Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1194 Threats and Intimidation

Watching Harry's leaving figure, Dumbledore retracted his gaze and looked sideways at the grandfather clock on the wall. He walked towards the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder from the box and sprinkled it into the burning fire. After the flames started to rise, he said, "Severus, I have something to tell you."

After a while, Snape emerged from the rising forest green flames.

"What's up?"

Snape had actually guessed what Dumbledore wanted to do with him.

"Miss Bell, you did a good job." Dumbledore took a deep look at Snape and said straight to the point: "But I don't want something like this to happen again. This time I was lucky, but we can't expect every I'm so lucky once, and I hope you can take control of the situation, provide help and guidance to Mr. Malfoy, and stop him from trying such dangerous things."

"I will. Draco will not give up easily before he has experienced failure. This time I will completely convince him to follow my actions." Snape was also quite helpless about this.

To be honest, he was relieved that Katie Bell wasn't dead, otherwise he didn't know what would have happened in the end.

If Katie Bell really died in an assassination plan, he didn't think Dumbledore would easily forgive Malfoy and a murderer.

He knew Dumbledore.

"Very well, I hope everything goes according to plan, you know this matter is very important to everyone." Dumbledore said softly, "There is one more thing, I must remind you, if a similar incident happens again , the Ministry of Magic will definitely intervene, and all suspicious students may need to be screened for truth serum. I think you are well aware of Scrimgeour's behavior."

"You'd think the Ministry of Magic would get involved." Snape was surprised.

"The Malfoy family has offended many people." Dumbledore reminded meaningfully.

"I know what to do." Snape grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace, and soon disappeared into the rising forest green flames.

"I hope there will be no accidents." Dumbledore murmured. He knew very well that after Harry began to doubt Malfoy, it was not difficult to verify something. Whether it was Albert's divination or the use of Veritaserum, it was impossible for Draco Malfoy to hide the crimes he had committed.

Especially since Lucius Malfoy tried to kill Albert at his wedding. Such hatred cannot be easily resolved.

Perhaps, after completing his revenge, Albert could not involve Lucius's family, but after the last bounty incident, Dumbledore would not be naive enough to think that Albert would give up. He believed that Albert would never give up. Would he mind destroying the Malfoy family and kicking them into hell?

Albert could do this. Forgiving was never easy.

Just look at the Strange family. Not long ago, the Strange brothers were tricked to death.

As for Bellatrix, the end is probably not much better.

Snape returned to the office with a heavy heart. From Dumbledore's words, he realized one thing.

If Draco keeps jumping around, it's very likely that even Dumbledore won't be able to protect him. …

Yes, Dumbledore graciously forgave those who wanted to kill him, but others would not. From the sentence "The Malfoy family has offended many people," he had already guessed who it might be.

Albert Anderson.

The Malfoys have offended the most ruthless people in recent years.

Thinking about the Strange brothers who were killed by Aurors, and thinking about Bellatrix's recent embarrassment, Snape could hardly imagine what would happen to Draco once he was targeted.

He knew he had to stop Draco from continuing to seek death.

Snape asked a Slytherin ghost to find Draco Malfoy and ask him to come to the office immediately.

Draco Malfoy, who had just received the ghost notice, suddenly fell down and headed to Snape's office with a gloomy face.

Seeing Dean Slytherin's office in front of him, Malfoy clenched his fists and knocked stiffly on the door.

"Come in and sit." After Malfoy entered the room, Snape motioned for him to sit in the armchair next to the desk.

"What do you want from me, Professor?" Malfoy asked knowingly.

"You failed and almost killed Katie Bell." Snape reminded expressionlessly: "You should be glad that Katie Bell didn't die, otherwise you will be in bad luck."

"I didn't do it. I didn't go to Hogsmeade at all. Professor McGonagall testified for me." Malfoy trembled his lips and defended softly.

He knew very well that he had to keep himself clear, and staying in Hogwarts, under the nose of a certain professor, was undoubtedly the best way.

"Don't think of others as fools." Snape looked at Malfoy coldly, "You really think that Dumbledore has no idea about this. He has already suspected you and asked me to spy on you."

"Isn't it great?" Malfoy showed a strange expression, "You can keep him in the dark all the time."

