Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1205 News about Slughorn

After Dumbledore finished tonight's class, Harry couldn't help but ask, "Sir, do you want me to find Voldemort's Horcruxes?"

"If necessary, I will take you to find Voldemort's Horcrux, but not now Harry." Dumbledore reached out and gently pushed, closing the cabinet where the pensieve was placed. "I hope you can learn from these memories." Only by understanding Voldemort better can we find ways to deal with him."

"Honestly, I don't know what Voldemort's weakness is, if it's ugly?" Harry noticed Dumbledore's slightly raised eyebrows and quickly added, "I was just joking, sir."

"What do you think is Voldemort's weakness?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"Voldemort is very afraid of death and very arrogant. Oh, by the way, he also likes to collect things and seems to be very stubborn. He always wants to kill me with his own hands. If he let the Death Eaters do it, I might have died early? "

"Harry, you actually know Voldemort very well." Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction.

"But I don't think it's useful to know this." Harry was a little depressed and changed the subject, "By the way, sir, how many Horcruxes have you found?"

"Several, but I'm afraid I have to put this matter aside first. We now need to get part of Professor Slughorn's memory to determine the number of Horcruxes." Dumbledore raised his head and looked at Harry, seriously. Said: "You have to work harder Harry, I believe you can succeed."

"I've been trying to use Felixir to try my luck with Professor Slughorn, but it hasn't been very successful." Harry felt a little depressed when he talked about this. He didn't even succeed in taking Felixir. , made Harry realize how difficult this matter was.

"Elixir is indeed a rare good thing for most people, but you need to know how to use it. As far as I know, Mr. Anderson is very good at using Elixir." Dumbledore winked at Harry Blinking, he said, "Perhaps, you can take the time to talk to him about your experience in using Felixir. I remember Miss Granger has a way to contact him."

"Albert also knows about the Horcruxes, why don't you ask him for help?" Harry asked again his doubts.

"Mr. Anderson has always been helpful. I found a Horcrux with his help a while ago." Dumbledore said gently.

"Actually, I think we can completely rely on Mr. Anderson's divination, and maybe we can quickly find the whereabouts of all the Horcruxes." Harry always felt that Dumbledore and Albert could easily crush Voldemort if they joined forces.

"Divination is not omnipotent, Harry." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "In fact, most of the divination in the Prophecy Hall did not come true."

"But Albert's predictions all came true."

"Harry, you take the prophecy too seriously." Dumbledore sighed softly and asked, "Do you want to defeat Voldemort just because you are the so-called savior?"


"If Voldemort didn't kill your father and force your mother to die for you, would you want to kill him and avenge your family?" Dumbledore looked at Harry and asked, "Obviously not, right? Bar."

"So, I must try to kill Voldemort, entirely for myself, not because of that damn prophecy." Harry murmured.

"Must? No, Harry, you have the right to choose your own path and the right to ignore that prophecy!"

"But Voldemort will continue to hunt me..."

"Of course, you can also choose to hide..."

"I won't hide." Harry shook his head.

"Voldemort's biggest mistake was to create his own most terrifying enemy." Dumbledore looked at Harry and said, "He chose you and made you his mortal enemy. If he didn't believe the prophecy, Professor Trelawney's The prophecy obviously will not come true."

"Maybe, I should give up the title of savior to Albert." Harry laughed at himself, "To be honest, I have always felt that he is more of a savior than me."

"I don't think Mr. Anderson wants such a title. He is actually a person who hates trouble." Dumbledore reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Remember Harry, you never fight alone. There are a lot of people behind you supporting you.”

After returning to the common room, Harry did not see Hermione, but only saw Ron entangled with Lavender in the corner.

After Harry greeted his roommates, he asked directly, "Neville, have you seen Hermione?"

"Hermione seems to have gone to discuss the Wizarding Card Competition with Luna." Neville seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Harry, I heard Hermione say that the DA party will not be held until after the Christmas vacation. Is it true? ?”

"It's true. Sorry Neville, I've been too busy recently." Harry said helplessly, "I really can't spare much time. The Quidditch team also needs to train to stay in shape."

"It's okay Harry, I just wanted to ask Cedric if I could join the Defense Society."

"You want to join the Defense Association?" Harry was a little surprised. "I remember that you have the same birthday as me, so you are probably not yet an adult, and you have to stay in school next year?"

"Yes, but the Wizarding War will definitely not end so soon. I still hope to be able to help." Neville whispered, "Although I also know that I am useless."

"I don't think they will refuse you." Harry comforted.

While talking, Harry saw Hermione returning to the common room with Ginny. He quickly ended his conversation with Neville and walked quickly towards them.

"Hello Harry." Ginny greeted Harry with a smile and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Hermione, I want to talk to you." Harry said directly.

"Oh fine."

Hermione looked at Harry doubtfully, and under Ginny's curious gaze, she and Harry left the noisy common room.

"What is it, Harry?"

Hermione asked after entering an empty classroom with Harry and casting a spell.

"I need information about Professor Slughorn. As you know, Dumbledore gave me a special task. I don't think I can succeed using ordinary methods." Harry lowered his voice and said, "I may need something special." The method is to cooperate with the Fuling Elixir to complete that task. You know, that task is very important. I don’t think it should be delayed for too long, but recently..."

