house is much higher than hitting a person. The house that was bombarded by three waves of projections was directly blown into the sky, and the flames burned brightly. The surrounding Death Eaters were shooting magic with the Aurors. They were knocked to the ground directly by the aftermath of the big explosion, causing most of the resisters to lose their fighting capacity.

"Throwing away the wand and lying on the ground and surrendering can alleviate the crime." Scrimgeour pointed the wand at his throat and shouted at the villain in front.

Of course, he didn't expect the Death Eaters to surrender, but the villains in Knockturn Alley who were lured by money would definitely be shaken after hearing this. Regardless of whether they surrendered or not, it would be beneficial to the subsequent situation.

"Follow up, it's our turn, use your best spells to bring them down."

Kingsley entered with members of the crisis response team. As long as he participated a few more times, he would be considered an experienced warrior, even if he was not as good as an Auror.

"Damn it!"

Rodolphus, who was affected by the aftermath of the explosion, got up from the ground in embarrassment. He shook his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up.

After he recovered from the explosion, he saw the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic rushing out from all directions, as well as the villains who were knocked down by the magic spells flying around. Rodolphus's heart felt cold. He knew that he was again Was ambushed by the Ministry of Magic.

From start to finish, this is just a trap, a damn trap.

However, even if they are mentally prepared to be attacked and have a backup plan in advance, it is still meaningless.

No, it should be said that it is simply a joke.

"Damn Mudbloods, damn the Ministry of Magic!"

Rodolphus felt like he had become a joke, and anger filled his heart. He struggled to stand up and shouted to the remaining people: "Don't be afraid, they are just a bunch of trash who can't even use evil spells well."

He bravely led the counterattack and used black magic to easily defeat a wizard who tried to cast a curse on him, thus boosting his morale.

Rodolphus's actions succeeded in inspiring others to believe that the Ministry was vulnerable.

However, the Death Eaters dressed up as Rodolphus soon became the target of the Aurors. Facing the vicious Death Eaters, the Aurors would not show mercy at all.

As a result, Rodolphus, who had not been able to be rampant for too long, was hit by several magic spells, and his whole body was violently thrown away, and he fell to the ground with his life and death unknown.

The originally high momentum suddenly stagnated. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Rabastan Lestrange planned to take the opportunity to escape. However, his luck was not very good. Of course, it was also possible that he wanted to take his brother Rodolphus, whose life and death were unknown, with him. Lestrange left, but was knocked to the ground by a sudden spell, losing his only chance to escape.

Not only the Lestrange brothers, but also other Death Eaters dressed up received special attention.

However, the situation is still not optimistic.

Even though the Ministry of Magic had the upper hand and sneak attack advantage, the battle was still very tragic. The main reason was that the villains were struggling to resist.

It is probably because the Ministry of Magic imposes strict sentences on captured dark wizards. After all, in the past two months, people have been sentenced to death every day. As a result, even if voluntary surrender can reduce the crime, no one dares to surrender voluntarily. Dare to joke with your own life.

"You all deserve to die, you all deserve to die!"

Bella crawled out of the bombed house with severe burns all over her body. Her eyes were burning with anger and she roared at the Minister of Magic who had laid the trap.

Bella never expected that even though they were well prepared, they were still not as well prepared as the Aurors. This group of insidious guys tried to use traps to deal with them.

"Go to hell!"

When Bella struggled to stand up, she hit Avada Kedavra directly and took away a young member of the crisis response team who was trying to pick up the missing person.

"Garbage." Bella laughed maniacally, not looking at her husband who was lying ten feet away with unknown life or death. Instead, she waved her wand unsteadily, trying to kill more Aurors from the Ministry of Magic.

However, Bella could not be rampant for too long. Her actions soon angered the Auror, and several deadly black magic flew directly towards Bella, preparing to send the crazy woman to apologize to the young man who died just now.

Bella rolled to one side in embarrassment, but more spells followed. Just when she was about to be killed, a large ruins of the house blocked Bella's magic from the Aurors.

"My dear cousin, how come you didn't die in that explosion?" Sirius looked at the severely burned and almost disfigured woman in front of him and waved his wand in an attempt to knock her down.

"Just because you guys want to..."

The expression on Bella's face froze, and a spell hit her chest, knocking her away.

However, she was pulled back by another force, Alecto Carlo.

This fierce female Death Eater was luckier than most people who entered the room. When the Aurors completely blew up the house, she used a defensive shield to protect herself, which allowed her to appear here unharmed.

"We have to get out of here right away."

Alecto Carrow reached out to grab the struggling Bella, waving his wand to reactivate the devil's flame that had been suppressed by the Ministry of Magic, letting the black flame rush towards the crisis response team to delay, and with the help of the door key that had been prepared long ago, disappeared from the ruins.

"Damn, it's the portkey."

Scrimgeour's face looked ugly. Even though he had taken the lead through a sneak attack, he still managed to escape somewhat from those guys.

"Kingsley, send the injured people to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies first. Delis, give those guys a touch-up to make sure they faint completely, and arrange for a search to prevent them from escaping with the help of the portkey again, and also We need to first determine the number of Death Eaters we have defeated." Scrimgeour continued to make arrangements for the aftermath, "The others will follow me to extinguish the devil's flames."

Perhaps because the Ministry of Magic often executed dark wizards, the remaining villains resisted extremely fiercely, resulting in many wizards participating in the battle being injured.

However, Scrimgeour was relieved that the operation was not fruitless. They not only succeeded in killing three Death Eaters, but also arrested a large number of dark wizards.

No matter how you look at it, it can be regarded as a successful ambush and a great victory.

After all, the number of Death Eaters is not that large, only about forty or fifty at most. After two rounds of attrition, the number of Death Eaters has been reduced by a quarter.

"Also, notify the people from the Ministry of Magic to come and clean up the mess, and notify Percy to hold a press conference. We should share this good news with everyone." Scrimgeour was in a good mood, looking at the dying Lestrange brother, He raised his wand, and an ominous green light illuminated in the darkest hour before dawn.

Following past practice, Scrimgeour executed the vicious Death Eaters on the spot.

"What a cruel man." Sirius was really curious about what Albert said to Scrimgeour.

"These times call for tough people like Scrimgeour."

"It's a pity that that crazy woman Bella escaped." Sirius muttered, "Otherwise, their family could have walked away neatly."

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