"Don't think people are that stupid," said Snape angrily. "If Katie Bell died because of that damn opal necklace, do you really think you'd still be standing here talking to me?"

"What do you mean?" Malfoy asked, the expression on his face gone.

"Dumbledore is already doubting you. Even if you can prove that you didn't do it, will it work? He has already determined that someone is controlling Rosmerta," Snape said expressionlessly, "He just needs a little Veritaserum , so that you can tell everything, and then you won’t even have the chance to enter Azkaban Prison, and you will be executed directly like other Death Eaters.”

"You can give him fake Veritaserum, or give me some antidote to Veritaserum." Malfoy said without thinking.

"Did Bellatrix infect you with her stupidity and arrogance?" Snape looked at Malfoy indifferently. He was thinking about how to solve this matter. "I can tell you directly. If it is true, On that day, I dare say that Dumbledore will definitely pay attention to your condition and easily judge whether the Veritaserum is real or fake, and I don't think you can take Veritaserum under the nose of Dumbledore or a bunch of Aurors. Antidote."

"It's time to stop your foolish plans," Snape warned.

"If I don't follow your plan, are you going to expose me?" Malfoy sneered. …

"No, even if I don't expose you, you will definitely be exposed. When Dumbledore doubts you, no matter what you do, it will be suspicious, and..." Snape paused for a moment and continued: "I think he I probably want to observe you and find out what the Dark Lord wants to do, so you can stand here and talk to me now!"

"You think it would be best for me to do nothing now?" Malfoy said coldly.

"Yes, it's better to take down Dumbledore once and for all, rather than foolishly reminding the other party that someone is trying to assassinate him." Snape warned coldly, "I promised your mother to protect you, and I also made an unbreakable If I break my oath, I will die, but the Dark Lord’s plan to kill Dumbledore will also fail. Do you think he will forgive your mother Narcissa after waiting so long?”

"No, he won't. He will only incline his anger to the entire Malfoy family." Snape said calmly and chillingly, "Of course, the Dark Lord will not let you go, so you are definitely dead. , As for your family, maybe the Malfoy family will disappear completely."

Malfoy felt cold all over because Snape's words obviously did not sound like lies, and he would never underestimate the possibility of the Dark Lord killing his whole family.

"What are you going to do?" Malfoy clenched his fists and asked with his lips trembling slightly, "Tell me your complete plan!"

Malfoy finally planned to listen to Snape's so-called plan. After all, Snape signed a contract with his mother, so he didn't have to worry about the other party cheating him.

Moreover, if they figure out that Rosmerta is controlled by the Imperius Curse, his subsequent poisoning plan may be ruined.

"Use the disappearing cabinet. There is a disappearing cabinet in Hogwarts school, which can be connected to another disappearing cabinet." Snape was very satisfied that his threat had successfully frightened Draco, at least he did not have to use extraordinary measures.

"The disappearing cabinet, what is that."

"It helps you connect to the outside of the school without any hindrance," Snape explained, "but it's broken, and I need you to fix it."

"Why not use Floo?"

"The school's Floo network has been closed again, and others cannot use it, unless the Ministry of Magic arranges a one-time Floo network connection, but this is obviously difficult to do." Snape shook his head, "So if you want to To make people appear quietly in school, using a disappearing cabinet is undoubtedly the best choice.”

"But I can't fix that thing, and what if it can't be fixed?" Malfoy was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I think they should choose other ways to invade Hogwarts."

"It may not be reliable to invade Hogwarts quietly through the secret passage. It is very likely that they will be discovered by other professors after they invade Hogwarts, and they may miss the best opportunity." Snape was not optimistic about this. Secret passage, that would take too long, and it would be easy to find something wrong.

Once it is not secretive enough, the plan basically fails.

"Can you fix the vanishing cabinet?" Malfoy suddenly asked, "If you can't fix it..."

"I don't know, but I think the probability of repair is very high." Snape interrupted.

"In that case, why don't you fix it?" Malfoy asked in confusion.

"If I fix it and do nothing, do you really think the Dark Lord will approve of you?" Snape sneered, "You need enough merit to save your family's lives. The reason is very simple. You are gambling." Kim Bock's Black Magic Shop saw a similar disappearing cabinet and successfully completed the mission with it."

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