"Who is where?"

"What!" Hermione looked stunned.

"Come out and show yourself quickly."

Harry suddenly raised his wand, pointed it outside the classroom, and used a spell to force the other party to appear.

"Sorry Harry, I..."

"You shouldn't have come here." Harry stared at Ginny with some dissatisfaction, "How much did you hear?"

"Not much, you discovered me just after I arrived." Ginny looked at Hermione with a complicated expression, "If you want news about Professor Slughorn, I can also help you."

"Okay Harry," Hermione said, "You didn't say much anyway."

"Albert is right, I was really too imprudent." Harry looked at Ginny, sighed helplessly and reminded, "Stop doing that Ginny, knowing too much will not do you any good, not only It will kill yourself and the people around you.”

"Really?" Ginny's eyes widened, obviously not believing it.

"Really, after hearing these secrets, I'm afraid you will have to stay at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters until the war is over before you can leave anywhere." Harry looked at Ginny and said seriously, "I really don't want to involve you, Voldemort will not easily Let those who know the secret go, and he will silence them all.”

"Sorry Harry." Ginny apologized quickly.

"Okay Harry, don't scare Ginny." Hermione tried to lighten the atmosphere and changed the subject. "If you want to get information from Professor Slughorn, I suggest you let him relax his guard first."

"If you want to get information from Professor Slughorn, I suggest you get him drunk. Maybe this will have a higher chance of success." Ginny suggested.

"Get drunk?"

Harry pondered the feasibility of this plan.

"It is indeed easier to get information when you are drunk, and you have the elixir, but the problem is that it is not easy. Professor Slughorn must be on guard." Hermione also began to help Harry think about whether the plan was feasible.

"Professor Slughorn is planning to hold a Yule Ball soon."

"No, that information is very important and cannot be known to others." Harry immediately shook his head and rejected, "Absolutely not to let others know. This is very important."

But he took out his notes and quickly jotted down the ideas Ginny provided.

"However, getting drunk may be possible, but..." Harry turned his head and asked Hermione: "Do you know of any potion that can make people drunk? And I need to communicate with Professor Slughorn alone and make him willing Taking the initiative to disclose information, but it is not easy, because of the previous relationship, Professor Slughorn became a little defensive about me. "

"Maybe you need another topic to break into," Ginny suggested.

"Potion, I'm afraid this is not suitable and will easily arouse Professor Slughorn's guard." Harry shook his head and rejected, "We must talk about something related to me that will not easily arouse Professor Slughorn's vigilance. By the way, Find some other topic that will make Professor Slughorn let down her guard and drink a lot of wine without warning, without making her realize that we want to get him drunk."

There is no doubt that this matter is very difficult.

"Do you have any intelligence enhancers there?" Harry turned to look at Hermione.

"I have it here!"

Ginny took out a bottle of potion from her robe pocket and handed it to Harry: "Fred and George secretly gave it to me last time, saying that using it to review exam content can greatly improve efficiency."


Harry poured himself one, swallowed it, and began to think frantically. He felt that he would soon come up with a solution.

Vaguely, Harry felt as if he had touched something, but he still couldn't imagine it. Finally, Harry gritted his teeth, took out the precious Felixir from the deformed lizard skin bag that Hagrid had given him, and took a small pill for himself.

For a moment, Harry felt that his thoughts became extremely clear, and he even thought of a way to deal with Professor Slughorn.

"My mother has a pretty good relationship with Professor Slughorn." After Harry quickly wrote this down, he turned to look at Hermione and Ginny and asked, "Did you know that Professor Slughorn likes What kind of wine, when is his birthday, what kind of food does he usually like? Then I can often go over and ask him about my mother, and ask for some photos by the way. After all, he has always wanted to collect me, and he will definitely not refuse to show kindness. "

"I remember Professor Slughorn mentioned it when he was showing off to us the birthday gift that Albert gave him." Ginny also threw an intelligence enhancer into her mouth, "A very delicate fire dragon badge, like yes……"

The two said in unison: "April 28th."

"Thank you Hermione, and Ginny." Harry stuffed the notebook into his pocket, quickly gave Hermione and Ginny a big hug, and walked quickly outside.

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione asked confused.

"I think we should go find Professor Slughorn while we still have some time to pave the way for the future."

"Is Harry really okay?" Ginny looked at Harry's leaving figure with slightly red cheeks and asked Hermione in a low voice.

"It should be fine." Hermione glanced at Ginny and said, "However, there are some things you'd better not say outside."

"I'm not one of those idiots like Romilda Vanney." Ginny muttered, "By the way Hermione, have you ever used Felixir?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"The effect of the elixir seems to be very good." Ginny was eager to get a small portion of the elixir.

She felt that if she could really obtain the Elixir of Fortune, her relationship with Harry might be able to fulfill her wish.

"This is what Albert gave me last time." Hermione seemed to see through Ginny's thoughts. She took out a pill bottle from her pocket and gave it to Ginny. "Perhaps, you can find an opportunity to try Lavender." method."

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