Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1201 There is an ambush

Ever since she received the letter from Albert, Hermione had been in a bad mood. Even though she had decided to send her family out of the UK within a short period of time, she learned that her family might be in trouble. Still can't calm myself down completely.

There's no need to take that risk.

As for the plan to spend the Christmas vacation with her family, Hermione immediately canceled it. The fact that Albert could write to her meant that he was really in trouble.

As for the so-called implication in the letter, she was still confused, but Hermione believed that Albert would not and had no need to joke about such a thing.

Therefore, after receiving the letter, I made a decision without thinking for too long and sent a message back to Albert.

After Hermione met Albert in Professor McGonagall's office, she found that Albert had arranged it for her. The leave went smoothly. Professor McGonagall approved it without asking the reason for the leave.

"I thought you needed to think about it for a while."

Albert was very happy that Hermione could make a decision in a short time. Although this was what he expected, he still hoped to solve the problem as soon as possible. After all, Hermione's family was eventually implicated by him. Once something went wrong, the mission reward would not only be After all, his relationship with Hermione would probably have problems as well, and there was definitely no harm in maintaining a good relationship with doubts.

"What's going on?" Hermione finally couldn't help asking her doubts.

"You should know that the mysterious person captured Cassandra and asked her to perform a divination on me, and the content of the divination is likely to affect you and your family." Albert looked at the nervous Hermione and said calmly .

"Cassandra?" Hermione repeated. She also knew that Cassandra was captured by a mysterious man. The mysterious man asked her to divine Albert. Hermione was actually not surprised, but how could it happen to affect her? What about her family?

"Last time, you asked me to help you in the stands. This is cause and effect." He explained to Hermione rather helplessly.

It's really frustrating to encounter this kind of thing.

" do you know?" Hermione asked again.

"I suspect that she may have divined the time and place of my appearance, or predicted the date of my death." Albert said softly, "We found Cassandra's body and found that she left us a code on the body. After unlocking the code, one of the clues pointed to December 27, and you happened to mention that again. "

Now, Hermione finally understood!

Because she had just decided to send off her family after the Christmas holidays, it was no wonder that Albert had an association when he saw that time.

"So, I plan to advance the time in order to avoid this danger." Albert briefly explained the reason for the advance. "It is easy and difficult to avoid the predicted results, but it is not impossible."

"What are you going to do next?" Hermione wanted to hear Albert's advice.

"In short, you have to be vigilant and decide the entire process in advance." Albert was very happy that Hermione asked him directly for the solution. "It is best to directly modify their memory and let them immigrate and leave the UK immediately."

"I was going to do the same, but..." Hermione was worried that it wasn't that simple.

"This matter did affect you because of me. I will help you deal with it. After the war is over, I will accompany you to find them and remove their magic." Albert comforted: "Don't Worry, this war won't last long, so don't worry, what you are doing now is just to keep them safe."

"In fact, I sent my family away from the UK a long time ago, allowing them to successfully avoid a lot of trouble."

Hermione knew that Albert had probably misunderstood, but she was very satisfied with Albert's arrangement. After all, the other party had tried his best to help, so she asked: "How should we go back, Apparate or take the train?"

"Apparition, I've asked Dobby to help us set foot on the location. It will take us directly to the park near your home."

After Albert took Hermione out of Professor McGonagall's office, they came to an unused classroom, where Dobby the house elf was already waiting for them.

"Shall we go now, sir?" Dobby asked sharply.

"Yes, let's go now. I'll trouble you this time too."

"It has been an honor to serve Mr. Anderson," the house elf said excitedly.

Hermione looked at the house elf Dobby and asked, "Dobby, how have you been lately?"

"Very well, Mr. Anderson's friends all like Dobby."

Albert took out his wand from his robe pocket, tapped Hermione on the shoulder, used the Disembodiment Charm on her, and asked: "Is this your first time to use Apparition?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Hermione asked sideways, obviously not understanding why Albert asked this question.

"It may not be comfortable the first time, so hold on to my arm." Albert stretched out his left hand towards the house elf. When the two hands were held together, the two house elves disappeared. in the classroom.

When they reappeared, they were already in the park near Hermione's house. Several young children around were startled by the sudden crackling sound, but Albert had already pulled out his wand to erase their memories immediately. They didn't even have any time to react.

"Don't worry, they didn't see us, they just heard the sound of the apparition, and their memory has been erased, so there will be no problem." Albert looked at the leaving figures of several children and said casually, "This is the use of phantoms." Benefits of body mantra.”

Seeing that Hermione didn't answer, Albert looked sideways and found that Hermione hadn't recovered yet, so he asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's not good. I feel like I'm being squeezed out of a tube. This feeling is really terrible." Hermione's face was pale, and it seemed that it was not practical to adapt to Apparition. It was obvious that she could not overcome the pain caused by Apparition for the first time. It was such a bad feeling that it took her a few minutes to get over it.

"Apparition is like this. I used to do it too. It may be hard to get used to at first, but when you get used to it, you will find that Apparition is quite useful." Albert took out a salty candy and handed it to Hermione. Say, "Eat some of this, you might feel better."


Hermione also hopes that her future boyfriend can be as considerate as Albert.

"You need to adapt to it. If you need it, after this incident, I can take you to apparate a few times. I believe that with your talent, you will be able to adapt to it soon. The same was true for Fred, George and Li Jordan at the beginning. "

"Thank you, I'll bother you then." Hermione did not refuse, she knew very well that mastering Apparition was important.

However, she knows better what to do now,

"Let's go." Hermione turned her head and asked, "Do you know where my home is!"

"I don't know, I'm afraid I need your guidance." Albert made a gesture of invitation.

"Come with me!"

Hermione smiled and led the way. Along the way, the two of them were walking and chatting. Hermione seemed to remember something and suddenly asked, "Cedric was also sent directly to Hogwarts by Dobby?"

"Yes, this is faster, safer and more concealed." Albert nodded and admitted, "However, remember to keep this matter secret and don't let others know."

Hermione nodded and heard Albert continue to reveal the news she was curious about.

"Although Apparition is prohibited at Hogwarts, the magic of house elves is different from the magic system of wizards, so it is not affected." Albert said softly, "This is actually a small loophole, but many people I didn’t expect this. If they were informed, many people would probably take advantage of this loophole.”

"There shouldn't be many families with house elves, right?" Hermione asked doubtfully.

"It's not much, but it's not much. Sometimes, what you see is just the surface." Albert reminded, "The magic world has more bloodlines than you believe. If they were in the past, they would be equivalent to Muggles. There are many nobles and wealthy pure-blood wizards in the world, so they value bloodline more than you might expect, especially those in power centers like the Ministry of Magic. It is basically difficult for people who are not pure-blooded to get into high positions."

"What about you?" Hermione frowned deeply and asked, "I heard that you became a member of the Wizengamot."

"That's because my connections are wide enough, my fists are hard enough, and my strength is strong enough. I beat down all those who got in the way, and trampled under my feet their so-called fallacy that pure blood is the best." Albert calmly said He said shocking words: "So, there is a reason why those pure bloods are so hostile to me, and why the mysterious man wants to kill me so much. However, you don't need to be too pessimistic, your luck is actually not bad."

"Good luck."

Hermione was a little stunned. She really couldn't understand why she was lucky to catch up with such a bad thing as the Wizarding War.

"As long as we can win this wizarding war, the arrogance of pure blood will be severely damaged, and the situation of pure blood controlling the power of the Ministry of Magic will be greatly alleviated." Albert looked at Hermione's stunned expression and calmly said Explained: "Don't you think this is because of the mysterious man? This war is actually a conflict between pure blood and Muggle wizards, but the mysterious man is too eye-catching and covers up everything. Of course, you can also think that this is a war started by a mysterious person, but you can't just look at one side of many things, you need to have a deeper understanding of its essence, otherwise you will have trouble even if you enter the Ministry of Magic in the future. "

This is why Kingsley has been working hard to repeal the laws supporting pure blood since he became minister, and strive to eliminate blood discrimination on both sides.

Hermione opened her mouth slightly, not expecting to hear the shocking news from Albert. She actually didn't think that Albert would lie to her, but there were some things that she still couldn't understand, and she couldn't think deeply about the reasons.

"Don't think about it now, you'll find out later."

When the two of them arrived near Hermione's house, Albert suddenly stopped and reached into his pocket to take out his detection pocket watch. The thing actually responded.

Hermione was also staring at her detection pocket watch, holding her wand tightly in one hand, looking very nervous.

There is no doubt that the presence of a dark wizard here is never a good omen.

This almost means that Albert's worries are right. The mysterious person is probably targeting Hermione's family, intending to use them as bait, waiting for his big fish to take the bait.

"Your family should be fine. If the mysterious man wants to use them as a trap, he at least needs to make sure they are alive." Albert glanced across the street and quickly searched for the whereabouts of the wizard responsible for monitoring this neighborhood through the detection pocket watch.

"You wait here now, I will deal with the enemy."

After saying that, Albert signaled to Hermione and then moved forward alone.

After a while, Albert quietly passed through the wall and knocked down the dark wizard who was hiding under the Disillusionment Curse and responsible for monitoring Hermione's home from behind.

After making sure that the surrounding area was safe, Albert asked the Patronus to notify Hermione.


Hermione was a little surprised at Albert's efficiency.

After confirming that it was safe, she immediately went home, but was shocked to find that no one was at home.

This made Hermione's blood run cold, and countless bad possibilities emerged in her mind. If her family was taken away by the mysterious person, it would be almost impossible to rescue them.

"Don't worry, maybe your family just went to work." Albert gently patted Hermione on the shoulder and comforted, "After all, it is working time now, you can't expect them to stay at home and not work, right?"

"Oh, you're right." Hermione was indeed a little panicked, but she still felt that Albert's words made sense and planned to go find her family.

"Don't worry, let me look through the memory of the guy just now." Albert pointed to a nearby house and said, "It will be helpful for our next actions to understand the specific situation first."

After returning to the house across the street, Albert used Legilimency on the dark wizard who was brought down by him.

"They're fine." Albert retracted his wand and said, "This guy is responsible for surveillance and doesn't know much."

"Legilimency is really a terrible magic." Hermione muttered, "Can you also see directly through me?"

Last time, when Harry was practicing Occlumency, Hermione had read similar books and understood what kind of magic Legilimency was.

"No, I can only judge whether you are lying." Albert shook his head and said, "Of course, if I look directly into your eyes, I can also see through part of your mind, but there are actually very few wizards who can do this. "

Hermione quickly looked away.

"It's actually not that difficult. It requires some talent and some help!" Albert directly stated the problem in Hermione's mind. "Of course, it also has something to do with mastering the person's personality."

"Can you teach me? I mean Occlumency, if you have time." Hermione asked tentatively.

"That is by no means a pleasant process. I think Potter should have mentioned this to you." Albert glanced at Hermione and said, "Someone is looking through your memory, and then you try to resist, and you are slow in the process. It’s slow to master Occlumency, but it also means that many of your secrets will be known to others, which is definitely not a pleasant thing.”

"Okay, we should go, I already know where your family is."

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